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Narrativa digital en colaboración

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Being bullied: year 2. 4ESO MYSTERY LOVE. Rúbrica de la actividad “Diseña un proyecto cooperativo de narración digital ” Monsterproject. The Lunch Box Project. Hi everyone, I'm Jess McCulloch and I ran The Lunch Box Project successfully in 2008 with classes from China, Australia and Turkey sharing what they ate for lunch.

The Lunch Box Project

You can see the pages from the 2008 project by clicking here. After lots of questions about and comments on the LBP, I've decided to see if there is enough interest to run it again in 2011 - but with more schools and some more planning in place. If you think you might be interested, please read the description below about how the project could work and then fill in the Expression of Interest form at the bottom of the page.Please note that the following ideas for the project will depend on the number and variety of schools and countries involved. What is described here is by no means a strict description of exactly how the project will work, but simply an idea of what could happen.

Contact Me:e: jlmccull AT gmail DOT comt: @jessmcculloch. Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Encounters - Julia Wood. - Cooperative Learning or Positive Interdependence. Cooperative learning refers to a set of instructional strategies which include cooperative student-student interaction over subject matter as an integral part of the process. - Cooperative Learning or Positive Interdependence

(Kagan, 1989, p.4:1) There is a long history of research showing the effects of cooperative learning on developing students’ character competence and social skills (Berkowitz & Bier, 2003). “Whether assessed in isolation or as part of a character education initiative…cooperative learning resulted in better conflict resolution skills, greater cooperation, and higher academic achievement, among other outcomes” (Berkowitz, 2003, p.13). Cooperative learning is an alternative to the competitive-individualistic structures and the recitation-presentation teaching methods commonly used in classrooms. “Cooperative learning promotes prosocial behavior. Cooperative learning can be as simple as two students pairing up to discuss a piece of learning.

Berkowitz, M. Berkowitz, M. Vincent, P. (1999). L.A. Assessment and Rubrics. Manejando Proyectos en el Aula: Rúbrica para el trabajo colaborativo. Cinetica calificamos cooperacion. NewTMM_85. Aprendizaje cooperativo. Cómo formar equipos de aprendizaje en clase. Ficha tareas grupo. MOOC Aprendizaje Cooperativo. Write On...Our Progressive Stories - home.

Alabama Learning Exchange. Day 1 Opening Question: What are some of the stories that have been passed down in your family?

Alabama Learning Exchange

Allow students to share their thoughts on the subject (Five to ten minutes). After asking this question ask, How important is it that we keep these stories alive? Transition: Tell students that these types of stories are known as oral traditions. An oral tradition is a message or story that is passed on from generation to generation by a story teller such as the African griot (storyteller). Share with them that although some stories may be true, other stories may be myths. Activity: Tell them that they will watch a myth. Before viewing the myth, review the vocabulary for the elements of a myth.

If you are not already connected to the Internet, connect to the Internet and project this website You can select the continent of African and the Yoruba myth or another continent and myth depending on what the students want. Review the answers with the class, and address any student questions. Day 2. Shellyterrell/iaic5vzly6. 0bject Stories. Student workshop with Shelly Sanchez Terrell in Ogulin. Shelly Sánchez Terrell. Collaborating with kids! So this is English...: Collaborating with Kids! My VRT presentation. Last weekend I took part in the 6th Virtual Round Table Web Conference.

So this is English...: Collaborating with Kids! My VRT presentation

I had attended the conference before, but this was my first shot at a webinar at such a large event. The audience that chose to see my talk were a small group with some familiar friendly faces, which helped me relax and forget about how nerve-racking a webinar can be! I had my misgivings after I had sent in my proposal - how on earth was I going to manage to say what I wanted to, look at the slides (and move from one slide to the other), and read messages in the chat box all at once?

Then there was the technical aspect - I have seen many technical problems in this kind of event, and experienced one myself recently when the Adobe room decided it wasn't letting anyone's slideshows appear on the screen! Luckily, everything went smoothly and I didn't get time to test the screensharing feature, something I was little worried about.

Here you can find a write-up of my presentation and the link to the slideshow. 1. 2. 3. 4. Historia colaborativa de aula.