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Explore more. Web pages, photos, and videos | One Man Disney Movie, With All the Voices by One Amazing Singer - Urlesque - StumbleUpon. Pixar animator Nick Pitera isn't just good at animation. He's also a phenomenal singer, as he shows in his new video, "One Man Disney Movie. " Pitera, in a six-way splitscreen setup, sings the parts of a whole bunch of memorable Disney heroes, villains, and even heroines. Pitera's range is so incredible that you won't believe he's doing all the voices himself. His Belle is darn near as spot-on as his Aladdin. Update: There's now a brilliant mashup of Nick Pitera's vocals and the corresponding Disney footage. You almost can't tell it's not the original singers! Lady Gaga's 'Bad Romance' Mashed Up With Disney's 'Newsies' A Call to Consume.

Philip Zimbardo shows how people become monsters ... or heroes. Storm Freerun - Volume 1 - StumbleUpon. Theo Jansen creates new creatures. Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world | Video on - StumbleUpon. Keith Barry does brain magic. Lazy Jedi. - StumbleUpon. This is probably the most awesome/epic video on the internet. EVER! Video. Amazing Love Line(s) Art Video - StumbleUpon. GHOST SHARK 2: URBAN JAWS Concept Trailer. StumbleUpon.