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Booksthatmakeyoudumb. How To Get A Liberal Arts Education (Without Going To University) Even though Liberal Arts degrees typically fall at the bottom of the education hierarchy, I think it’s one of the most valuable educations for the future.

How To Get A Liberal Arts Education (Without Going To University)

Why? Because nobody can predict which job skills will stay in-demand in the future but what we do know we will need lots of people who are flexible, have wide understanding of the world and are excellent communicators. PHILIP WARD'S A LIFETIME READING: THE WORLD'S 500 GREATEST BOOKS. Philip Ward (1938-) is a librarian, scholar, editor and author of more than 50 books.


His A Lifetime's Reading: The World's 500 Greatest Books provides an ambitious plan to guide reader's through the great books. He explains his purpose in writing the book as follows: " Like most professional librarians, I have at one time or another glanced across a library to see a man or woman of eighteen to twenty daunted - even bewildered - by the sheer richness of the library treasures that are waiting to be enjoyed, the great minds to be understood, the poet's voices to be heard, the characters of fiction to be encountered. Book sources. Babelio - Vos livres en ligne - Connectez vos bibliothèques. Livres ! Libfly, la bibliothèque en ligne - Romans, mangas, BD, albums, essais. La Griffe Noire - Librairie en ligne - Vente de livres accompagnés d'un commentaire littéraire du libraire Gérard Collard!

Librairie Dialogues.


eBooks. Libraries. Legifrance - Le service public de l'accès au droit. LII.