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"I will be heard!" Abolitionism in America. Origins of Abolitionism By the eighteenth century, Great Britain was reaping monumental financial rewards from the transatlantic slave trade. The transatlantic slave trade, commonly known as the triangular slave trade, was composed of three parts: European goods were traded for African slaves; African slaves were sold in the Americas for plantation crops; plantation crops were transported for sale and consumption in Europe. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, slavery had few opponents in England. Indeed, English society valued the slave trade for its significant contribution to the nation’s wealth, and romanticized the adventurous lives of traders on the high seas.

Continue the tour. A More Perfect Union | Watch | Constitution USA. One of the most revolutionary aspects of the Constitution is “federalism,” the innovative system which created a strong national government while at the same time preserving much of the independence of the states. This delicate balance of power, seemingly hard-wired for disagreement and conflict, has served America well for more than two centuries. But it has also led to tensions throughout American history and still sparks controversy today. Peter Sagal travels across the country and meets many who believe that the federal government has grown too big, and assumed more power than the framers intended. He’ll talk to a Montana gun rights advocate, who believes federal firearms regulations are taking away his constitutional rights, and to the owner of a medical marijuana dispensary in Oakland which is legal according to the state of California, but for which he could be subject to the death penalty according to federal law.

U.S. History. AP United States History Course Home Page. History_Framework.pdf (application/pdf Object) History Matters: The U.S. Survey Course on the Web. NEH EDSITEment Lesson Plans. Indiana University - History Learning Project. Center for History and New Media » Teaching + Learning.

Sea of Liberty Providing interactive tools for teaching, exploring, and sharing the power of Jefferson’s ideas across cultures and borders. Learn More | Visit the Site 100 Leaders Encouraging exploration of leadership and legacy in world history through voting, classroom activities, and teaching resources. Learn More | Visit the Site Sharing quality content, tools, and strategies to improve teaching and learning American history.

Learn More | Visit the Site Ford’s Theatre Videos Bringing to light the value of quality professional development for teachers through video. Learn More | Visit the Site Popular Romance Project Rethinking the concepts of love and romance through study of popular fiction and popular culture. Learn More | Visit the Site Hidden in Plain Sight Nurturing historical thinking and investigation skills via an asynchronous online course focusing on objects. Learn More | Visit the Site. Historical Thinking Matters: home page.