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Present perfect and Present continuous

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Present Continuous - Lección de Inglés: Presente continuo- Grammatical Rules (Reglas gramaticales) Form (Forma) Para formar el presente continuo se utiliza el verbo auxiliar “to be” y el verbo+ing.

Present Continuous - Lección de Inglés: Presente continuo-

Present continuous spelling rules. Tablas de conjugaciones - Tiempos Verbales del inglés. Present-continuous. What Are You Doing? t1.gstatic. Present Perfect - Lección de Inglés: Presente perfecto- PRESENT PERFECT. Tablas de conjugaciones - Tiempos Verbales del inglés. Present Perfect examples in songs. Present Perfect. The present perfect is one of the most difficult tenses to learn for intermediate level English learners.

Present Perfect

There are three main purposes for the present perfect in English: Events that begin in the past and continue into the present She's lived in Chicago since 2008.Speaking in general about life experience Peter has been to Europe many times.Speaking about events that happened recently and influence the present moment I've already eaten lunch. Present_perfect. Present-perfect-continuous.