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Sharing your personal information. BBC Earth - Nature's Biggest Beasts: The mountain stone weta. Appreciate - This heroic man keeps African Wilderness alive! Hashem Al-Ghaili - Light And Noise Pollution Are Affecting Birds’ Migration And Reproduction. Hashem Al-Ghaili - Decline in Insect Populations. Hashem Al-Ghaili - Turtles return to an Indian beach for the first time in 20 years. Hashem Al-Ghaili - Amazing Facts About Koalas. Hashem Al-Ghaili - Top Longest Living Animals. Hashem Al-Ghaili - The Golden Poison Dart Frog. Hashem Al-Ghaili - Amazing Facts About Crocodiles. Hashem Al-Ghaili - How ants navigate the world: Ants have a powerful sense of direction! Hashem Al-Ghaili - Medical Benefits of Scorpion Venom. BBC One - Natural World: Octopus in my house. Hashem Al-Ghaili - What are the rarest species in the world? BBC Earth - BBC Earth's smartest animals. Spiders could theoretically eat every... - Hashem Al-Ghaili.

Amazing behaviors of different mothers... - Hashem Al-Ghaili. Spiders could theoretically eat every... - Hashem Al-Ghaili. Crazy Creatures - Jellyfish Are Extremely Weird Creatures. 27 Increíbles criaturas del océano que parecen de ciencia ficción. Descubre a estas 27 increíbles criaturas marinas del fondo del océano que parecen sacados de una película de ciencia ficción, algunos de los más extraordinarios: 1.

27 Increíbles criaturas del océano que parecen de ciencia ficción

Oso de agua Estos pequeños micro-animales de 1 mm de largo tiene una resistencia asombrosa. Pueden sobrevivir a temperaturas de casi cero absoluto (-273ºC) hasta temperaturas de 180ºC y resistir 1.000 veces más radiación que la mayoría de los animales. Incluso pueden volver a la vida después llevar 10 años secos y son los primeros animales que se conocen que pueden sobrevivir al vacío del espacio. 2. El cangrejo araña, originario del mar Caribe, lleva este nombre debido a que su cuerpo es bastante parecido y similar al de una araña terrestre. 3.

Es una de las 3000 especies de babosas de mar que existen, pero el Nudibranch es una de las que posee una apariencia más alocada. 4. Los salpa son unos animales marinos que pueden tener la clave para luchar contra el cambio climático. Estos peces son familia de los caballitos de mar. The Rare and Exotic Animals - National Geographic Documentary. Noble Animals - Peacock Spider Dances Around! BBC Earth - Some of the world's most endangered animals.... New Species Of Monkey Discovered, And It's Ridiculously Tiny And Adorable. The pygmy marmoset, the world’s smallest monkey, is not a cute animal – it is actually two separate species of exceptionally cute animals.

New Species Of Monkey Discovered, And It's Ridiculously Tiny And Adorable

Evolutionary biologists at the University of Salford in the UK have used genome sequencing on numerous specimens of this pygmy marmoset to study their evolutionary history. Their DNA showed that there are actually two separate species of Cebuella that diverged from one another around 2-3 million years ago – one from the north of the Amazon River, one from the south. The study was recently published in the scientific journal Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. Native to the rainforest of the western Amazon Basin, this bug-munching marmoset weighs a little over 100 grams (3.5 ounces) and is about the size of a toy figurine.

German naturalist Johann Spix first described the species back in 1823, however, his work been the subject of some controversy in the marmoset-studying world. So, what's the difference between these two? Tardigrades: The Toughest Creatures on Earth - Hashem Al-Ghaili. Opossums can neutralize almost all poisons! - Hashem Al-Ghaili. Ants are incredibly smart and powerful! - Hashem Al-Ghaili. Crows are as smart as 7-year-old humans. Hashem Al-Ghaili - Applications of Spider Silk. BBC Earth - How do chameleons change colour? Crazy Creatures - Deep Freeze - The Animals That Can Freeze and Come Back to Life. Crazy Creatures - Pufferfish: Nature's Greatest Artist? Crazy Creatures - The Top 10 Longest Living Creatures. Crazy Creatures - Why Do People Befriend Monkeys? Hashem Al-Ghaili - Birds Can See Earth's Magnetic Fields.

The Dodo - Caterpillar Makes The Most Gorgeous Transformation. World Economic Forum - This frog could save the world from antibiotic resistant bacteria. Crazy Creatures - Nature's 10 Strongest Animals. Metamorphosis of Frog - Sci-Tech Universe. Crazy Creatures - The Superpowers of the Mantis Shrimp. Hashem Al-Ghaili - Amazing Facts About Butterflies.