Women's History Month. Women's History Month. International Women's Day 2021. This Women’s History Month, find encouragement in an exclusive weekly email series filled with stories, podcasts, and articles about women pursuing their calling, women’s equality, and more. Sign up today! Youtube. Stories About Women Who Changed The World. 10 must-read books for Women's History Month. March is here, and that means the official start of Women’s History Month.
Although the Know Your Value community celebrates women all-year long, this month we are taking extra time to reflect on some of the individuals and stories that paved the way for future generations of women. Below are 10 books about women who were written by women. From politicians to mathematicians, both fiction and non-fiction, these ladies changed the world for the better.
We hope that by reading about these women’s journeys, you’ll be inspired and see yourself in their perseverance and strength. Know Your Value editors, writers and experts take care to recommend items we really like and hope you’ll enjoy! 1. Read this if … you love Michelle Obama’s famous mantra: “when they go low, we go high” and want to know the story behind it. In a nutshell ... 2. Read this if … you’re brushing up on your knowledge of 2020 Presidential candidates. 3. Read this if… you’re feeling introspective. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Most Popular Books For Women's History Month Reading List. 20 Must-Read Books About The U.S. Women's Suffrage Movement. This post contains affiliate links.
When you buy through these links, Book Riot may earn a commission. The Women’s Suffrage Movement is a fascinating yet under-taught period in United States history. August 18th marks the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment, which states that “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.” Many place the start date of the Women’s Suffrage Movement at the Seneca Falls Convention on July 19–20, 1848, which means it took 72 years for women to win the vote. Only one woman who attended the convention was still alive to vote when the 19th amendment passed: Charlotte Woodward Pierce, who was a teenager when she attended the Seneca Falls Convention and 91 years old when she voted for the first time. Book Deals Newsletter Sign up for our Book Deals newsletter and get up to 80% off books you actually want to read.
Thank you for signing up! While Dr. Inspiring Books To Read For Womens History Month 2020. 21 Women's History Month Facts — Facts About Women's History. As 2020 painfully indicated, inequality and sexism is still very much alive is still very much alive and prevalent in the United States (as well as the world).
Recent research found that 42 percent of women still face gender discrimination at work. They also face the "motherhood penalty," in which women earn less money after they become mothers while men who become fathers actually earn more. Women's History Month: Why it takes place in March. The answer involves a little bit of history and a little bit of coincidence.
Women's History Month, which is observed in the US, UK and Australia in March, and in October in Canada, began with a single day. International Women's Day is March 8, and it has been observed in some shape or form since 1911. It was officially commemorated by the United Nations in 1975 and was officially recognized by the UN two years later. Top 100 Women of History (By Internet Searches) Using internet searches as a parameter, we've created a compilation of the 100 most popular women in history, listed here in ascending order of popularity (that is, No. 1 is the one most popular with searchers).
There may be some unexpected names, and if a favorite doesn't appear in this list, it's likely that she was indeed researched, since more than 300 women were included. Unfortunately, some people's personal heroines just didn't show up in enough searches. Note: Rankings will shift every day. The Women’s Rights Movement, 1848-1920. The fight for women’s suffrage in the United States began with the women’s rights movement in the mid-nineteenth century.
This reform effort encompassed a broad spectrum of goals before its leaders decided to focus first on securing the vote for women. Women’s suffrage leaders, however, disagreed over strategy and tactics: whether to seek the vote at the federal or state level, whether to offer petitions or pursue litigation, and whether to persuade lawmakers individually or to take to the streets.
Both the women’s rights and suffrage movements provided political experience for many of the early women pioneers in Congress, but their internal divisions foreshadowed the persistent disagreements among women in Congress that emerged after the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment. View Larger /tiles/non-collection/E/Essay1_2_votes_for_women_button_2019_096_000-1.xmlCollection of the U.S. Like many other women reformers of the era, Stanton and Susan B. Black Women In History: 12 Icons Who Changed the United States. When you think of strong Black female role models to look up to, your mind might automatically wander to Michelle Obama, Serena Williams, or Beyoncé.
But these contemporary icons are far from the first influential Black women in history who made lasting change in the United States. The ground-breaking firsts stretch back centuries, beyond Rosa Parks and Katherine Johnson — one of the mathematicians for NASA who had a hand in sending Americans to space for the first time. It’s important to remember these women and how they made society what it is today — during Black History Month, and all year ‘round. “One can tell a great deal about a people, about a nation, by what it deems important enough to remember,” as Lonnie Bunch, founding director of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture, wrote in The Guardian.
"It’s looking back at these people who’ve contributed so much to American society that goes overlooked,” she said. Mary McLeod Bethune Claudette Colvin.
Women’s History Month - Holidays. Women's History Month. : Women in History: Books.