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March 2019

Facebook Twitter on LinkedIn: "Making corporate learning relevant, one recommendation at a time. Try the L&D version #learning #professionaldevelopment #learninganalytics #artificialintelligence" The Pedagogy of Blended Learning. Blended instruction is what the teacher does with technology.

The Pedagogy of Blended Learning

Blended learning is where students use tech to have control over path, place, and pace. - Eric SheningerI remember back in 2012 when we began to implement blended learning strategies at my former high school. At the time the flipped approach was all the rage and best suited for the resources we had and the age group of our kids. The goal was to make the learning experience more personal for our students while better meeting their individual needs in the process. In our case, this meant better using time during the school day to transfer the balance of power from instruction (teacher-centered) to learning (student-centered). Register « LEARNING LIVE.

LEARNING LIVE 2019 is free to attend If you hold a senior position in corporate learning, you may attend the conference, without charge, on either or both days.


Places are limited and demand is high.We will check your application for eligibility and notify you via email if your attendance has been confirmed. ABOUT YOUYOUR EVENT EXPERIENCEThe LEARNING LIVE agenda is driven by you. To ensure your time is well spent and you get information relevant to your needs, please tell us more about your goals for your organisation so we can tailor the sessions accordingly.YesNoYesNoYOUR PRIVACYYour details are kept safe and secure; we will never pass them onto 3rd parties without your specific consent. In-house or external content - what's the right mix? In weighing the benefits of internal versus external content, I used to think there was a simple trade-off.

In-house or external content - what's the right mix?

External content offered the polish and reliability that come with scale; internal material offered greater relevance because of the shared organisational context. External resources should drive engagement - but internal content would offer greater return on the engagement that does eventuate.Now I think that view underestimates the importance of relevance to engagement, as well as impact. In our magpie clients, there is often the expectation that engagement with bought-in libraries of content will be greater than it is with less highly-produced internal resources. But the data often belie that assumption. This is an example from one of our instances, focused on management and digital skills.

Engagement with the (relatively small proportion of) internal resources is almost double that for bought-in libraries. L&D: Think like a marketer. Corporate learning is irrelevant.

L&D: Think like a marketer

That is the truth for most employees across many different organisations. We learnt that ourselves as a learning company launching a new learning initiative. It’s difficult to roll out new learning technology that competes with the more urgent day-to-day tasks of a knowledge worker. Last month, my colleague Toby wrote an article listing the 9 main challenges of learning at big companies. Digital transformationNo learning cultureContent libraries have minimal engagementGetting staff to experience new technology such as AIValuable internal content which is untaggedFinding quality, free contentPlatform fatigueBad data and lack of insights on learning needsSkill gaps lead to hiring rather than development Rightly, these feel like urgent problems to you. As a Marketer my job is to communicate the value of my product/service to those it benefits the most. You want digital transformation.

Your employee wants to remain employed and employable. Workplace-learning-report-2019. MSc in Applied Data Analytics. eLearning Salary & Compensation: Advice for Workers, Recruiters, and Hiring Managers : Research Library. Learning Experience Platform (LXP) Market Grows Up: Now Too Big To Ignore. The learning experience platform (LXP) market is growing up fast.

Learning Experience Platform (LXP) Market Grows Up: Now Too Big To Ignore

Only a few years ago startup companies like Pathgather, Degreed, and EdCast pioneered the idea of a platform to make corporate learning content easy to find. These next-generation portals took off and now thousands of companies are looking to put their Learning Management System in the basement. Since then this market has exploded (it’s over $300M and growing at 50%+ per year) and it now shows signs of age: vendors are getting bigger; products are becoming complex; the players are moving in different directions.

Will the LXP market replace the $4 Billion+ LMS market? I think this is starting to happen, which is why every Learning Management System (LMS) vendor has jumped into this space. Why Do We Have Learning Experience Platforms? The original problem these products solved was what I would call discovery. I want to learn something or take a course and I simply cannot find it in the course catalog (LMS). Fig 2: LMS vs. 1. 2. The Promise and Barriers for AI in learning - Stella Lee, Paradox Learning. Trainingjournal. How does magpie make learning recommendations? D1 Th1 1230 Success with Digital Transformation Filtered. Essential components of a learning and development strategy.

Over the past decade, the global workforce has been continually evolving because of a number of factors.

Essential components of a learning and development strategy

An increasingly competitive business landscape, rising complexity, and the digital revolution are reshaping the mix of employees. Meanwhile, persistent uncertainty, a multigenerational workforce, and a shorter shelf life for knowledge have placed a premium on reskilling and upskilling. The shift to a digital, knowledge-based economy means that a vibrant workforce is more important than ever: research suggests that a very significant percentage of market capitalization in public companies is based on intangible assets—skilled employees, exceptional leaders, and knowledge.

All of these trends have elevated the importance of the learning-and-development (L&D) function.