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5 Life Lessons You Only Learn Through Quitting Smoking. #2. Everything is Temporary, Even if It Doesn't Feel Like It Applies To: First-week soreness of getting in shape. The Problem: Quitting smoking fucking hurts. Photos.comQuit or not, that dude is dead out of sheer Darwinism. I'm going to be honest here, I can't say I blame them. Where it really starts to fuck with your head, though, is when you get legitimate pain that has nothing at all to do with quitting smoking."HE'S DEAD!

" This is one more trick of the mind -- that obvious lie that if you don't scratch this itch, you will stay itchy forever and ever and ever. Why Remembering is Vital: If this were actually true -- that this constant pain is your new existence -- it actually seems pretty rational to say, "No. However, that whole "being in pain for hours at a time" claim I made earlier? The solution to that distortion that turns minutes into hours? Getty It doesn't have to be that, obviously. Your body will say, "This lasts forever, so you might as well give in! " #1. 8 Ways To Forget Your Troubles | Streams of Consciousness. Ad on a London Bus. Courtesy of Annie Wade via Flickr. People have long tried tricks to aid their memories. One of the most useful of these so-called mnemonic devices, I’ve found, involves associating names with word pictures or with other people you know well.

I was just at a party, for example, and met a man who shared a last name with someone I’ve known for a while. I am sure I would have forgotten his name had I not associated it with that other person. But two days later, I remembered the connection and drew his name from the memory bank. Perhaps my favorite mnemonic was one my daughter brought home in kindergarten.

As much time and attention as has been paid to helping people remember stuff, however, I’ve never seen a list of tactics for helping people forget. Courtesy of lett-/\= via Flickr. I am not sure what to call these forgetting tactics. The prefrontal cortex of the human brain includes two major sections. 1. 2. Courtesy of Calsidyrose via Flickr. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 30 Things to Start Doing for Yourself. Sufi and Zen parables. By James Khan This is a collection of Sufi and Zen Parables from various ages. They either contain the Wisdom of the Ages, or the stories of old idiots! When you read a story you’ll wonder if the narrator is very wise, very stupid or just telling stories; sometimes it’s one and sometimes it’s the other. Make what you will of them. My suggestion would be to try not to make sense of them, just be aware of the parable and be aware of the thoughts that it invokes in you.

They are not your thoughts, they are just thoughts. Try instead to to detach from them and observe. The essence of Zen is on not identifying with one thought or its opposite, it is about getting to the awareness that is behind the thought. Questions What is missing in this moment? What is wrong with this moment, if you don’t think about it? If a tree falls in a forest, and there is no one there to hear it, will it make a sound? The Sound of the Bell A little boy from a small village was taken by bandits. Empty Your Cup Books One Voice. 8 Things Everybody Ought to Know About Concentrating.

“Music helps me concentrate,” Mike said to me glancing briefly over his shoulder. Mike was in his room writing a paper for his U.S. History class. On his desk next to his computer sat crunched Red Bulls, empty Gatorade bottles, some extra pocket change and scattered pieces of paper. In the pocket of his sweat pants rested a blaring iPod with a chord that dangled near the floor, almost touching against his Adidas sandals.

Mike made a shift about every thirty seconds between all of the above. Do you know a person like this? The Science Behind Concentration In the above account, Mike’s obviously stuck in a routine that many of us may have found ourselves in, yet in the moment we feel it’s almost an impossible routine to get out of. When we constantly multitask to get things done, we’re not multitasking, we’re rapidly shifting our attention. Phase 1: Blood Rush Alert When Mike decides to start writing his History essay, blood rushes to his anterior prefrontal cortex. Phase 2: Find and Execute. 11 Goal Hacks: How to Achieve Anything.

Goal-setting research on fantasising, visualisation, goal commitment, procrastination, the dark side of goal-setting and more… We’re all familiar with the nuts and bolts of goal-setting. We should set specific, challenging goals, use rewards, record progress and make public commitments (if you’re not familiar with these then check out this article on how to reach life goals). So how come we still fail? This psychological research suggests why and what mindsets should help us reach our goals. 1. The biggest enemy of any goal is excessive positive fantasising. 2.

The reason we don’t achieve our goals is lack of commitment. One powerful psychological technique to increase commitment is mental contrasting. 3. You can use the Zeigarnik effect to drag you on towards your goal. What the Zeigarnik effect teaches is that one weapon for beating procrastination is starting somewhere…anywhere. 4. 5. When we miss our target, we can fall foul of the what-the-hell-effect. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Spock Thoughts - Leonard Nimoy (Klara Tavakoli) The F**k It Way. Epicurus' "Sovran Maxims" Freedom Card - NORML. Keep this card with you in case of involvement with law enforcement personnel. Instructions to make your own card: Download the PDF document. You can also print 4 cards on one page. (Requires Adobe Reader). Print page oneRe-insert the paper to print on the back and print page twoTrim and fold between the opposing textCard stock suggested Text of the cardTHE NORML FOUNDATION FREEDOM CARDThe U.S. Constitution prohibits the government from interfering with your right to remain silent, to consult with an attorney, and to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures by law enforcement.

If you are confronted by a police officer, remain calm. If the officer fails to honor your rights, remain calm and polite, ask for the officer's identifying information and ask him or her to note your objection in the report. » 7 Ways To Save Money By Negotiating Rent. N egotiating rent prices can be an intimidating process. Most of us are used to the idea that we can negotiate the price of a home, car, or even our wages. However, when it comes to selecting a rental property, most of use look at that price as being set in stone. Last time, we took a look at 3 tips for you to use when trying to find lower rent . Now, we will see how those tips (plus a few others) can help us to in many situations. 7 Ways To Save Money By Negotiating Rent The first stop in negotiating rent (or anything for that matter), is to set priorities, and also establish a list of items/features that are not important to you.

You also have to understand what your counter-party considers to be important, or your negotiations will go nowhere. The idea here is to be able to offer something to your potential landlord that will be more valuable (or at least equally valuable) as the amount of rent you wish to save. This is one of the areas where you have a lot to offer. Share the Love.

What to Say to Someone Who’s Sick - This Life. Ten Ways to Improve Your Listening Skills. “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” –Leo Buscaglia Every time I give an assignment to my college students, I ask if they have questions. At first, everyone is hesitant, but in a moment or two, the questions begin. And that’s fine. What I find somewhat disconcerting, though, is that most of the questions reveal that the students haven’t really listened to my explanation, even though they appeared to have been attentive. I realize many of us need to hear something more than once to understand and process it, and I’m not faulting my students for that. What bothers me is that in school and elsewhere, I’ve noticed most people don’t make much of an attempt to listen to others.

Most of what we learn, we learn by listening. It isn’t surprising that we don’t listen effectively. Cheesebro, O’Connor, and Rios write in Communication Skills. Do college grads regret going to college? : Bundle. I'm not going to get into a discussion about whether or not it's worth it to go to college. We've had that conversation before, and so have plenty of others. Need help deciding where to go? Try out our merchant recommender for New York and San Francisco It's pretty clear that we think college is a good thing (the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that people with college degrees earn more, and have lower unemployment rates) — we just don't think we should go tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to earn a degree.

Author Austin Kleon, who studied art and writing at Miami University, puts it this way for those seeking higher education (especially those pursuing non-technical degrees like he did): "Get the education you need for as cheap as you can get it. " Over at the Economix blog, Catherine Rampell provides a survey of recent grads from the Heldrich Center at Rutgers. Under 30? Need help deciding where to go? 10 Truths I Wish I'd Known Sooner. Occasionally, being better informed leads to better decisions. Mostly, though, I think we make choices based on who we are, not what we know. The lessons here are things that people who knew and loved me tried to tell me. So thank you to my relatives who scolded me in four languages, and to my high school English teacher who watched over me like Cupid with a Ph.D., and to my best friend, who taught me patience. These people did their best to make me smarter in the ways that count. If I had been willing and able to understand them, their words might have tilted me more (and sooner) in the right direction.

If I could have, they might have. 1. 2. 3. A Guide to Headache Remedies. Words of Wisdom from the World's Oldest Man - National. Born in 1896, Walter Breuning's life story pretty much encapsulates the rise of modern America. Breuning, who died on Thursday at 114, lived in Montana and was just 26 days younger than Besse Cooper of Georgia who holds the record for the oldest living person. He could remember as far back as the turn-of-the-century when his father told him about killing Southerners in the Civil War. The Minnesota-native started working for the railroad at the age of 16 and signed up to fight in World War I at age 20, though he was never called up for service. In 1919, the year women earned the right to vote, Breuning bought his first car and complained about how the noisy machine scared horses away.

The Depression hit, and though he felt lucky to keep his job, Breuning thought President Franklin Roosevelt's signing Social Security into law was the nation's greatest achievement. After moving into a retirement home in the 1980s, Breuning spent his time just talking. Summer Color Analysis | Your Personal Summer Color Palette through Seasonal Color Analysis.

"Color Choices and Suggestions - Your Summer Color Palette If you have a Summer coloring you'll find this page helpful. Here you'll find tips and tricks on how to select and wear colors that harmonize best with your light and delicate skin, hair and eye color. If you're a Summer, you probably have: Low level of contrast between your hair and eye color. However you can also have cool (diffused) deep hair, eye color and light skin. You have an overall cool and ashy coloring no matter if your hair is blonde or brown, and no matter if your skin is light or dark. Your eyes have a soft, cool tone quality to them, such as slate and blue. Not a Summer? You are the most delicate and coolest season of all 4 in the seasonal color analysis – with a muted coloring with medium-light to medium-dark intensity. It's possible for women of color to be a Summer but they need to have an overall cool coloring as well as an eye color other than brown.

Back to Top Your Color Palette Within the Summer Season. My list of 34 general life tips I learnt from experiences and reddit. I use these every day. : offbeat. 50 Life Secrets and Tips. Memorize something everyday.Not only will this leave your brain sharp and your memory functioning, you will also have a huge library of quotes to bust out at any moment. Poetry, sayings and philosophies are your best options.Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions.Those who are heavy-set with material desires will have a lot of trouble when their things are taken away from them or lost. Possessions do end up owning you, not the other way around. Become a person of minimal needs and you will be much more content.Develop an endless curiosity about this world.Become an explorer and view the world as your jungle.

Stop and observe all of the little things as completely unique events. Try new things. Read “Zen and the Art of Happiness” by Chris Prentiss.This book will give you the knowledge and instruction to be happy at all times regardless of the circumstances. Anger Can Make Us More Rational | The Emotion Machine. A recent study in Cognition and Emotion found that anger can sometimes make us more critical thinkers by inhibiting our confirmation bias. Instead of only searching for information that supports our beliefs, anger can create a “moving against” tendency that motivates us to seek alternative information that opposes our assumptions.

The study had participants do two different experiments (which they thought were unrelated). In the first experiment, Group A wrote about an experience that made them angry, while Group B wrote about a mundane, ordinary experience. This has shown in previous research to facilitate a mood change. In the next experiment, each participant was asked to evaluate their opinions on hands-free mobile kits. All participants were chosen beforehand because they believed the hands-free kit to be safer while driving than holding the phone to your head. By the end of the experiment, those who were primed to be angry were more likely to shift from their original opinions. The Little Habits | zen habits. ‘Powerful indeed is the empire of habit.’ ~Publilius Syrus Post written by Leo Babauta. It’s amazing how big a difference a little thing can make. Starting your day mindfully with some tea, for example, can change your entire day. And when these little things are repeated daily, and formed into habits, their benefits increase not just by multiples but by exponents.

The little habits can be life-changing. Everyone’s world-changing little habits will be different, but I’ll share a few of mine, and then some tips for forming them. My Little Habits I have lots of little habits, but these are a handful of my favorites: Get-in-the-door ritual. How to Form Them I’ve written about habits numerous times before, but here’s an easy guide to forming a little habit: Do one habit at a time.Make it easy to do.Do it consciously, very consciously at first.Don’t allow any exceptions.Post your progress publicly.Keep doing it, every single day.Enjoy the habit. How to Change Your Life in 30 Seconds or Less. 5 Destructive Beliefs Almost Everyone Has (And How to Overcome Them) If you could pick one thing that you wanted everyone to know about Bipolar what would it be? | Ask a Bipolar.

Go Easy on Yourself, a New Wave of Research Urges. Heidi Grant Halvorson, Ph.D.: The Trouble with Bright Girls. Suzanne B. Phillips, Psy.D.: PBS' 'This Emotional Life': Signs That Your 'Loving Relationship' May Be an Addiction. I'm an Easy Rider, how do you compare? Personality quiz - - Be Understood. How to say no. Relationships & Forever Alone: The Truth. The Power of the Pen: 5 Scientific Reasons to Write More | The Emotion Machine. "Precommitment devices" will help you to lose weight, stop drinking, and not sleep with jerks on first dates. - By Daniel Akst. Top 10 Tips for a Healthy Brain | Reader's Digest Version. 79 Ways to Relieve Stress Right Now. How to Plant Ideas in Someone's Mind. Derek Sivers: Keep your goals to yourself. The Happiness Project Toolbox.

How to Be Early...When You Are Perpetually Late. Social Minefield: How To Deal With Shyness. I have decided to divorce my spouse which was the toughest decision of my life. Luckily my brilliant uncle gave me some great words of wisdom. : self.