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Wedding Petals Necklace. DIY Simple Crystal Cuff. Ready for something easy?

DIY Simple Crystal Cuff

These kinds of projects are often my favorite: pretty materials, a cinch to assemble, and so wearable. Here's the latest project that ticks all those boxes, a simple DIY crystal cuff bracelet. KENZO NECKLACE DIY. Me encanta ver los desfiles de las nuevas temporadas para sacar ideas para DIY.


Cuando vi las fotos del desfile de Kenzo por Collage Vintage vi el DIY más sencillo del mundo! Inspiration ¿Podría ser más fácil? Seguro que en casa tenéis algún teléfono antiguo, y si el color no os gusta, un poco de spray y listo! DIY seed packet necklace. Spring is right around the corner my friends!

DIY seed packet necklace.

I can’t believe how nice the weather is here in Atlanta. It’s downright wonderful. But I have a feeling that is only going to last for so long and then it’s going to be hot potato around here. Ombre Glitter Glass Star Pendant. Who would have thought that glass and glitter from Dollar Tree could look so chic?

Ombre Glitter Glass Star Pendant

Read on to learn how easy it is to make this fall inspired pendant! I love the ombre trend that is so "in" right now, and I had noticed how the packs of glitter from the Dollar Tree are already lined up in a pretty 'ombre-like' way. So I combined the glitter with a fun star glass floral stone, also from Dollar Tree, to make this pendant that my kids keep stealing from me. Supplies: 3 Simple wrap bacelets. Wrap bracelets are all the rage right now, and friendship bracelets (or friendship cords!)

3 Simple wrap bacelets

Are always a summer staple. While we love the intricate detailing of the gorgeously beaded wrap bracelets we've been seeing in boutiques both online and offline, we knew there had to be a quick and easy hack for getting the same look at home. Thanks to silver ball chain found at any hardware store or craft store, becoming a wrap star is as easy as pie! Materials: - silver ball chain - silver ball clasps - embroidery floss - scissors - tape - optional: leather lacing, yarn For our first wrap bracelet, we used teal embroidery floss and light blue yarn. Take a length of chain that suits you. Lay the chain next to the yarn and tie the embroidery floss around the two. We wrapped each section 3 or 4 times. We used yarn to give the bracelet a funky texture, additional color, and because it helped the embroidery floss stay in one place. Next up, we used leather and got a little knotty. Graphic chevron accessories (from pasta)

Lately I’ve been trying to incorporate more play into my adult life, but it can be hard to remember what “playing” in the childhood sense of the word feels like.

graphic chevron accessories (from pasta)

I imagine it’s wonderful — the mind is open, fearless, non-judgmental and full of spontaneity. These are the qualities I’d like to bring back into all aspects of my life, and it’s exciting when you can observe these characteristics in other people’s work. Evie S. came up with the idea for this project while playing with her children. She found the pattern of a few scattered penne intriguing and began tinkering with different elements. A little paint and some braided fabric strips, and voila! Have a DIY project you’d like to share? Read the full how-to after the jump!

I’m a mom of two young boys and proof that you can find inspiration anywhere and with anything if you look. Materials scissorsjersey knit fabric (about 1/2 yard would be plenty)glue gunacrylic craft paintpaint brush6–8 pieces of uncooked penne pasta Instructions 1. 2. Toilet paper roll pendants. DIY Wooden bangle in herritage blue with silver sparkles. INFINITE GLITTER BRACELET DIY. Siempre me ha gustado el símbolo del infinito, cada vez que lo veo me recuerda que los límites sólo nos los podemos marcar nosotros.


Esta pulsera es muy sencilla, tan sólo necesitamos una cuerda, una tira de brillantes, hilo y corchetes. I've always liked the symbol of infinity, every time I see reminds me that the only limits are what we can make to us. This bracelet is simple,we only need rope, a strip of bright wire and brackets. THE STAR BRACELET DIY. Este es uno de los DIY más sencillos que he hecho, pero me ha gustado mucho el resultado!


Es simplemente una estrella con 2 agujeros (la venden el cualquier mercería) y cadena fina. This is one of the easiest DIY I've done, but I liked the result! It is simply a star with two holes (you can buy it any haberdashery) and thin chain. Os dejo el tutoria I leave the steps. Crochet Flower Bracelet. I received free samples of the crochet thread used in this project but was not financially compensated to use them.

Crochet Flower Bracelet

However, if you are interested in purchasing items from Wholeport, you can also help support my blog by purchasing through the affiliate links included in this post. You can read my full Disclosure Statement here. I wanted to make a special little gift for a special little girl. So what do little girls like … hmmm … pink, flowers, jewelry … yes!