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Creating Worksheets. Index To Current Urban Documents. I have to tell you that it was a tough call to make these decisions, especially when we’re talking every teacher no matter what grade level or subject, but I hope that you find a couple of gems to put away in your virtual treasure box. You may have others you’d like to add to the list. Please post them in the comments for all of us to explore. A great photo editing tool is a must for teachers and I recommend Aviary, LunaPic, Picnik, or BeFunky with some being simpler than others, but all having unique features. Explore all the tools and choose the best option for your skill level. Creaza and Jaycut are answers to the Windows XP Movie Maker and Flipcam problem. Both of these sites have online video editing tools where Flip videos can be uploaded for easy manipulation.

Creaza also has a wonderful alternative for GarageBand and a rather incredible comic creator. Delicious or Diigo are online bookmarking networks teachers need. Google Tools for Educators. International Networks Archive \\ Remapping Our World. The following six maps deal with an array of major current world issues, from the serious to the seriously frivolous. They were developed for the INA by Jonathan Harris of Flaming Toast Productions. The maps may not be reproduced or rebroadcast without express written consent of the INA. If you are interested in using the maps, please contact us. Click maps to enlarge them. This pair of maps show the global presence of Starbucks coffee shops and McDonald's restaurants. Click to enlarge. Top. Vintage U.S. Parks Posters. Little Bighorn History. Christmas across the globe.

Complete Maps of United States. Teacher Tools. If Twitter existed in 1776. The U.S.-Mexican War. American History from American Experience | The Gold Rush | Special Features | Strike It Rich! Search over 57000 videos and 7 million photos.

European History Interactive Map. European Countries - Level Three. If Historical Events had Facebook Statuses.