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Science confirms ‘Doctor Who-type world, Gallifrey’ NASA has confirmed the existence of a real-universe analogue of Gallifrey, the fictional Time Lord planet that features in the BBC science-fiction drama series, Doctor Who.

Science confirms ‘Doctor Who-type world, Gallifrey’

According to an article in theRegister, NASA came across what it calls a “transiting circumbinary multi-planet system” – in layman’s speak, “two worlds orbiting two suns” – using its Kepler planet-hunting telescope, and the Register likens to “Doctor Who’s Time Lord homeworld [of] Gallifrey – or alternatively the luxury-planet-builders’ planet Magrathea [from] The Hitchhikers’ Guide to the Galaxy”! The Register reports the lead author of the study, Jerome Orosz – associate professor of astronomy at San Diego State University – as saying, “Each planet transits over the primary star, giving unambiguous evidence that the planets are real.”

Read more... Digital Journal's Andrew Moran first reported on the discovery in January of this year, but the full study report has now been accepted by and published inScience. 'Doctor Who' Explained in 25 GIFs. Die-hard Whovians have been looking forward to the season 7 part 2 premiere of Doctor Who since December.

'Doctor Who' Explained in 25 GIFs

But let's assume that you've never heard of a time-traveling alien in a blue telephone booth and have no idea what TARDIS stands for. You don't fear the Daleks, and couldn't care less about Cybermen. How Do You Get To Be The Doctor's Companion Anyway? Note: this is not a guide for budding actors and actresses, on how best to audition for the role of a companion on Doctor Who.

How Do You Get To Be The Doctor's Companion Anyway?

If you are looking for that kind of thing, the best advice we can offer, based on the previous successful applicants, is to be entirely unlike the other ones, and to be good at raising a quizzical eyebrow. The route into the TARDIS can be a surprisingly common one, if you happen to be (or have been) female, youngish, human and British during the last 50-odd years of Earth history. All you have to do is wait for an alien invasion of some sort, and keep your eye out for a big blue box. If you see one, chances are there will be an eccentric man somewhere in the vicinity, barking strange orders and running about.

Now, here comes the tricky bit, you need to make yourself useful to him, and sort of insinuate your way into his attention. Speaking of which, it does seems to help if you were cute as a child yourself. Or you could do nothing. The Hutch of Chaos: The Pros and Cons of Subtle Geekery. Chucks, Cons, trainers, sneakers... call them what you will, but Converse shoes have been a popular fashion statement for a very long time.

The Hutch of Chaos: The Pros and Cons of Subtle Geekery

And if the movie I, Robot has anything to say about it, they will still be considered a thing of beauty twenty-three years from now. Why? Well, why not! They've got a simple, classic design. They're lightweight and comfy. I had a purple pair many years ago. Now, without something to nudge me into action, I probably would have done nothing more than think about it. Weeping Angel Cat. Dr. Who Meets Metal. Doctor Who Theme on Violin. Doc Brown vs Doctor Who. The TARDIS Room - Drink - Thrillist Portland. Supposedly Dr.

The TARDIS Room - Drink - Thrillist Portland

Who can travel through time, though it's a mystery why he never warned Churchill about Hitler, or David Tennant about ignoring orthodontia. To right the wrong... of sobriety and hunger!... Step into The TARDIS Room. Built by an ex-pat Brit, TARDIS was conceived when he realized the door to the loo in his Fish and Chip shop looked like a police call box, and that the huge amount of possibly physics-defying storage in the back of the resto would be better used as a place where Whovians could sip beers and talk about proper scarf-wrapping technique.

Get to a psychedelic time tunnel and check out: The Space: Hit the front room/ performance space with a bathroom door made to look exactly like a TARDIS, then continue into a rambling series of black-painted rooms leading to a hidden pub. 30 fireplace-equipped PDX drinking spots Map Data Map data ©2014 Google Previous VenueNext VenueVenue Description 1218 N Killingsworth, Portland, OR 97217. Fish Stick Cookies with Vanilla Pudding. You probably recall that I’m a Doctor Who fan.

Fish Stick Cookies with Vanilla Pudding

I love DW almost as much as I love Harry Potter. Really, it’s thisclose (DW is probably tied with Star Trek…but I’ve never posted about Star Trek; I need to get on that). Yet this post is my only Doctor Who post. Until today. A Saturday. Excuse me for a moment… Ahem. Personality Quiz: Could You Survive as the Doctor's Companion? The Tenth Doctor and friends: “we’d love to have you aboard but there’s no room!”

Personality Quiz: Could You Survive as the Doctor's Companion?

After the outstanding success of last week’s Merlin quiz, we are back to test your personalities to their very limits, and this time, it’s the Whovians that need to prove themselves. So, here’s the deal. All you have to do is answer the following 10 questions as honestly as you can, and then we’ll tell you if you made it to the end of your prospective trip aboard the TARDIS with your wits, looks and body intact. Doctor Who - The Official Site. Doctor Who: New Images From The Bells Of St. John Unveiled. BBC America has dropped a fresh crop of brand new images from the return of "Doctor Who.

Doctor Who: New Images From The Bells Of St. John Unveiled

" The newest episode in the British franchise is called "The Bells of St. John," and was penned by lead writer and executive producer Steven Moffat (who also handles the Benedict Cumberbatch/Martin Freeman series "Sherlock"). PLAY IT NOW: Jordan Gavaris & Dylan Bruce Discuss Orphan Black "The Bells of St. Doctor Who Online. They Were on Doctor Who???!!! Doctor Who: "Unbelievably precious" forgotten scripts discovered in Kent that explain origins of Daleks and sonic screwdriver. Collection of six scripts contain new details about the origins of both the Time Lord and his sonic screwdriver Scripts from never-seen episodes of Doctor Who have been found in a forgotten box of notes belonging to the writer who devised the concept of the TARDIS Having been lost for 50 years, prop-maker Jason Onion stumbled upon the “unbelievably precious” six works by writer Anthony Coburn - which contain new details about the origins of both the Doctor and his sonic screwdriver - while researching how to build a replica of the police box time machine to raise money for Children in Need.

Doctor Who: "Unbelievably precious" forgotten scripts discovered in Kent that explain origins of Daleks and sonic screwdriver

Mr Coburn’s widow, Joan Coburn-Moon, had lent dedicated Whovian Jason the haul of paperwork after finding it among her late husband’s possessions in the bedroom of their home in Herne Bay, Kent. Jason, 37, admitted he was stunned to realise the significance of the discovery after initially believing that they were from the first four episodes, screened in 1963. “I just sat there, and stared and stared. The Doctors. My relationship status. Doctor Who TARDIS Tin Tote. Dalek Projector Alarm Clock. Clothing. Wind Up Dalek.

Don't Blink Seat Belt Belt. If You Didn't Need to Use the Bathroom Before... Wind Up TARDIS. Sonic Screwdriver. Keyring: TARDIS. TARDIS Night Light. TARDIS Mosaic Lantern. The Sainted Physician Prayer Candle. Retro Bag: TARDIS. Police Box Refrigerator. In the true spirit of parody, a customized refrigerator kit to turn your fridge into a Police Box.

Police Box Refrigerator

The skin is easy to apply. It is re-positionable, removable and washable. It's best to take the handles off if you can, so you don't have to accurately cut around them, then replace when you're done. The top section is a separate hard structure that includes the sign, a simulated peak roof and a rechargeable working beacon. Refrigerators come in many styles. Doctor Who Suspenders. TARDIS Socks. Fourth Doctor Scarf. Gallifreyan.