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How to Plant Ideas in Someones Mind - StumbleUpon. Photo: Nine-tentacled octopus. 28 Oct 2007 An octopus with nine tentacles was spotted at the Marusan Seafood Shop in Marugame, Japan (Kagawa prefecture) on October 26, one day after it was caught in the Seto Inland Sea. Masa Koita, the 60-year-old shop manager, noticed the abnormal Common Octopus (Octopus vulgaris) after he had boiled it in preparation for market. "In 40 years of handling seafood, I've never seen an octopus like this," he said. A spokesperson for the Akashi Seafood Council in nearby Hyogo prefecture confirmed the unusual nature of the extra-tentacled creature: "In Akashi, we might see one every 20 years or so. They are extremely rare. " Koita says he will show off the octopus for a few days before selling it to a lucky customer. [Source: Asahi] What is causing the waves in California to glow? | MNN - Mother Nature Network - StumbleUpon.

It looks like something from the movie "Avatar": ocean waters that light up like neon glow sticks when they splash. Beaches across southern California have recently been alight with eerie, glowing waves. What could be causing such an otherworldly phenomenon? A recent report by Discovery News has provided an answer. According to marine biologist Jorge Ribas, the glowing is caused by a massive red tide, or algae bloom, of bioluminescent phytoplankton called Lingulodinium polyedrum. The microorganisms emit light in response to stress, such as when a wave crashes into the shore, a surfboard slashes through the surf, or a kayaker's paddle splashes the water.

The result is a wickedly cool glowing ocean. The phenomenon has been observed on a semi-regular basis since at least 1901 along the beaches around San Diego, Calif. For surfers who don't mind catching a wave in water teeming with a sludge of microorganisms, the glowing ocean offers the chance of a lifetime. Irreducible complexity. Creative Thinking Is a Specific Process That Can Be Replicated. The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts - StumbleUpon.

ThePhobia List - StumbleUpon. Animal Sleep - StumbleUpon. Most animals have a daily pattern of rest and activity. Some animals are more active during the day (diurnal) and some are more active during the night (nocturnal). How much time do animals spend sleeping? Well, it depends on the animal: References: This table was adapted from four sources: Aserinsky, E., Eyelid condition at birth: relationship to adult mammalian sleep-waking patterns, In Rapid Eye Movement Sleep, edited by B.N. Mallick and S. We were the Queens Coronation Spice Girls!: A disastrous perm, fainting fits and nightclubbing with Arab sheiks. By Catherine Ostler Updated: 21:04 GMT, 17 May 2013 A few months before the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, letters were sent out by the 16th Duke of Norfolk to six lucky aristocratic girls. The Duke was the Earl Marshal — the official charged with organising all the great state occasions — and the letters invited them to serve as Maids of Honour.

Following the tradition of Queen Victoria, the girls were all daughters of Dukes, Marquesses, and Earls, unmarried, and aged between 17 and 23. They were left in no doubt what a signal honour they’d been given. Victoria’s Coronation in 1837 wasn’t properly rehearsed and, although she didn’t notice, nearly descended into chaos as the girls tripped over their own trains and were scolded by the Mistress of the Robes for not keeping step properly. No such chances would be taken in 1953. Their task, aside from looking young and beautiful, was to carry the Queen’s train, so heavy she couldn’t move without them. 1. 2. 3. It was unlined and scratchy. Wham! Bam! Angry cat rains blows on alligator as it tries to eat some chicken. By Mike O'brien UPDATED: 09:47 GMT, 24 January 2012 It looks like a good way for this cat to become a tasty snack.

But when the bold feline decided to take on an alligator in New Orleans, he came out remarkably intact. He chose to take on the reptile at an wildlife park just as it was trying to eat some chicken, and began raining blows on its snout. Scroll down for video Menacing: The cat and the alligator faceoff over a pile of tasty chicken at a wildlife park in New Orleans Growl: The gator flashes its bone-crushing jaws but the cat remains gloriously unimpressed Oh no you don't: The cat tries to intercept the beast grabbing at the chicken Enlarge Smack!

Tourists on a Cajun Pride Swamp Tour, looked on stunned as the moggy took offence to an alligator trying to eat some chicken. It begins with the cat firing off three right jabs before the gator steps back to flash its most menacing stare down ever. After the tense face off, the gator moves forward, grabs a piece a chicken and wham! 25 Foods Youll Never Be Able To Eat Again: Pics, Videos, Links, News.


Museum photos: Mummified Ice-Age bison. Can You Find the Hidden Mothers in These Old Photographs? Painting Barbie Into Famous Artworks Is Cool But Creepy.