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Portraits of Renowned Artists by Gisele Freund. Gisèle Freund est une photographe et sociologue allemande reconnue dans le monde entier pour son talent et ses portraits d’artistes connus.

Portraits of Renowned Artists by Gisele Freund

Voici une sélection de quelques-uns de ses clichés, avec le nom de l’artiste en description. Des peintres, des écrivains, des sculpteurs et des architectes connus dans le monde entier pour leur génie, capturés par l’objectif de la photographe, qui laisse ainsi une trace indélébile dans l’Histoire et la mémoire. 16 ritratti famosi del XX secolo ricreati con John Malkovich. Durante i servizi fotografici, Miller si è divertito a sostituire John Malkovich con gli originari personaggi celebri delle foto.

16 ritratti famosi del XX secolo ricreati con John Malkovich

Il risultato? Photographer Perfectly Portrays What Heartbreak Looks Like Through Portrait Series. For Another November, photographer Laura Stevens constructs a series of images that delve into the complex emotions one experiences at the end of a significant relationship.

Photographer Perfectly Portrays What Heartbreak Looks Like Through Portrait Series

The title stems from the month she separated from her partner, and points to the passing of time and the gradual change of emotion experienced after a loss. Approaching both friends and strangers, Stevens stages a haunting narrative that is both deeply personal, yet highly relatable. From the stack of boxes that sit in a home that was once shared, to the moments caught staring longingly in a search for answers, to the solitude of a lonely dinner – these women play out Stevens’ vulnerable and emotional struggle in the most poignant and honest way.

The women were photographed in isolation, surrounded by textures, color and empty spaces in a room of their own homes in Paris. Prima e dopo il ring. Striking Portraits of the Nomads of the Portuguese Alentejo Shot in the Style of Old Master Paintings. Elena y Aquiles I, 2013 Ortigao, 2014 Anibal I, 2014 For The Dream Goes Over Time, Madrid-based photographer Pierre Gonnord honors the lives of the last remaining gypsy people in the Portuguese Alentejo through a collection of intimate portraits shot in the style of Old Master paintings.

Striking Portraits of the Nomads of the Portuguese Alentejo Shot in the Style of Old Master Paintings

Throughout his career, Gonnord has followed in the footsteps of those who choose to live in the periphery or entirely on the outside of mainstream society. This particular group of gypsies, he explains, were originally from Northern India and settled across Europe beginning in the 1200s C.E. These gypsy families live according to the landscape of the Alentejo, and the terrain has transformed only in very small increments—if at all— since ancient times.

Portraits of New York City Educators After School. Emma Fryer: Middle School Special Education Teacher at P.S. 363 in the Bronx.

Portraits of New York City Educators After School

What was the highlight of your day? “There was a really good flow today in one of the struggling classes. It’s really nice when everyone is working at their fullest capacity. Strange Portraits by Paweł Bajew. Paweł Bajew est un photographe et illustrateur polonais basé à Pulawy.

Strange Portraits by Paweł Bajew

Parmi ses nombreux projets, l’artiste a réalisé une série de portraits étranges mettant en scène différents personnages à la fois drôles et dérangeants. Une collection intrigante à découvrir dans la suite de l’article. Photographer Perfectly Portrays What Heartbreak Looks Like Through Portrait Series. Portrait Awards 2015. INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL PROJECTIONS • INDUSTRY INSIDER EXPOSURE • $22,000 in Awards 8 days, 20:29:03 hours remaining Seeking the New Photographic Portrait The LensCulture Portrait Awards is the 2nd annual call for international portrait photography.

Portrait Awards 2015

The importance of portraiture is present in cultures across the world, illustrating the power and endurance of human connection. With over 145 countries represented on LensCulture, in over 15 languages, we’re seeking new global perspectives on the modern day portrait. Lawrence Sumulong - Contemporaries: Reflections on Portraiture. Fascinating Portraits of Texan Women with their Handguns. Alyssa Carrie Donna Houston-based photographer Shelley Calton has known how to shoot a gun since she ten or eleven years old, when she would join her father and sisters for target practice.

Fascinating Portraits of Texan Women with their Handguns

She was raised around firearms, and in addition to his hunting shotguns, her father kept handguns for self-defense. For Concealed, Calton documents the many Texan women who own guns, not for sport but for protection. Calton met her subjects through a network of friends, beginning with someone she knew and moving through expanding circles of female gun owners.

Editors - 11 Favorite Portrait Series from 2014. Here are eleven remarkable portrait series, plus a video interview about a famous 40-year-long group portrait project.

Editors - 11 Favorite Portrait Series from 2014

There is a full mix here, from metaphoric photographic portraits, fictional portraits, selfies, as well as intentionally staged self portraits — these are some of the series that were most popular with the readers of LensCulture in 2014. Enjoy! Black and White Portraits of Celebrities. Close-Up Portraits Reveal What the Human Body Looks Like 100+ Years of Age. When a 101-year-old woman offered to sit for photographer Anatasia Pottinger, she had one request: she would do anything so long as she could not be identified from the images.

Close-Up Portraits Reveal What the Human Body Looks Like 100+ Years of Age

After the artist’s intimate sessions with this subject, she was moved to continue to explore the beauty of the aging body through portraits of models over the age of 100 for her ongoing project Centenarians. Pottinger’s sculptural black-and-whites feel as timeless as the flesh she documents. Her textured renderings of pores, marks, and wrinkles veer into a realm of abstraction.

At times, the artist finds exquisite patterns forged with age, and the body reads like a document or a tapestry, flawlessly preserving the passing decades with sun spots and curved spines. Avoiding direct signifiers of her subjects’ identities, Pottinger invites us to insert ourselves into the images, to consider our own fading youth and to find the beauty in the transformations of our bodies and our human impermanence. Jody Ake - Portraits. Jody Ake creates portraits, nudes, still lifes and landscape images using the wet collodion process, an historic photographic technique which involves using a large format camera, glass plates, and hand-mixing all of the necessary chemicals for each and every exposure. Invented in 1851, the method entails coating a glass plate with collodion, sensitizing the plate with silver nitrate and exposing the plate while it is still wet. The end result are ambrotypes, appearing on glass in the form of a negative until backed by black velvet, thus rendering the positive.

Ake says this about this series: “I believe the portrait discloses more about the subject than what is found on the surface. The subject, either willingly or subconsciously, shows us more then they intends. Dieci ritratti che hanno fatto la storia. Sandro Becchetti è nato a Roma nel 1935. Mapping Portraits. La série « Projections » est le fruit d’une belle collaboration entre le photographe anglais Mads Perch et la directrice artistique Gemma Fletcher : des portraits d’un homme et d’une femme avec des mappings projetés sur leurs visages.

I ritratti elettrici di Hid Saib. Il portale di RAI Cultura dedicato all'arte e al design. Dreamlike Self Portraits. Gagnante des Sony World Photography Awards 2014, la photographe hollandaise Kylli Sparre réalise de très beaux autoportraits oniriques et féériques où elle se met en scène dans des positions gracieuses au milieu de la nature. Hyperrealistic Dark Portraits. Voici une série de tableaux dont la technique de réalisation est remarquable : comme s’ils étaient éclairés à la bougie, les modèles sont enfouis dans l’obscurité, ne laissant parfois apparaître qu’une partie de leur visage. Un travail hyperréaliste qui laisse presque penser que les modèles ont été photographiés en studio. The Portraitist Finalists of 2014 EyeEm Awards. Dans le cadre de The 2014 EyeEm Festival & Awards, voici les dix portraits choisis par le jury du festival.

50 Creative Self-Portrait Ideas To Trump All Selfies. Bloggers di Gabriela Herman. Back Portraits Paintings. Focus sur le travail de Daniel Coves : un artiste peintre vivant à Berlin et qui nous propose des représentations ultra réalistes de différentes personnes de dos. 36 anni insieme, le quattro sorelle fotografate ogni anno. 4 sorelle si fanno fotografare ogni anno per 36 anni. Le immagini sono toccanti. Il fotografo Nicholas Nixon nel 1976 ha deciso di fotografare la propria moglie Bebe con le sue tre sorelle. Sean Archer. Elsa Rhae si trasforma in qualsiasi personaggio con il Make-Up.

Questa serie di fotografie ritraggono Elsa Rhae in tutte le sue creazioni fantastiche realizzate con il make-up. I ritratti di strada a Tokyo di Tatsuo Suzuki. Photos du journal - Il Design delle Idee. Portraits of Celebrities at Oscars After Party. Pour Vanity Fair, le photographe américain Mark Seliger a fait de jolis portraits des célébrités présentes lors de la cérémonie des Oscars 2014. Après la cérémonie, Bill Murray, Samuel Lee Jackson, Naomi Watts, Judd Apatow et d’autres personnalités se sont réunis pour un shooting glamour. Bill Murray. Lupita Nyong’o. Sienna Miller. Dieci ritratti che hanno fatto la storia. Famous Portrait Photographers You Have To Discover!

Genetic Portraits: Ulric Collette. Ritratti di sosia. Gemelli, adulti, diversi. I ritratti di gemelli omozigoti di Martin Schoeller. Ritratti ← Fotolia IT.


Ispirazione. Monografie. Bambini e ragazzi.