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Professional Software Development, Practices and Ethics. Professional Programmer. Aristotle and the Art of Software Development. Lean, Agile and the Human Condition (Jim Sutton) Agile. Agile. Ethiek. Ethiek (Grieks: èthos, gewoonte of zedelijke handeling) of moraalwetenschap is een tak van de filosofie die zich bezighoudt met de kritische bezinning over het juiste handelen.


In algemene zin probeert ethiek de criteria vast te stellen om te kunnen beoordelen of een handeling als goed of fout kan worden gekwalificeerd, en om de motieven en consequenties van deze handeling te kunnen evalueren. Het stellen van vragen over ethiek is natuurlijk geen monopolie van de filosofie. Ook in andere studiegebieden zoals politiek, geneeskunde, geschiedenis, biologie en sociologie is ethiek soms onderwerp van discussie. In de ethiek vraagt de filosoof zich af wat de uiteindelijke norm is voor het menselijk handelen. Hoewel in de omgangstaal ’ethisch’ in de betekenis van ’moreel’ wordt gebruikt, gaat het om twee verschillende gebieden: ’moraal’ is het zedelijk handelen zelf, terwijl ethiek de studie ervan is.

Ethiek kan daarnaast ook descriptief of prescriptief zijn. Geschiedenis[bewerken] Socrates. Framework for Ethics in ICT. Eliminating Bottlenecks - Operations Management. Our operation is only as fast as our slowest process.

Eliminating Bottlenecks - Operations Management

To be successful, we need to target and eliminate bottlenecks. In general, a bottleneck is a process in an operation where the capacity is less than demand placed upon that operation. (article continues below) The Boy Scout Rule. From Programmer 97-things The Boy Scouts have a rule: "Always leave the campground cleaner than you found it.

The Boy Scout Rule

" If you find a mess on the ground, you clean it up regardless of who might have made the mess. You intentionally improve the environment for the next group of campers. Actually the original form of that rule, written by Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, the father of scouting, was "Try and leave this world a little better than you found it. " What if we followed a similar rule in our code: "Always check a module in cleaner than when you checked it out. " I think if we all followed that simple rule, we'd see the end of the relentless deterioration of our software systems.

I don't think this rule is too much to ask. Frankly, this just sounds like common decency to me — like washing your hands after you use the restroom, or putting your trash in the bin instead of dropping it on the floor. But it's more than that. By Uncle Bob. Drum Buffer Rope and Theory of Constraints. My family and I went camping with my brother-in-law and his family.

Drum Buffer Rope and Theory of Constraints

We went to a place in Utah called Uinta National Forest — it was beautiful. We prepared well, got the tent and camping stuff ready, then headed to the camp site on Friday. When we arrived, we set-up camp, then we went on a hike. That’s us above on a hike — that’s me with the blue shirt holding a baby; yeah, the Asian guy, that’s me. It was just absolutely beautiful up there. When the bottleneck of an Agile team is the team itself. When the bottleneck of an Agile team is the team itself Posted on Tue, Jan 24, 2012 by Jayaprakash Puttaswamy Most often, we have observed that agile implementations fail in spite of putting efforts towards educating the team about Agile principles, training the team on Agile practices, and getting the right people for Agile roles.

When the bottleneck of an Agile team is the team itself

Have you ever wondered why? Teamlearning. Constructivism (learning theory) Jean Piaget: founder of Constructivism In past centuries, constructivist ideas were not widely valued due to the perception that children's play was seen as aimless and of little importance.

Constructivism (learning theory)

Jean Piaget did not agree with these traditional views, however. He saw play as an important and necessary part of the student's cognitive development and provided scientific evidence for his views. Today, constructivist theories are influential throughout much of the non-formal learning sector. Constructivism Vs. Realism.

In order to effectively convey the critical insights that constructivism brings to international relations and how these insights differ from realism, the concepts of constructivism and realism must first be, albeit briefly, defined.

Constructivism Vs. Realism

Once terms are clearly defined, a few of the most critical insights that constructivism brings to the international table will be explored. Ethics for ICT Professionals. Introduction Professional ethical issues can occur in developing any Information Technology system.

Ethics for ICT Professionals

However, the Internet and web allow many more people around the world to quickly connect to an IT system. As a result professionals are more likely to confront ethical issues when dealing with the Internet and the World Wide Web. Professionals may be called to account for their actions not only in their own country, but in any jurisdiction in the world. Softw Engineering Code of Ethics. Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice (Version 5.2) as recommended by the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Task Force on Software Engineering Ethics and Professional Practices and jointly approved by the ACM and the IEEE-CS as the standard for teaching and practicing software engineering.Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice (Short Version) The short version of the code summarizes aspirations at a high level of the abstraction; the clauses that are included in the full version give examples and details of how these aspirations change the way we act as software engineering professionals.

Softw Engineering Code of Ethics

Without the aspirations, the details can become legalistic and tedious; without the details, the aspirations can become high sounding but empty; together, the aspirations and the details form a cohesive code. 1. PUBLIC - Software engineers shall act consistently with the public interest. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Principle 1: PUBLIC. Ethics in Software Engineering. Kanban.