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Janne Mattila - Research database Tuhat - University of Helsinki. Of Consolation: To Marcia. From: L. Annaeus Seneca, Minor Dialogs Together with the Dialog "On Clemency"; Translated by Aubrey Stewart, M.A., Late Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge, pp. 162-203 I. [edit] DID I not know, Marcia, that you have as little of a woman's weakness of mind as of her other vices, and that your life was regarded as a pattern of antique virtue, I should not have dared to combat your grief, which is one that many men fondly nurse and embrace, nor should I have conceived the hope of persuading you to hold fortune blameless, having to plead for her at such an unfavorable time, before so partial a judge, and against such an odious charge.

II. I am aware that all who wish to give any one advice begin with precepts, and end with examples: but it is sometimes useful to alter this fashion, for we must deal differently with different people. III. IV. V. "In the next place, I pray and beseech you not to be self-willed and beyond the management of your friends. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. The Partially Examined Life | A Philosophy Podcast and Philosophy Blog. Philosophy bites. Socrates Plato Aristotle | History of Philosophy without any gaps.