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Surrogati. Un amore ideale

LensCulture Exposure Awards 2018. © Terje Abusdal, IG: terjeabusdal © Katsumi Omori © Martin Bogren © Namsa Leuba Call For Entries London Exhibition | Industry Recognition | Free Submission Review | International Festival Exposure join us in celebrating 10 years of exposure!

LensCulture Exposure Awards 2018

This Is What Happens When You Repost an Instagram Photo 90 Times. Images via This photo has been reposted to Instagram over 20 times, but it's only a quarter of the way through photographer Peter Ashton's destructive new experiment, I Am Sitting In Stagram.

This Is What Happens When You Repost an Instagram Photo 90 Times

Ashton documented a portrait of composer Alvin Lucier as it decayed over the course of a 90-round Instagram reposting spree. 15 Photos of Lightning Striking Iconic Buildings Around the World. Many of the most recognizable buildings around the world also happen to be some of the tallest… which makes them prime targets when Mother Nature decides to get electric.

15 Photos of Lightning Striking Iconic Buildings Around the World

This makes for spectacular lightning shows where bolt after bolt strikes these tall buildings—be it the record-setting Burj Khalifa, the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, the CN Tower in Toronto, or the One World Trade Center in New York City. Fortunately for those of us who prefer to hide indoors when these storms are raging, brave 500px photographers from across the world have captured these beautifully terrifying lightning strikes in action. Here are 15 of our favorites: Best of #Photoessay. Ten photographers tell ten stories in as many places around the world, different and far between: discover what we chose for the Best of #Photoessay. – In Brasilia Superquadra Francesco Marini looks at the Brasilia’s residential areas where the space is methodically proportionate to the human figure.

Best of #Photoessay

In this space the local population has grown accustomed to an ideal lifestyle in relationship with wide public spaces and nature. Annarita Curcio. Per una breve storia della fotografia contemporanea cinese. Sembrano appartenere a un passato ormai remoto le immagini del documentario, Chung Kuo, che il regista Michelangelo Antonioni realizzò in Cina nei primi anni '70, invitato dal Primo Ministro Zhou Enlai, favorevole alla rottura dell'isolamento internazionale e all'avvicinamento agli USA, nonché esperto di propaganda.

Annarita Curcio. Per una breve storia della fotografia contemporanea cinese

Scegliere Antonioni per divulgare al mondo gli esiti della straordinaria rivoluzione della “prospera Cina socialista” parve essere del tutto naturale, in quanto regista di fama mondiale, iscritto, inoltre, al Partito Comunista Italiano. Rong Rong, Autoritratto, Villagio orientale, 1994. Midnight Modern Series Part II.

Le photographe australien Tom Blachford, dont nous avons déjà parlé, revient avec de nouvelles photos pour sa série Midnight Modern.

Midnight Modern Series Part II

Il continue à immortaliser des maisons de Palm Springs, datant du milieu du 20ème siècle, en longue exposition. Il les capture de nuit, avec une lumière dramatique. VVVVID. Thomas Vanden Driessche - How to Be...A Photographer in Four Lessons. Perhaps you've always wondered how James Nachtwey gets away with being a clean-shaven war photographer.

Thomas Vanden Driessche - How to Be...A Photographer in Four Lessons

Maybe you're stumped as to how Martin Parr can be seriously successful while taking so many funny pictures. Perchance you really can't figure out how to survive as a professional photojournalist in the internet age. For all the questions you never thought to ask about the world of photography, these bite-sized, charmingly put-together lessons will do the trick. It's OK if you're not a card-carrying Dusseldorf School Photographer.

Conceptual photographer credentials are not necessary either. The perfect holiday gift—or, pick-me-up for that struggling artist in your life. Between girls, 4 donne e un documentario lungo 30 anni. The World Most Expensive Photography. « Rhein II » d’Andreas Gursky a longtemps été la photographie la plus chère du monde évaluée à 4,3 millions de dollars.

The World Most Expensive Photography

Mais qu’en est-il en 2015 ? Le site Creativelive vient de répertorier les 10 photographies les plus onéreuses. Un nouveau classement à découvrir sans plus tarder. 10 fotografie per 10 misteri irrisolti. Da quando fu inventata la fotografia (o poco dopo) le immagini misteriose hanno cominciato a riempire le colonne dei giornali. Questa galleria ripercorre alcune immagini storiche legate a misteri irrisolti o ai quali in molti ancora non credono, continuando a generare letteratura cospirazionista a decenni dalla loro realizzazione. Leggi anche: I 6 misteri irrisolti del passato più terrificanti 10. Lady Babushka: la donna non identificata dell’omicidio Kennedy La morte di John F. Ordinary People into Super Athletes Photography. Photographe basé à Montréal, Benjamin Von Wong a récemment réalisé une série de clichés visant à transformer des gens ordinaires en véritable super-athlètes.

Ordinary People into Super Athletes Photography

Pour ce faire, l’artiste a utilisé de l’éclairage digne des lumières utilisées dans les films hollywoodiens. Le résultat est impressionnant et on rêverait presque, nous aussi, à devenir des super athlètes. Inspiring Photography by Patrick Warner. De nuit comme de jour, le photographe Patrick Warner capture tout ce qui l’inspire dans la ville et la nature. Des enseignes colorées et lumineuses, des forêts brumeuses, des femmes ou des voitures de collection, les lumières sont aussi un élément très caractéristique de ses photographies, créant une atmosphère particulière et saisissante.

À découvrir dans la suite. Featureshoot on Instagram. Air Canada – Your World Awaits. Produit par Solab, le réalisateur français Romain Chassaing a imaginé un spot pour la compagnie aérienne Air Canada – « Your world awaits ». Sur une belle musique de Youth Lagoon – « Cannons », nous voyons des portraits d’hommes et de femmes capturés en double exposition sur de très beaux endroits aux quatre coins du monde.

Alexey Titarenko - Alexey Titarenko. I had the good fortune to meet Russian photographer Alexey Titarenko in April 2004 when he was visiting New York City from his home in St. Petersburg. He was there for the opening of a remarkable show of his work dating from the early 1990s (just after the fall of the Soviet Union) to the present. His long-exposure photographs, often made of moving masses of people, are imbued with a down-trodden moodiness reminiscent of the stories of Dostoyevsky. Contrasto - Progetti per la fotografia.

25 Practical Tips from Elliott Erwitt for Street Photographers. I recently attended Elliot Erwitt’s “100+1″ exhibition at Fotografiska, which will be in Stockholm from December 6, 2013 to March 2, 2014. We were given a brochure with great practical advice for street photographers– which I have shared here. This text for the article is extracted from the foreword dedication written by Elliott Erwitt for the book “Personal Exposures.” Alafoto.

Street photography

Ricerche e sperimentazioni. Idee. Reportage. Paesaggi. Still life. Cibo. Ritratti. Nudo. Tableaux vivants. Moda. Progetti fotografici. Forme, geometrie, pattern. Colore. Bianco e nero. Mise en scene. Animali. Varie. Mostre. Rassegne, concorsi, ... Typologies.