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DIZIONARIO LATINO OLIVETTI. ONLINE LATIN DICTIONARY - Latin - English. Locutions, idioms and examples.


– Online Latin Dictionaries. The following dictionaries are currently available here on Smith & Hall.

– Online Latin Dictionaries

TLL Open Access: Thesaurus linguae Latinae. A Dictionary Of Latin And Greek : H T Riley. Lexicon graeco-latinum manuale ex optimis libris concinnatum edidit Dr. E. F ... Lexica Latina et Graeca. 1.

lexica Latina et Graeca

Novum Lexicum Manuale Latino-Graecum & Graeco-Latinum (1767, ed. 1827, Benjamin Hedericus)- You can type the Greek with the Greek letters or you can type with the Latin letters, using the official Greek beta-code (see the picture): η = h; θ = q; χ = x; υ = u; ψ = y; ω = w; ξ = c- There is always an option to go to the next/previous page on the bottom of the pageGr-Lat: The cover, preface and other pages and Lat-Gr: The cover, preface and other pages 2.

Schrevelius: Lexicum Manuale Latino-Greacum & Graeco-Latinum (1654, ed. 1832, Cornelius Schrevelius) - You can type the Greek with the Greek letters or you can type with the Latin letters, using the official Greek beta-code (see the picture): η = h; θ = q; χ = x; υ = u; ψ = y; ω = w; ξ = c - There is always an option to go to the next/previous page on the bottom of the page - Use the the arrow keys on your keyboard for easier navigation, if needed. Gr-Lat: The cover, preface and other pages 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. Latin Dictionary Online Translation LEXILOGOS. Dies Veneris VIII Aprilis.

Latin Dictionary Online Translation LEXILOGOS

Novum lexicon manuale Graeco-Latinum et Latino-Graecum - Benjamin Hederich, Samuel Patrick, Gustav Pinzger, Franz Passow. Dictionarium latinogallicum. La troisième édition (1552) du Dictionarium latinogallicum de Robert Estienne marquel'apogée de son travail de lexicographie latin-français.

Dictionarium latinogallicum

Estienne, père de la lexicographie latin classique-français (cf.Starnes 1954), a constitué pour le latin classique et le français du XVIème siècle une série de dictionnaires qui comprend trois parties. Pour le latin un Thesaurus monolingue destiné aux érudits, et deux dictionnaires latin-français, l'un le Dictionarium latinogallicum pour les étudiants avancés , l'autre, une version abrégée, le Dictionariolum puerorum latinogallicum pour les débutants ; pour le français, Estienne a fait suivre rapidement la première édition de son Dictionarium de celle de son Dictionaire francoislatin et la première édition du Dictionariolum de celle Des mots français tournez en Latin pour les enfants (qui devint par la suite le Petit dictionaire...)

Le désir de réaliser un équivalent du Thesaurus s'exprima bientôt. Pages de l'édition originale. Logeion. Dictionnaire latin français, traduction en ligne. Dies Veneris XXIV Novembris Dictionnaire latin Latin Latina • Dictionnaire latin-français par Félix Gaffiot (1934)

Dictionnaire latin français, traduction en ligne

Du Cange. Lexicon Recentis Latinitatis, parvum verborum novatorum Léxicum. LATINITASOpus Fundatum in Civitate Vaticana PARVVM VERBORVM NOVATORVM LÉXICVM [1]apparavit Cletus Pavanetto [1] Verba novata magnam partem depromuntur ex operoso ópere cui títulus Léxicon Recentis Latinitatis cura et stúdio Óperis Fundati «Latínitas» ante áliquot annos foras dato.

Lexicon Recentis Latinitatis, parvum verborum novatorum Léxicum

Titre - Dictionnaire Gaffiot français-latin. Dictionnaire des Antiquités Grecques et Romaines de Daremberg et Saglio. DIZIONARIO LATINO OLIVETTI. Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary, A. A , a , indecl. n.

Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary, A

(sometimes joined with I.littera), the first letter of the Latin alphabet, corresponding to the a, α of the other Indo-. European languages: “A primum est: hinc incipiam, et quae nomina ab hoc sunt, Lucil. ap. Terent. Scaur. p. 2255 P.: sus rostro si humi A litteram impresserit,” Cic. III.In etymological and grammatical formation of words, short a very often (sometimes also long a) is changed into other vowels. A.Short a is changed, 1., into long a— a.In consequence of the suppression of the following consonants at the end or in the middle of the word: ŭb, ā; vădis, vūs; ăg-, ăg-men, exāmen; tăg-, contūmino; căd-, cāsus. Charlton T. Lewis, An Elementary Latin Dictionary, A. a. Forcellini - Totius Latinitatis Lexicon. Schrevelii Lexicon.

Novum Lexicon Manuale. Wagner - Lexicon Latinum. Valpy Lat. Etymology. Numen - The Latin Lexicon - An Online Latin Dictionary - A Dictionary of the Latin Language. WORDS Latin-to-English & English-to-Latin Dictionary. Latin word list. Vocabula computatralia. Brepols - Corpus Christianorum - Series : LLMA - Lexica Latina Medii Aevi. LacusCurtius — Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. LacusCurtius Educational Resource: a Selection of Articles from A 19th-Century Classical Encyclopaedia William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D.: A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities John Murray, London, 1875.

LacusCurtius — Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities

This single volume, of 1294 pages in rather fine print set in two columns and amounting to well over a million words, is a treasure trove of information on the ancient world, and was for many years a standard reference work, carried thru several British and American editions from the first in 1842 to the last in 1890‑91 with relatively few alterations. It shares one of its selling points with the Web: many illustrations. They are woodcuts, but often rather good ones, and sometimes clearer than photographs could be. Like any encyclopedia of course, Smith's Dictionary should be used with caution: it is a secondary source, the field covered is very extensive, many authors are involved, and even when it was published could not for each article have represented the latest work.