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Homeowners Wrongfully Foreclosed Upon Go Through Legal Wringer. Christopher Marconi was in the shower when he heard a loud banging on his door.

Homeowners Wrongfully Foreclosed Upon Go Through Legal Wringer

By the time he grabbed a towel and hustled to his front step, a U.S. marshal's sedan was peeling out of his driveway. Nailed to Marconi's front door was a foreclosure summons from Wells Fargo, naming him as a defendant. Despite court order, Aurora refuses to return seized cash - Chicago Breaking News. Police Brutality at the Oscar Grant Protest on November 5th, 2010 « Inoculated City. I was arrested on Friday night along with over 150 other people at the peaceful protest in Oakland against Judge Perry’s minimum sentencing of 2 years with time served for Johannes Mesehrle, the former BART police offer who shot and killed Oscar Grant on New Year’s Eve 2009 at Fruitvale BART while Oscar was handcuffed and on his stomach.

Police Brutality at the Oscar Grant Protest on November 5th, 2010 « Inoculated City

The activities started at Frank Ogawa Plaza at 2pm, where live art and building an altar for Oscar Grant took place: live art in honor of Oscar Grant - I took this photo but feel free to use it anywhere you want. At 4pm, there were live performances (spoken word poems, hip hop and other genres of songs, etc.) and speakers. At 6pm, we were no longer allowed to use the sound system in a public area, so we commenced with a protest headed towards Fruitvale BART, the original scene of the crime where Oscar Grant was senselessly shot and killed by Johannes Mesehrle.

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