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CrackingCreditCode.jpg (JPEG Image, 600 × 1708 pixels) S Lair: The Vault. Cutest bear attack ever. All the Words. Google Image Result for. 1_ad55cda96af4b208dd376248a80c0608.jpg (JPEG Image, 150x150 pixels) Ragdoll Facts. The theme of my message through this segment is "responsibility. " Kittens are indeed fun, but they are also work . . . . and, kittens become cats. And cats need love too . . . . Ragdolls, even more so! Many of you already know everything mentioned here. But for others, this may have been an eye-opener. After all, the size of a cat's stool is not a common topic of conversation within any social group I know of - but is, nevertheless, crucial information for a new owner. As lovely as Ragdoll cats are . . . and as colorful, glamorous, lively, and accurate RCN may be, you must be ultimately ready to become a "parent" once you welcome one into your home . . . and that includes an awareness of the topics mentioned here.

Google Image Result for. Shadow_26.png (PNG Image, 493x584 pixels) File:420px-AssetSupShadKey.jpg - Sonic News Network, the Sonic Wiki. Sonic hedgehog image by Richtoon18 on Photobucket. 何見てんの?《漫画》 [1] Angel [2] Sonic News Network, the Sonic Wiki. The swimmer manuscript. Jack kilpatrick and anna gritts. Stomp dance. Structure and function of a Stomp Dance Society[edit] The Stomp Dance is a ceremony that contains both religious and social meaning. To the Muscogee Creeks, Cherokees, and other Southeastern Indians the Stomp Dance is affiliated with the Green Corn Ceremony. The term "Stomp Dance" is an English term, which refers to the "shuffle and stomp" movements of the dance. In the native Muskogee language the dance is called Opvnkv Haco, which can mean "drunken," "crazy," or "inspirited" dance.[4] This usually refers to the exciting, yet meditative effect the dance and the medicine have on the participants.

In the native Shawnee language, the dance is called Nikanikawe which refers to a dance involving friends or nikane. It is also called the Leading Dance by many Shawnees, but most simply call it the "Stomp Dance. " Among Muscogee Creeks and Four Mothers Society members, the Stomp Dance Grounds contain an elevated square platform with the flat edges of the square facing the cardinal directions. Green Corn Ceremony. The Green Corn Ceremony is a religious and social event celebrated by a number of American Indian peoples of the Eastern Woodlands and the Southeastern tribes. The Green Corn festivals were also practiced by the Mississippian culture people as part of their Mississippian Ideological Interaction Sphere.

Green Corn festivals are held today by many different Southeastern Woodland tribes. The Green Corn Ceremony typically coincides in the late summer and is tied to the ripening of the corn crops. The ceremony is marked with dancing, feasting, fasting and religious observations. Ceremony[edit] The Muscogee tradition[edit] In the Muscogee tradition of the Southeastern Muscogee Creek people Muscogee Creek and Seminole peoples, the Green Corn festival is called Posketv (Bus-get-uh) which means Fasting to Fast. The Posketv is the Creek and Seminole New Year. The men rise before dawn on the second day and remove the previous year’s fire and clean the ceremonial area from all coals and ash. #hq Blog on deviantART: Good Nudes vs. Bad Nudes? Crime Prevention | Public Safety. UALR encourages accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes to the Department of Public Safety (DPS), appropriate police agencies and the dean of students. Each reported incident will be investigated by a law enforcement officer.

Investigative reports are prepared for other law enforcement agencies and local, state and federal prosecutors. Be Alert When Walking Be Alert in Vehicles Have your key ready when you approach your vehicle.Check inside your vehicle before entering.Always keep your vehicle locked, even while driving.Park in well-lighted areas if possible.Avoid isolated roads and shortcuts.Keep your vehicle in good repair, make sure you have enough fuel.If you are followed, drive to the nearest open business for help or go to a police or fire station.When dropping someone off, wait until passengers have safely entered their residence or destination.

Jogging, Biking, Outdoor Activities Sexual Assault Know your defenses: Anyone can be a victim of sexual assault. Submitting to an Attack. Klimt. Google Image Result for. How to be a Wolf: BE BITTEN INSIDE | Forum. MAP-Works. #hq Blog on deviantART: The Resource Roundup. Runic alphabet. Runology is the study of the runic alphabets, runic inscriptions, runestones, and their history. Runology forms a specialised branch of Germanic linguistics. The earliest runic inscriptions date from around AD 150. The characters were generally replaced by the Latin alphabet as the cultures that had used runes underwent Christianisation, by approximately AD 700 in central Europe and AD 1100 in Northern Europe. However, the use of runes persisted for specialized purposes in Northern Europe.

The three best-known runic alphabets are the Elder Futhark (around AD 150–800), the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc (AD 400–1100), and the Younger Futhark (AD 800–1100). Historically, the runic alphabet is a derivation of the Old Italic alphabets of antiquity, with the addition of some innovations. The process of transmission of the script is unknown. History and use[edit] The runes were in use among the Germanic peoples from the 1st or 2nd century AD. The name runes contrasts with Latin or Greek letters. Constellation Generator. Language Mixer. Making a believable character. The full thing without the link, just because I can... Part 1: The Basics 1. What is your full name?

2. Where and when were you born? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Part 2: Growing Up 15. pan>How would you describe your childhood in general? 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Part 3: Past Influences 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Part 4: Beliefs And Opinions 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Part 5: Relationships With Others 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. Part 6: Likes And Dislikes 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83.

Part 7: Self Images And Etc. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. School for Better Role Playing (1351 users) | Gaia Guilds. Here we wish to help people to become better Role Players. This guild is meant for people that have just started to role play, but can help even those that have been doing that for years. Hey, even I might learn a thing or two! Come on in and check us out. Post a few before you ask to join or just jump right on in. All up to you. All I ask for is a reason why you wish to join. The guild has many different levels and categories of role plays. Not sure how to do something or want someone else to look something over and give opinions and advice? Still not getting what you need?

No application to this guild is refused. Rules (I only have a few) ~No Cybering (Cloths on at all times) ~Follow Gaian rules ~Try not to curse and cuss too much. Punishments (I hate to do this, but every guild must have one) ~You get a written warning first. Allies Please do not donate to the guild directly. Thank you and have fun! Banners created by Skull Kid http// Hoshina's Slave's Profiles.[12 open!] Rare slaves! Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Mukuro x Tsuna.

Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Manga - Read Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Online For Free. Darkamelot! Randy the Rhino Princess. Actual-ironman-tonystark: queerqueensansa: postllimit: mom: hey *dad’s name* oh whoops i mean *brother’s name* oh no *sister’s name* i mean *name of the family goldfish* ah shoot i meant *your name* can you get down here really quick i need something my dad has literally called me by his own name. my mother has called me our cats name who has been dead for five yearsmultiple times (via stroke-my-corgi) _lsi0dm92yT1qzzujmo2_500.jpg (JPEG Image, 436x291 pixels) _lsi0dm92yT1qzzujmo1_500.jpg (JPEG Image, 436x291 pixels) Pixivランキング タグ:サディク・アドナン. Pixivランキング タグ:サディク・アドナン.

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The photo above was taken by Sidney Erthal If you like Burning Man, make sure to check out the photography of Scott London. How heavy was your human light suit and was it hard to steer? The suit gives your images an almost in-studio lighting effect. What was the response like from the people you photographed? That’s a lot of lights. What Happens When the Woman Wants Sex Way More Than the Man? How Unfair Sex Stereotypes Strain Relationships. October 20, 2011 | Like this article?

Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. One of the evergreen topics surrounding relationships is the problem of uneven desire. As a great many counselors will attest, there are few questions more common in marital therapy than how a couple can resolve the conflict that comes when one partner wants sex more often than the other. It’s a nearly universal issue in long-term monogamous relationships; straight, gay, and lesbian couples are equally vulnerable to the problem.

But in heterosexual relationships, our assumption is that the man should be the one who “wants it more.” Like every stereotype, this one proves true in a certain number of instances. Earlier this year, I ran a small survey (solicited on my Facebook). “It sounds awful”, she wrote, “but I feel so ugly and unwanted when the burden is on me to initiate. “I work a lot”, wrote one 30-year-old guy, “and I swear, I’m only up for sex maybe twice a week. Running-gazelle-lion-run-morning-1680x1050 HD Wallpaper. Top 10 Photos of the Week.

To me its far less about the photo and far more about where the photographer was sitting “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” – - Sir Winston Churchill To me its far less about the photo and far more about where the photographer was sitting “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” – - Sir Winston Churchill You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality Hey Zebra, why the long face “Oh, there it is!” Cows are the new cats When life imitates art… or takes place simultaneously to art… or, how in the hell did he do that? Compliance is always a big concern when escalator cops are involved The future seldom makes sense without a passing lane She’ll love this one On some days, gravity is not your friend The original Angry Bird Surveillance cameras are never as much fun as just being a sneaky bastard Camel tow There are only two ways to live your life.

Scarred for life. 60 Funny Demotivators | Clikked. Random Dungeon Generator Launcher - v 0.1.12 beta. 290809053349.jpg (JPEG Image, 1393x1049 pixels) - Scaled (53%) Puppy loves kitty. A library to envy. A little good advice never hurt anyone. If you’re looking for a few tips on how to improve your graphic design business or just a little insight into how others do things, 100 habits of successful graphic designers is worth a read. On to a few quotes from the book… Keep in touch with your clients, past and present. Every business has competitors and you want clients to think of you first. Though repeat projects from some clients may be few and far between, keeping in touch occasionally will help secure you in their mind for future work.

Do an extra-good job on tiny projects. Small projects are often treated as churn and burn jobs, but every business starts small. Spend time with your client to build consensus and create shared goals. It’s understandable that clients are excited and designers are eager to begin a new project, but you can never have too much information. Don’t stop at just a written brief, have a few conversations. Seek out creative clients for successful collaborations. Ten Signs He Really Loves You. Do you want to know whether he really loves you?

There are so many telltale signs that will indicate your boyfriend really cares about you, but here are the top ten sure signs to check whether your relationship will stand the test of time. 1. He Looks Into Your Eyes When You Talk This sign is all about the body language. If he looks into your eyes when you talk, you know he is paying full attention to you. 2. If your boyfriend asks about your past, your dreams, your desires (not just sexual), your wants, your needs, how you feel inspired, what you love, or anything about you that relates to your thoughts intimately as an individual, you can be very sure that he wants what is best for you. 3. While touch is more important to some people than others, casual touches that are not necessarily sexual in nature are definitely signs he is letting you know that he loves you. 4. This is one of the most important indicators of a relationship that will stand the test of time. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

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