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OER in Education. OER teacher education resources - OER in Education. This page provides a register of OER providers in the teacher education area, links to OER search engines, and other aggregate sites, allowing you to find further resources. UK based The OpenLearn project (Open University) with a specific link to the Education topic The VITAL project (Open University & eSkills UK) an innovative professional development programme for teachers The OER Repository (University of Leicester) includes specific genetics OER for primary/secondary teaching The TTRB3 - which aims to make available the evidence base for teacher education and professional development including research and policy on teaching and learning, with contributions from teachers, researchers, teacher educators and other professionals.

Europe Africa Global OER Related UK Higher Education materials The Higher Education STEM OER wiki - guidance on OER in Science, Technology & Engineering from JISC funded projects UNESCO/COL Guidelines on Open Educational Resources (OER) in Higher Education ArkOS. Free Educational Videos for K-12 Students. Good sites for kids! Web 2.0 Resources. Home. Global Voices · Citizen media stories from around the world. OER KnowledgeCloud. Learning. Guide... There are countless websites offering images, video and audio files for use in education, but it's not always easy to know which sites are most useful or appropriate. This advice document discusses general tools and strategies for finding digital resources and looks at many of the sites you can use as reliable sources.

This is one of two advice documents about finding digital media resources online. This first document looks at tools and strategies for finding digital resources, and highlights some of the general sources you can use to find images, video and audio to use in teaching, learning and research. The other document provides advice and pointers on finding subject-specific types of still images, moving images and sound files. You may also be interested in the online Moodle tutorials we have developed, which are currently hosted by RSC Wales: The Internet has grown to become an incredible resource and is the first port of call for many people's information searches.

Web directories. Open educational resources (OERs) The creation of open educational resources (OER) requires consideration of a number of legal issues. Paramount amongst these is consideration of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), and in particular, copyright. Making materials ‘open’ is to make them available to the public for free in perpetuity (at least to some extent – certain restrictions are still possible).

Whilst this is not an issue where the person releasing the materials is the copyright owner, it is a much more difficult issue where third party materials are included. Other legal issues which may need to be considered include data protection law, liability for inaccuracy or illegal content, and accessibility law. To assess how ready your organisation is to adopt open licensing policies, there is a wizard to help you. For the purposes of this guidance, ‘open’ will be taken to mean release under a Creative Commons (CC) licence.

Copyright and open educational resources Why getting copyright sorted is crucial Ownership of copyright. Open educational resources (OERs) Edtechpost - OER Dynamic Search Engine. Xpert. Temoa : Open Educational Resources (OER) Portal | Open Educational Resources Portal. OER Commons. OER Commons. Jorum | The UK's largest repository for discovering and sharing Open Educational Resources for HE, FE and Skills. Free Online Courses From Top Colleges: 2016 Update. Curated Collections. Curated Collections | Curriki. Curriki recommends these curated collections of OERs that have been carefully curated by our Curriki team, Curriki community members who have generously contributed their materials, and content partners.

These curated collections will enable educators, parents, and students to quickly and easily find vetted resources. Some collections map to standards and learning objectives. All collections are available free to educators, students and parents. In the spirit of OERs, Curriki encourages our members to adapt the materials to meet their own needs. Use the videos to flip your classesIntegrate the materials into your existing curriculumBuild a brand new curriculum with the OER as the basisSelect individual resources for homework help Watch this page for new additions!

Have a recommended unit or course? Social Studies Collections American History Ancient Rome Resource Collection Oral History Projects in the Social Studies Classroom Preserving the Bill of Rights by the Bill of Rights Institute. Khan Academy. Free Online Courses.

Coursera - Free Online Courses From Top Universities. MASSOLIT | The best academics in the world in your classroom.