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Cultura económica

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The Finance Association - Make America Autarkic Again? I know what you are thinking: “Another article about Trump and the end of the world as we know it”, but let me write seriously about US political economy (if such thing is still possible).

The Finance Association - Make America Autarkic Again?

Despite many spectacular ideas that have been said during these campaign year, there is one that remains puzzling because of its historical implications, his ideas on free trade. Wealth ‘creators’ are robbing our most productive people. There is an inverse relationship between utility and reward.

Wealth ‘creators’ are robbing our most productive people

The most lucrative, prestigious jobs tend to cause the greatest harm. The most useful workers tend to be paid least and treated worst. I was reminded of this while listening last week to a care worker describing her job. Carole’s company gives her a rota of, er, three half-hour visits an hour. It takes no account of the time required to travel between jobs, and doesn’t pay her for it either, which means she makes less than the minimum wage.

Daily chart: The purse of the one percent. Who controls the world’s wealth GLOBAL wealth has increased from $117 trillion in 2000 to $262 trillion this year.

Daily chart: The purse of the one percent

That comes to $56,000 for each adult on earth. But the fortune is far from evenly distributed. In 1906 the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto observed that 80% of land was owned by just 20% of the Italian population. Today 94.5% of the world’s household wealth is held by 20% of the adult population, according to new data from Credit Suisse. Les 5 plus gros vendeurs d'armes dans le monde. Chine, Etats-Unis, France, Royaume-Uni et Russie sont les plus gros vendeurs d’armes dans le monde.

Les 5 plus gros vendeurs d'armes dans le monde

Escuela austríaca. 'Es posible la ciudadanía global': Zygmunt Bauman. Testigo de primera mano de las transformaciones que experimentó la sociedad europea y cerca de cumplir 90 años, Zygmunt Bauman aún no deja descansar su brazo y su cerebro y continúa escribiendo y reflexionando sobre la realidad sociopolítica mundial.

'Es posible la ciudadanía global': Zygmunt Bauman

Para Bauman, uno de los pensadores más importantes de la actualidad por su teorización de la realidad contemporánea bajo el concepto de “modernidad líquida” —que reflexiona, entre otros aspectos, sobre la debilidad de los nexos sociales y emocionales, la incertidumbre sobre el futuro y los cambios que ha traído la globalización al poder del Estado-nación—, señala cómo la cultura, la salud y la educación han sido reducidas a simples mercancías. Con la crisis económica que atraviesa Europa, ¿es posible la existencia de una “ciudadanía global”? Es posible, pero no en un futuro cercano. Máster en Economía. Thomas Piketty. Thomas Piketty (Clichy, 7 de mayo de 1971)[1] es un economista francés especialista en desigualdad económica y distribución de la renta.

Thomas Piketty

Desde el año 2000 es director de estudios en la École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). The Pope’s "War on Capitalism" and Why Rich Kids Stay Rich - Kaisa Snellman. “How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points?”

The Pope’s "War on Capitalism" and Why Rich Kids Stay Rich - Kaisa Snellman

Pope Francis made headlines last week when he took a few sharp jabs at modern capitalism and free market economic policies in his first “apostolic exhortation”—the rough equivalent of a new CEO’s formal unveiling of his or her vision and corporate strategy. His thoughts on economic policy were not based on faith alone.

Don’t buy the hype of a robot-driven ‘jobocalypse’ You’ve probably seen the scary headlines: Prepare yourself, human!

Don’t buy the hype of a robot-driven ‘jobocalypse’

A robot is coming for your job. From burger-flipping bots to software lawyers, a new breed of supermachines, we are told, is driving a “jobocalypse” that will push Homo sapiens into obsolescence. Schumpeter: Those who can’t, teach. IN EVERY profession there are people who fail to practise what they preach: dentists with mouths full of rotten teeth, doctors who smoke 40 a day, accountants who forget to file their tax returns.

Schumpeter: Those who can’t, teach

But it is a rare profession where failure to obey its own rules is practically a condition of entry. Business schools exist to teach the value of management. They impart some basic principles—like setting clear goals and managing risk. They also teach how dangerous the business world has become. The 5 Greenest Countries On Earth (And All Of The Rest), Ranked. Switzerland does a good job managing the environment and protecting human health.

The 5 Greenest Countries On Earth (And All Of The Rest), Ranked

The United States does it middlingly well. And Somalia, Haiti, and Afghanistan--as you might expect--not so great. They are some of the worst performers in a new ranking of environmental performance. El discurso poético de Mujica contra el orden económico mundial , Mundo. "Amigos todos, soy del Sur, vengo del Sur", se presentó con simpleza el martes el presidente uruguayo José Mujica, sorprendiendo a la Asamblea General de la ONU con un discurso poético en el que destrozó al capitalismo salvaje y la situación mundial actual. Como si estuviese cantando "Cambalache", el célebre tango del poeta Enrique Santos Discépolo que pinta un mundo en decadencia, Mujica entregó a los líderes mundiales reunidos en Nueva York una visión oscura de los tiempos que corren.

"Soy del Sur y vengo del Sur a esta asamblea. Freeports: Über-warehouses for the ultra-rich. The Economist explains: Why do Indians love gold? Waste Not, Want Not by José Graziano da Silva and Achim Steiner. Exit from comment view mode. Click to hide this space ROME – Every year, we waste or lose 1.3 billion metric tons of food – one-third of the world’s annual food production. The sheer scale of the number makes it almost impossible to grasp, no matter how one approaches it. Así esta el mundo! Wealth Inequality in America. Poverty Just Ain’t What It Used To Be. Thursday, September 12th, 2013 A newly released report by the U.S.

The Circle Bastiat. Beyond GDP - Key quotes. Robert F. Kennedy on GNP quote. What is the famous Robert F Kennedy quote about the measure of GDP. Bobby Kennedy on GDP: 'measures everything except that which is worthwhile' University of Kansas, March 18, 1968. Commodity price decline: A Marxist theory is (sort of) right. 10 Fascinating Facts About The Hidden Industry That Touches 90% Of What You Own. The average person on the street might guess his cheap shoes were made in China, or that the oil in his car comes from the Middle East. But almost no one understands how these goods end up where they are. In her new book, Ninety Percent of Everything, investigative journalist Rose George examines the global freight shipping complex--the all-but-hidden mess of an industry that undergirds the entire global economy yet somehow manages to avoid major scrutiny for its environmental and labor practices.

Denying Fed’s Role in Housing Bubble, Paul Krugman Exposes His Intellectual Dishonesty. Paul Krugman is an influential Nobel Prize-winning economist with a prominent voice in the media as a columnist and blogger for the New York Times who constantly uses his platform to argue for more government intervention in the market. In his latest column, Krugman asks, “Why have we been having so many bubbles?” His answer is instructive. Krugman notes that the U.S. had a dot-com bubble followed by a housing bubble and that “One popular answer” to his question “involves blaming the Federal Reserve—the loose-money policies of Ben Bernanke and, before him, Alan Greenspan.” While “it’s certainly true”, Krugman writes, “that for the past few years the Fed has tried hard to push down interest rates, both through conventional policies and through unconventional measures like buying long-term bonds”, and while the “resulting low rates certainly helped send investors looking for other places to put their money, including emerging markets”, “the Fed was only doing its job.

Frédéric Bastiat. Frédéric Bastiat Claude Frédéric Bastiat (Bayona, 30 de junio de 1801 – Roma, 24 de diciembre de 1850) fue un escritor, legislador y economista francés al que se considera uno de los mejores divulgadores del liberalismo de la historia. Aumento del mínimo no imponible Impuesto a las Ganancias. Institucional. Noticias 2013 - La OMC amplía el ámbito del Portal Integrado de Información Comercial. The new application, known as I-TIP Services, consists of an integrated database that provides information on WTO members' commitments under the WTO's General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), services commitments in regional trade agreements (RTAs), applied measures in services, and services statistics (including the latest UNCTAD-ITC-WTO trade in services data).

The database will make it easier for members and others to access information relevant for services trade policy making. The database can be searched by member, sector, agreement, source of information and other criteria. Search results are presented in summary form as well as in more detail.


Notable e irónica intervención de Evo Morales ante los Jefes de Estado de la CEE. The Secret of Oz (by Mr Bill Still) 99 Francs. A Hard Money Revolt - Murray N. Rothbard. The idea prevails that to favor gold or silver money is to be a mossback reactionary; nothing could be further from the truth. For gold (as well as silver) is the People’s Money; it is a valuable commodity that has developed, on the free market, as the monetary means of exchange. Gold has been replaced, at the dictate of the State, by fiat paper—by pieces of paper issued and imprinted by the government. Gold cannot be produced very easily; it must be dug laboriously out of the ground. But if paper tickets are to be money, and the State is to have the sole power to issue these virtually costless tickets, then we are all at the mercy of this gang of legalized, sovereign counterfeiters.

Yet this is the accepted monetary system of today. Los ingresos de los cien más ricos del mundo acabarían cuatro veces con la pobreza. Buena parte de La riqueza ha sido trasvasada de forma excesiva, brutal, obscena, ilegal, especulativa e inmoral a una minoría acaparadora. Lo siguiente que esta minoría hace es escapar al fisco. Lock Your Doors: As Climate Change Increases, So Does Violence. In 2008, researchers at the University of Minnesota discovered something funny about a stalagmite sourced from a cave in northwest China. The nearly five-inch long piece of calcium carbonate contained layers recording thousands of years of the region’s rainfall history--as stalagmites had shown in the past—but these coincided with something else.

Where the stalagmite showed intense drought or weak rains, history showed the collapse of the Tang, Yuan, and Ming dynasties. Where it showed steady, strong rain, dynasties grew and consolidated power. Economía conductual. Las finanzas conductuales y la economía conductual son campos cercanos que aplican la investigación científica en las tendencias cognitivas y emocionales humanas y sociales, para una mejor comprensión de la toma de decisiones económicas y como afectan a los precios de mercado, beneficios y a la asignación de recursos. Los campos de estudio están principalmente ocupados con la racionalidad, o su ausencia, de los agentes económicos. Cass Sunstein. Cass R. Money Turns People Into Jerks, Says Science. UC Berkeley social psychologist Paul Piff has run 30 studies on thousands of people around the United States. The Three Types of Austerity - Frank Hollenbeck. Reading the financial press, one gets the impression there are only two sides to the austerity debate: pro-austerity and anti-austerity.