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Ask Me Anything: The Power of Questions in Learning. Putting learning at the centre adaptive development programming in practice. Tools Togethe Now. 100 Participatory tools to Mobilize Communities for HIV and AIDS_0.


The Barefoot Guide Connection - Home. Manuals-Toolkits Readers - VSO Facilitator Guide to Participatory approaches. Home | Learning agenda | Motive, Means and Opportunity. July 18, 2008 A major source of inspiration for me in my organisational development work has been the Canadian writer on organisations and management, Henry Mintzberg. When I was working for Save the Children UK back in 1989 I read his book ‘Mintzberg on Management’ and one of the many ideas that leapt off the page for me was his explanation of the realities of strategy development. Mintzberg’s model introduced the idea of emergent as well as planned strategy. For me it was liberating to see someone formally recognise what we all know – that the best kind of strategy is open to adaptation in response to circumstances (emergent strategy), always bearing in mind the plans the organisation makes for achieving its mission (planned strategy).

It seems incredible now that this was an insight that few other management writers had thought of, but back in the late 1980s it was a revelation!