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Five health benefits of limes: They can reverse the signs of aging. (Photo by Masterfile) The lime is the sweeter cousin of the lemon with a distinctive flavour that’s reminiscent of the Caribbean.

Five health benefits of limes: They can reverse the signs of aging

Have you ever wondered why a person, especially a sailor from Britain, used to be called a Limey? In 1493, the passion for this fruit began to spread. British explorers dominated the world trade routes with their steady supply of limes from the West Indies. Fudgy Black Bean Brownies and Banana Treat. Oreo Truffle Bites.

I’ve been seeing a lot of posts recently about Oreo Truffles.

Oreo Truffle Bites

I guess chocolate and the month of love just go so well together that recipes such as this one are a wining combo! But what I love about this recipe is the convenience. Only and handful of ingredients. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies *If you are visiting this post for the first time, you may wish to visit my “Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies Take Two” post- a more recent post where I share (what I think is) a better version of these brownies!

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies

These are good too- but I took the comments suggested in this post and created a new recipe based on feedback. Okay, Cookie Dough Lovers. I gave you those Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles a few weeks ago, and now I’m giving you Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies! The raw dough is egg-free, of course. Dirty Vegan Foods. "Naughty Food with None of the Guilt" © 2011 ~Dirty Vegan Foods ™~ Live within 20 miles of our Kitchen??

Dirty Vegan Foods

Find us at Lees Market in Westport, Clements Market in Portsmouth, The Green Grocer in Portsmouth and of course A Market in Newport and Manchester NH!! Lasagna-timpano.html from - StumbleUpon. I went to see tUnE-yArDs on Monday night with some friends, and as always we wanted to cook a meal that somehow related to the show we were heading to.

lasagna-timpano.html from - StumbleUpon

Sometimes this is hard to do, but other times it seems to come naturally. Finding culinary inspiration in Merrill's lyrics seemed like it would be tough, but my sister knew what she wanted to make without hesitation. "How about something layered, because of all the vocal and instrument layering in the music? " HealthyGardenCafe. Detox and Cleansing Diets. A Detox Diet (also called a cleansing diet) will remove toxins and poisons from your body.

Detox and Cleansing Diets

The idea of a good detox diet is to eat pure and natural foods that will aid the function of the lymph, kidneys, and liver. All foods that hinder the regime should be avoided. Detox diets are controversial and risky. Some experts believe there is inadequate evidence to support the claims made. Many detox diets have quite severe restrictions, and should be embarked upon with great care. The Vegan Stoner. Healthy. Happy. Life. Suburban Organics - How our Service Works. Suburban Organics is now Door To Door Organics!

Suburban Organics - How our Service Works

Have an old Suburban Organics account? Log In at Door to Door Organics and we'll retrieve all of your account info. Discover a whole new shopping experience: About 500 organic, natural, and local groceries: dairy, meat, gluten-free foods, vegan options, and much moreA wider variety of farm-fresh organic produceA new website that’s easy to navigate and offers more product infoMore than 1,000 chef-tested recipes in our new KitchenA Shop by Recipe tool that transforms your order into delicious meals Find out more on our new blog. Copyright 2013 Door To Door Organics. Homemade Sausages. When I saw these on Isa's blog, I knew I had to make them.

Homemade Sausages

Sure, they looked great for pizza and gumbo and the like, but would they stand up to the bun test? Would they be good on their own, slightly grilled, and served with ketchup and mustard? The answer is yes! Yes! A thousand times yes! - 1/2 cup pinto beans, rinsed and drained- 1 cup cold vegetable broth- 1 tablespoon olive oil- 2 tablespoons soy sauce- 2 cloves garlic, grated (with a microplane, or very finely minced)- 1 1/4 cups vital wheat gluten- 1/4 cup nutritional yeast- 1 1/2 teaspoons fennel seed, crushed- 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes- 1 teaspoon sweet paprika- 1 teaspoon dried oregano- Several dashes fresh black pepper METHOD1. And now for dessert. Vegan Ice Cream Recipes Using Frozen Bananas. With all the hearty appetites in our busy household, the freezers must always be chock-full of frozen bananas.

Vegan Ice Cream Recipes Using Frozen Bananas

We’re extremely grateful that we’re able to buy bananas by the box-load that are organic and locally-grown… Though we’re looking forward to the days when we have enough of our own veganic trees to keep our freezers stocked. A naturally healthy and sustaining food, bananas give an instant energy boost that is long lasting, yet light on the digestion. They’re fantastic for smoothies, snacks and even raw vegan desserts. (See Marble “Nice Dream” Pie below) When you take the extra step of freezing them, bananas undergo a remarkable transformation that creates a whole other texture and flavor, and can be used in some fantastic ways that everybody ought to know about.

Following are some of our favorite ways to use frozen bananas, as well as some simple guidelines to make sure your banana freezing goes smoothly! Non-Vegan Ingredients. I have tried to be as accurate as possible while creating this list of ingredients.

Non-Vegan Ingredients

If you notice any mistakes or if what you are looking for is missing from this list, then please contact me. Please note that: Green Tea Mint Lemonade. When I asked Alex what we should say about this soothingly refreshing beverage, he responded that we should call it a “delicious summer treat.” But for Al, everything is a delicious summer treat. Post Punk Kitchen. Post Punk Kitchen recipes New to vegan baking? New to PPK? New to baketivism? We’re here for you! May 4, 2014 Breakfast Nachos All of the brunchy utensils needed! Honey Broiled Grapefruit. Each and every night, as I settle in for a couple hours worth of relaxation, I get a ravenous case of the munchies. I want snacks. Sweet snacks, savory snacks, frozen snacks and melt-y snacks.

The snackier, the better. But recently I’ve taken control of my diet in hopes of improving the way I feel both physically and mentally. Gone are the nights of ice cream, cupcakes, pizza rolls, and mozzarella sticks. But just because I’m squashing the junk doesn’t mean for a single second my need to feed is gone. My new favorite treat is Honey Broiled Grapefruit. What you will need: fresh grapefruit local honey grapefruit spoon (optional, although it will make you feel fancy) Ok, let’s take a quick minute to discuss why local honey is the best choice.