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Becoming a 21st Century School or District: Improve and Innovate (Step 7 of 7) In some ways we have saved the toughest challenge for last.

Becoming a 21st Century School or District: Improve and Innovate (Step 7 of 7)

Don't get me wrong. Transforming professional development, curriculum, instruction and assessment to create 21st century outcomes for your students will all be very challenging. But here's the final challenge in this series: In Step 7, we challenge you to create an organization that is constantly improving. The 4Cs as an Organizational Imperative Working on the 4Cs the last several years has been a wonderful journey. After seeing this graphic, a superintendent walked up to us and said, "I love this model. There are four organizational areas where embedding the 4Cs could be considered: 1) Strategic planning Just this year, I visited my hometown school district. 2) Accountability and data No plan -- strategic or otherwise -- is worth anything if there isn't a culture of accountability surrounding it. 3) Process Improvement Another great way to drive change is to focus on process improvement. 4) Leadership Reflections.

Web 2.0 Tools for Today's Educator. Block Posters - Create large wall posters from any image for free! Teacher Vodcasting and Flipped Classroom Network - A social network site for teachers using vodcasting in the classroom. QR Codes in the Classroom. Mobile Learning | Q&A QR Codes in the Classroom Wyoming science teacher London Jenks not only allows mobile technologies in his classroom, but he's also learned how to maximize them as educational tools, tapping the devices for assessments, research, and even student scavenger hunts using QR codes.

QR Codes in the Classroom

By Bridget McCrea08/31/11 At a time when schools are banishing student-owned mobile devices from their classrooms--or, at least making sure the disruptive laptops, tablets, and phones are powered down class begins--London Jenks is taking a decidedly different tack. A science teacher at Hot Springs County High School in Thermopolis, WY, Jenks welcomes iPhone- and Android-toting students into his classes. A Google-certified educator who teaches earth science, physics, chemistry, and astronomy, Jenks explainedhis reasons for letting down the walls that so many other instructors have erected during this "mobile" age and told us how the strategy has helped him be more effective as a teacher.

Ed.VoiceThread - Group conversations around images, documents, and videos. Stixy: For Flexible Online Creation Collaboration and Sharing. Create A Book. Talkr .: New Live Beta :. TED Talks. The 21st century skills teachers should have. Technology advancements have touched every facet of life including education.

The 21st century skills teachers should have

This latter has been radically transformed and teachers who do not use social media and educational technology in their teaching no longer fit in the new system.That’s why every educator and teacher should reconsider certain values and principles . Today I am sharing with you two short videos that will hopefully change what some think about teaching. The following videos are among the top educative videos online . Watch this first one minute 40 seconds video to see the negative side of some teachers. Negative version of when i become a teacher So if you want to fit in the system and develop professionally then this is how to do it . watch this short video to learn more. positive version of when i become a teacher The 21st century teachers are characterized by certain holistic and student centered features , some of them are summarized below . The risk taker : The Collaborator : The model : The leader : The visionary :

100 Web Tools to Enhance Collaboration (Part 1) by Ozge Karaoglu. 0 Comments January 5, 2010 By: Tech Learning Blog Staff Jan 5 Written by: 1/5/2010 8:48 AM ShareThis "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.

100 Web Tools to Enhance Collaboration (Part 1) by Ozge Karaoglu

" “Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together. " It is easy to collaborate with your colleagues around you. DabbleBoard is a whiteboard that enables you to visualize, explore and collaborate. CoSketch is another whiteboard that you can collaborate to visualize your ideas and share them as images. Stixy lets you create online bulletin board to collaborate with family, friends, colleagues. lets you create your own social network. I'm sure many of us are a member of a Ning group and Ning is the one of the best sites to create and join new social networks that interest us.

QwertyTown. Visuwords? online graphical dictionary and thesaurus. Collaborative storytelling. Jr. Books iPad App for Kids - JibJab. LittleBirdTales - Sign in - Gorgeous tag clouds. Wordnik: All the Words.