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20 Ways To Make Your Walls Look Uniquely Amazing. The Only 20 Books You'll Ever Need To Read In Life. SKS Bottle & Packaging. DIY projects - StumbleUpon. Our Favorite Craft Supplies: Glue These are the types of glue that I use most often for Oh Happy Day projects.

DIY projects - StumbleUpon

Cassette Tapes Reborn as a Clever Box Lamp Cassette Lamp by Vanessa Moreno – Bright Ideas Lighting Design Competition - StumbleUpon. Plastic Cup Lamp - StumbleUpon. Now that my university is closed for winter holidays, I finally have more free time to do all the crafty things I’ve been wanting to.

Plastic Cup Lamp - StumbleUpon

One of these is a lamp made from plastic cups I’ve seen at taf, the art foundation, in the Monastiraki region in the center of Athens. When I first saw it at taf, I was amazed; I looked closely and I couldn’t believe my eyes! The object itself is so peculiar, modern and alien-like it could be in any design exhibition. & Crayon Heart Valentines with Lifestyle Crafts & Whipperberry - StumbleUpon. DIY Wrap Bracelet - Honestly WTF - StumbleUpon. You should all know by now that we are all about stacking bracelets on our wrists.

DIY Wrap Bracelet - Honestly WTF - StumbleUpon

The more, the better. In fact . . . the most, the best! With that being said, we’ll show you how to master a version of the ever so popular wrap bracelet. Design Seeds&: For All Who Love Color. #f0e0d1 #c98d58 #382d36 #9760a3 #d4aae0 #c1c8d4 Find The Palettes You Love color curl posted 01.05.14 comments 3 nature palette posted 01.04.14 comments 0.

Inspired Entertaining: DIY Chalkboard Wine Glasses - StumbleUpon. Last month I got an email from one of those "deal of the day" websites featuring a very cute set of wine glasses with chalkboard stems from a company called Chalkboard China.

Inspired Entertaining: DIY Chalkboard Wine Glasses - StumbleUpon

I've seen chalkboard glasses before, and always thought them to be a fun and chic way for guests to keep track of their glass throughout the night so you don't end up with mixed-up glasses or dozens of half-full glasses left around the house. But all the ones I've seen in stores feature a strip of chalkboard paint across the bowl of the glass, which I've always felt looks awkward and takes away from the beauty of the wine or beverage in the glass. What I like about this version is that the writing part is at the bottom on the stem and foot of the glass, so it doesn't compete with the beverage. I also like that the simple black foot on the glass is in itself an elegant design element, and would work just as well with no writing on it. Most Popular Repurposing Tricks of 2011 - StumbleUpon. MADE: TUTORIAL: Color My Summer and Cinco De Mayo.

Hello color-loving friends! Today I’m helping kick off the summer series over at Delia Creates and Kojo Designs.We’re going to COLOR my SUMMER (and yours!) Because summer feels a rainbow of never-ending fun. Swimming pools are open, flowers are in bloom, berries need picking, vacations are planned, the sun stays up late, and we celebrate our nation’s birthday with fireworks and friends. Dollar Store Mom - Frugal Fun - Crafts for Kids - StumbleUpon.

- StumbleUpon. Triple Max Tons: Easy Holiday Hair - StumbleUpon. Free People Clothing Boutique Blog - StumbleUpon. Website Suspended - StumbleUpon. Translation: “Quick!

Website Suspended - StumbleUpon

Before Santa sees us!” Creative Recycling Of light Bulb into Valuable Things. When a light bulb burns out, we rarely give it a second thought.

Creative Recycling Of light Bulb into Valuable Things

You can lend your imagination toward this fragile household item, intent on giving burnt out bulbs a second life as something very different, and aesthetically pleasing. It’s very easy to make, use of turning a light bulb into an oil burner, terrarium and many another interesting things. Used light bulbs, typically destined for the trash bin, could be the setting for an adorable miniature terrarium, practically any clear glass container can contain a tiny greenhouse, providing humidity and warmth to plants. Here are few amazing examples to use as inspiration. How to Make Leaf Skeletons - The Idea Room - StumbleUpon.

I wanted to share with you a project from one of my readers who shares with us how to make leaf skeletons.

How to Make Leaf Skeletons - The Idea Room - StumbleUpon

I LOVE this! I have several leafs in various forms displayed in my home and knew I needed to make some of her leaf skeletons to add to my decor. I love how a pattern of leaves can enhance the beauty in your home. DIY Sugar&Wax - BEAUTY WOO ME - beauty tips, cosmetics... - StumbleUpon. {Image from this etsy shop where you can buy sugar wax if you don't want to make it.

DIY Sugar&Wax - BEAUTY WOO ME - beauty tips, cosmetics... - StumbleUpon

We are not affiliated. I just like the way they look. Let me know if you buy the wax!} Hello lovely reader. Gutter Gardens Grow Produce Without Taking Up Space. If you’d love to do a little at-home gardening but don’t have much space to do your planting, a simple gutter garden might be the perfect option.

Gutter Gardens Grow Produce Without Taking Up Space

Alaskan news site Juneau Empire features a smart, simple idea for planting a small vegetable garden with very little space: A windowbox garden built from gutters. In Alaska, this idea solves a few problems for the author: We live near the glacier, so the soil is cold and has very little organic matter, there are lots of big trees shading it, and we have all the slugs and root maggots anyone could want, with porcupines, cats, bears and ravens meandering to boot.There is only one side of our house that gets much sunshine, and, of course, that side of the house has the smallest yard. Even if your garden doesn’t face the same problems, the idea behind the gutter garden could be perfect if you’re low on space but would kill for some homegrown veggies.

25 clever ideas to make life easier - StumbleUpon. Via: Why didn’t I think of that?!

25 clever ideas to make life easier - StumbleUpon

We guarantee you’ll be uttering those words more than once at these ingenious little tips, tricks and ideas that solve everyday problems … some you never knew you had! (Above: hull strawberries easily using a straw). Via: Rubbing a walnut over scratches in your furniture will disguise dings and scrapes. Via: Print Hula Hoop Rug Page. Decorating with wall murals - Creative Kismet & Blog Archive & little guiding stars - StumbleUpon.

Since the new year has started I’ve been trying to think of ways to be more kind to my self. Especially when that nasty gremlins try to creep in and stump me. I remembered this origami star video on You Tube and had to get them involved in my plan. I thought it would be fun to make a whole bunch with kind words and “you are….” phrases inside. I made 60 of them, enough to last me the whole year if I open one a week, plus a few extra just in case. I used 12 x 12 inch scrapbook paper and cut 1/2 x 12″ strips, then followed the video HERE*.