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Reel Em in with Blueberry Boy Bait. I was doing a little “housekeeping” in my photo library recently, and I came across a few shots of this amazing little cake that were taken almost a year ago. I didn’t remember ever sharing it with you before, and after doing some checking, I realized that I never had. Unbelievable! How could I have missed this one? Blueberry Boy Bait is one of my most favorite cakes ever.

And, I make it often – especially during Florida’s blueberry season, which happens to be now. It’s the perfect time to spread around some Blueberry Boy Bait love. So, why is it called Blueberry Boy Bait? Having indulged in this luscious, golden treat many times before, I can attest to its powers of seduction – and I’m not even a teenaged boy! The cake is also fairly easy to make, and doesn’t require any special equipment other than an electric mixer. When shopping for blueberries, look for those that are firm and smooth-skinned.

There are quite a few recipes floating around the web for Blueberry Boy Bait. Enjoy! Simple Blueberry Crisp. This is a picture of the simple blueberry crisp before baking. Even so, I would still like to have a spoonful :) This is an easy blueberry crisp recipe. With only 5 ingredients the time to prepare is minimal! The taste however, is like you spent a lot of time! Print Recipe! (opens new window) Is this your favorite recipe? Return from Simple Blueberry Crisp to Blueberry Crisps. Spinach Salad With Berries and Curry Dressing Recipe Reviews - (Pg. 1) Spinach Salad With Berries and Curry Dressing Recipe. To Die For Blueberry Muffins Recipe. Blueberry Oat Bars Recipe. Cream Cheese Blueberry Pie Recipe. French Toast Bake Recipe Reviews - (Pg. 1)