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Giulia Piccoli Trapletti. Dutch Uncle - Animation. Nut Studio. The Making of Reforma Horaria. The Process Behind the Animation – Magoz Blog. Sam Bell. Behance. Simone Massi - disegnatore e animatore. Thomas Kunstler. Animation. Home. Featured. Projects tagged: Featured.


Uno studente francese ha realizzato un corto amatoriale incredibile, ispirato a Miyazaki. Non è certo una sorpresa che i giapponesi siano impazziti per questo trailer di un film immaginario ( o eventualmente ancora da fare), chiamato “Celles et Ceux des Cimes et Cieux”, creato da Gwenn Germain, in occasione del suo diploma alla Scuola d’Arte Crèapole.

Uno studente francese ha realizzato un corto amatoriale incredibile, ispirato a Miyazaki

Fin dalle prime scene, questo corto spettacolare paga il pegno all’opera omnia del maestro Hayao Miyazaki: gli insetti giganti sembrano usciti fuori da “Nausicaa”, mentre i palazzi europei sono tipici dell’universo dello Studio Ghibli e si possono vedere in film tipo “Kiki – consegne a domicilio”. Anche la maschera di uno dei protagonisti è simile a quella di San di “La Principessa Mononoke”. Per finire in bellezza con la dedica, ha usato la musica di Joe Hisaishi per il film “Hana Bi” di Takeshi Kitano.

Le nostre piccole paure quotidiane in un cortometraggio brillante. Marcelo Ricardo Ortiz on Behance. Hayao Miyazaki Movie Easter Eggs (Studio Ghibli) I segreti Miyazaki. In mostra a Parigi - Sky Arte. Come nascono i capolavori di uno tra i più grandi maestri dell’animazione?

I segreti Miyazaki. In mostra a Parigi - Sky Arte

La risposta al museo di Art Ludique di Parigi: in mostra oltre mille disegni e bozzetti preparatori del geniale Hayao Miyazaki Un mondo di sogno, dominato da emozioni fortissime e profonda poesia; un universo popolato di eroi teneri e struggenti, nobilissimi interpreti dei sentimenti più profondi. Quella di Hayao Miyazaki, tra i più grandi maestri internazionali dell’animazione, è una realtà stupendamente visionaria, dove la fantasia regna sovrana e dove tutto diviene possibile. Già, ma come? Je Regarde - Premier Automne. Court-métrage Synopsis Abel vit dans l'hiver, Apolline vit dans l'été.

Je Regarde - Premier Automne

Isolés dans leurs "natures", ils ne se sont jamais rencontrés. Ils ne sont d'ailleurs pas supposés se croiser. Alors, quand Abel franchit la limite et rencontre Apolline, la curiosité prend le dessus. Durée Réalisation Aude Danset & Carlos De Carvalho Scénario Musique. Blinkink. Slate of Hand. Life’s turning points Gruenwedel: What sequence of events led to where you are today?

Slate of Hand

Grella: In 1995, I was 24 years old and at a Grateful Dead concert. A roof I was standing under collapsed and fractured my C7 vertebra. I am a C7 quadriplegic. I have full use of my right hand. My brother was killed in 2004. I drove down to the Panama Canal in 2005. Before that trip, I was doing things — going to school and taking computer studies — but I wasn’t drawn to anything in particular.

Gruenwedel: Do you think your accident affected the subject matter of your art, or is it irrelevant? Grella: It’s impossible for it to be irrelevant because I have to navigate those issues every day. Take Chuck Close, for instance. I thought, “Wow, that’s really something. Learning from mistakes Gruenwedel: Any tips for people who are interested in doing animation? Grella: Animators need an opportunity to explore and make mistakes. PES (director)

PES (born Adam Pesapane; May 26, 1973) is an American director and stop-motion animator of numerous short films and commercials.

PES (director)

In 2013, his short film Fresh Guacamole was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film.[1] It is the shortest film ever nominated for an Oscar.[2] Receiving a B.A. in English Literature at the University of Virginia, PES migrated to film as a storytelling medium. His use of everyday objects and stop-motion animation to create original material is instantly recognizable. His work has been recognized in the United States and internationally, especially the short films Roof Sex, KaBoom!

, Game Over, Western Spaghetti, and Fresh Guacamole. PES's first animated film, Roof Sex, features two life-sized chairs having sex on a New York rooftop. The war short KaBoom! In July 2008, PES released his short Western Spaghetti. Dusty Studio Animation. Marcus Armitage. What are the best and worst aspects of being an animator in 2014?

Marcus Armitage

I wish I knew the answer to this. For me, there aren’t many negatives at the moment, I have been filled with an enthusiasm for creating new work after graduating from the RCA. Everything I do at the moment is a step into the unknown as I have been studying my whole life. It is all I know how to do, so the fact that I can earn money doing what I love is absolutely brilliant, I don’t want to do anything else other than draw, paint, tell stories and animate. The only negative so far is people wanting you to do mad amounts of animation for free, and seeming to think that it is a normal thing to expect. Where do you draw inspiration from? At the risk of sounding cheesy, I get it from everything around me. Stephanie Swart. Worker Series #1 Craig Frazier - Illustrator and Storyteller. VFX & Animation Studio סטודיו אייקו.


Pixar. Martino Prendini.