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Learnnovators is a multiple-award winning organization that specializes in the design and development of custom learning solutions for the workplace.

5 WAYS TO MAKE LEARNERS RECEPTIVE TO LEARNING - Learnnovators. Evan, Laura, and Allen work in the L&D department of a large company.


One morning, their manager Helen calls them into her cabin. She says “Congrats! You’re going to DevLearn in Vegas!” Celebrations ensue, and the three excitedly get ready for the journey. Before leaving, they individually make plans for the trip. At the end of the trip, I’d like to: COMPILATION OF 45 GAME-BASED LEARNING JOURNALS: PART 2 - Learnnovators. Information Sources for the Topics of Game-Based Learning, Simulations, Serious Games, Gamification, Virtual Reality, and Immersive Learning.


This Part 2 continues from the previous post. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND AI IN Description The IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games (T-CIAIG) publishes archival journal quality original papers in computational intelligence and related areas in artificial intelligence applied to games, including but not limited to videogames, mathematical games, human–computer interactions in games, and games involving physical objects. Emphasis is placed on the use of these methods to improve performance in and understanding of the dynamics of games, as well as gaining insight into the properties of the methods as applied to games. INTERNATIONAL COMPUTER GAMES The International Computer Games Association (ICGA) is a global organisation promoting the use of computers in “game” situations. Topics Covered. COMPILATION OF 45 GAME-BASED LEARNING JOURNALS: PART 1 - Learnnovators. Information Sources for the Topics of Game-Based Learning, Simulations, Serious Games, Gamification, Virtual Reality, and Immersive Learning (Part 1).


My quest for high quality research associated with Game-Based Learning, Simulations, Serious Games, Gamification, Virtual Reality, Immersive Learning, etc. has been quite a challenge. In attempting to scour the Inet looking for useful material, I have complied a definitive list of journal sources, current to December 31, 2016. JANE BOZARTH - CRYSTAL BALLING WITH LEARNNOVATORS - Learnnovators. 1.


Learnnovators: Hi Jane! Can you please tell us how you got started, and what has your journey, from trainer to instructional designer to thought leader, been like on the personal learning front? Jane: I had a degree in English and I was hired to be a literacy tutor for a hospital where a number of health care techs were settling under new requirements to pass written texts to do their jobs.

And just about the day I was hired, the person who handled leadership and supervisory training quit. 5 WAYS TO AVOID OVERWHELMING LEARNERS - Learnnovators. The deluge is upon us!


Run for cover! Well, I’m not talking about an invasion or a natural calamity. I’m talking about the stuff that we are faced with every minute of every day – the torrent of information that keeps hitting us, threatening to sweep us off our feet and drown us, if we’re not careful. Ah, the curse of social media, which constantly bombards us with information from all directions. Combine this with a heady dose of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), and we can be sure to get inundated in the oncoming flood, without retaining much that is useful. THERE AIN'T NO BETTER TEACHER THAN A MISTAKE - Learnnovators.

There Ain’t No Better Teacher Than A Mistake… long as it leads to a lesson learned.


It was a series of online sessions on instructional design that I was facilitating. The audience was a smart group, comprising mostly of people from HR and talent development. LESSONS FROM CLARK QUINN ~ TAKE 2 - Learnnovators. The first season of our association with Clark Quinn consisted a series of blog posts coming in from him on ‘Deeper E-Learning Design’.


But, it was the second season that brought us much closer to Clark on a project which we later titled ‘Workplace of the Future’. Here, we were to work with Clark. Understandably, there was as much apprehension in my mind as there was excitement. LESSONS FROM CLARK QUINN ~ TAKE 1 - Learnnovators. Here are my experiences as well as the lessons I gleaned from working with Clark in my capacity as an individual… When, during the initial days of the project, Clark suggested that we diverge and then converge, I was half-expecting him to shoot down ideas that clashed with his.


Little did I know what was coming, and we were in for a pleasant surprise when, during one of our first few meetings, he patiently heard each member of the team, carefully considering each idea, and explaining why the ones he thought won’t work, won’t work, while others were great. This practice of diverging and converging was what gave us the unique topic we picked for the project (‘Workplace of the Future’), and continued right through to the end. At one point, we got debating whether, and where, to add audio in the course, and each one of us pitched with our own ideas for what would work.

It would have been easy to decide one way or the other, based on what we collectively felt. JOHN STEPPER - CRYSTAL BALLING WITH LEARNNOVATORS - Learnnovators. 1.


Learnnovators: First things first, John! Please accept our heart-felt congratulations on successfully championing the ‘working out loud’ movement that has started impacting people in a big way. Our first reflection on this topic is: The way you explain the concept is amazingly simple. “Working out loud is about using conventional wisdoms about relationships combined with modern ways to reach and engage people. It’s a way of reaching your goal by building meaningful relationships with people that can make you progress towards that goal.” John: The cause of the disconnect comes down to a kind of fear. 2. LEARNING DESIGNERS! BORING BULLETS ARE NOT YOUR WORST ENEMY! - Learnnovators. Congratulations!


You can now play games at work! This was the underlying theme of a compliance course that I recently had the opportunity to review. Designed as a highly engaging game, the course set you off on a hunt for clues to find an elusive parrot, traveling to various cities and learning about compliance along the way. As you unearthed a clue, a slice of compliance information got revealed, followed by a short quiz on the information. Your performance in the quiz earned you gadgets that helped you in your search for more clues. BEYOND EFFECTIVE E-LEARNING: CHANGING HABITS, NOT JUST BEHAVIORS - Learnnovators. “We absolutely nailed it! Folks are loving this!”

Exclaims Terry. “Reporting rates have increased… incidents have gone down… people are really using strong passwords! ARUN PRADHAN - CRYSTAL BALLING WITH LEARNNOVATORS - Learnnovators. Arun Pradhan is a self-confessed learning geek who loves exploring the latest developments in neuroscience, evidence-based learning, psychology, and technology, and applying these findings to create positive change for people and organisations.

He has over 18 years of experience in digital and blended learning and was the winner of the 2015 Individual Achievement Award for eLearning Excellence, the highest individual award given by the eLearning Association of Australia. Arun is currently a Senior Learning & Performance consultant for DeakinPrime, where he works with some of Australia’s largest banks, telcos, retailers, and a host of other organisations. He’s been at the forefront of applying design thinking to learning, and has successfully developed an effective co-design process to create a range of innovative performance and learning solutions. A USE FOR 3D PRINTING IN THE CORPORATE SECTOR - Learnnovators.

I’ve often wondered about the relevance of 3D printing in the corporate sector because we rarely produce a thing. Our products – such as bank accounts and insurance policies – are essentially 1’s and 0’s floating in the ether. Then I attended a webinar presented by Jon Soong from Makers Empire. This Australian startup is active in the K12 sector, helping teachers bring 3D printing into their classrooms. With the right hardware, software and guidance, teachers and their students can visualise abstract concepts (Mathematics, Science), produce replica objects (History, Geography) and create original objects (Art).

As the following video demonstrates, the technology can also be applied to problem-based learning. E-LEARNING DESIGN: COURSE OBJECTIVES OR BUSINESS OBJECTIVES? ~ Learnnovators. It’s all too familiar a scene, right from the word GO. Project confirmed, base content ‘analyzed’, design document drawn from the ‘analysis’ (with a list of tame course objectives outlined), course developed, signed off after a few reviews and deployed on the LMS. Course effectiveness: Unknown. This rather dramatic prelude goes to highlight the conspicuous absence of performance consulting. If it were to be present, it would first ask “What are the business problems?” And try to get the answers, before proceeding. WHY I STILL LOVE BLOOM BUT NOT HIS VERBS - Learnnovators. There are times when the fine distinctions between the levels are a useful measure on which to base a learning intervention.

Let’s look at these (please note that I’m using the revised taxonomy here, while also providing a reference to the original one): 1. Remembering (Original Taxonomy Level – Knowledge): Typically, no information should be presented at this level alone. It simply signifies rote learning with no understanding of the information being ingested. An example of this would be when a person is getting started on the path to becoming a leader, they read quotes on leadership, and are able to repeat them. 2. A few things can be taught at this level. LEARNING DESIGN BEST PRINCIPLES - FROM THE LEARNNOVATORS & QUINNOVATION PROJECT. LEARNING TO LEARN - KEY TO BEING 'ALIVE'! - Learnnovators.

Arun Pradhan is currently developing an app entitled Learn2Learn which will support people to learn faster, smarter & deeper in the real world. It delivers the latest thinking on neuroscience and evidence-based learning. GAMIFICATION IS ABOUT ENGAGEMENT - Learnnovators. One concept often missed (or misunderstood) in the discussion of gamification is the idea that the goal behind gamification is “fun.” MY TOP 10 TOOLS FOR LEARNING (2016) - Learnnovators. For nine years now, Jane Hart has been compiling the list of Top 100 Tools for Learning. This is the 10th year (the list has now extended to the Top 200 Tools), and voting is currently on, where you name the top 10 tools that you think are valuable. The link to the voting page is here.

THE LEARNING IN GAMIFICATION - Learnnovators. AVOID THESE GAMIFICATION PITFALLS - Learnnovators. This is the second in a series of articles about gamification and how it can be best leveraged within organizations. 3 USES OF VIRTUAL REALITY IN WORKPLACE EDUCATION - Learnnovators. GAMIFICATION FOR CORPORATE LEARNING - Learnnovators. THE FUTURE OF ENTERTAINMENT - Learnnovators. GOOD GEAR - Learnnovators. EDUCATE EVERYONE - Learnnovators.

Hyundai’s app prompted me to consider the relationship between e-learning and marketing in the corporate domain. The Purpose Effect - Book Review & Interview With Dan Pontefract. We, at Learnnovators, are privileged to review Dan Pontefract‘s second book, “The Purpose Effect” that is scheduled to release on May 10, 2016. Clive Shepherd - Crystal Balling with Learnnovators. John Blackmon - Crystal Balling with Learnnovators. The Changing Nature of Workplace Learning. Demystifying Working Out Loud. The Six Hats of a Community Manager. The Top Six Things Organizations Must Do to Enable Emergent Learning. Six Obstacles To Building Communities In Organizations. Becoming a Social Business - Beyond Culture Change. Jay Cross - Crystal Balling with Learnnovators.

7 Characteristics Of A Digital Mindset. ‘Dear Training’… A Breakup Letter from L&D Professionals. 70:20:10 For Trainers. The 70:20:10 Lens. 6 Steps To Creating Learning Ecosystems (And Why You Should Bother) Everybody’s Got Something To Teach...!!! Learnnovators Joe Ganci Elearning 14. 20 Awesome Quotes From Jay Cross. Games To Gamification. Eight Game Elements to Make Learning More Intriguing. Paper Cuts. POKÉMON WHOA! - Learnnovators. INFOGRAPHIC: 3 Facts About Mindset in Learning. INFOGRAPHIC: 3 FACTS ABOUT MINDSET IN LEARNING. INFOGRAPHIC: 8 Top Tips To Boost Your Learning.

INFOGRAPHIC: The Future of Corporate Learning. INFOGRAPHIC: Design Thinking for Human-Centered Learning. INFOGRAPHIC: Heroic Journeys To High Performance. INFOGRAPHIC: If Learning Was Water. INFOGRAPHIC: High Performance Learning Ecosystems. Games in Education - home. What is Influencing the Future of L&D? A Framework For Content Curation. The Powerful Secret Behind Your Learning Style. Ryan Tracey - Crystal Balling with Learnnovators. eLearning Modules will Die… and 702010 will hold the Smoking Gun. Creating a Leaderboard in Storyline Using Tin Can API.