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St. Pertersburg Times Special Report: Monet’s London. NIE Crossroads of Freedom. Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news - CNET. For Students, the Importance of Doing Work That Matters. MartinaK15 By Will Richardson We’re halfway to school when my 14-year-old son remembers a homework assignment he forgot to do for biology class.

For Students, the Importance of Doing Work That Matters

“Something big?” How to Tell Fact from Fiction. How we will learn. MindShift explores the future of learning in all its dimensions.

How we will learn

We examine how learning is being impacted by technology, discoveries about how the brain works, poverty and inequities, social and emotional practices, assessments, digital games, design thinking and music, among many other topics. We look at how learning is evolving in the classroom and beyond.We also revisit old ideas that have come full circle in the era of the over scheduled child, such as unschooling, tinkering, playing in the woods, mindfulness, inquiry-based learning and student motivation.

We report on shifts in how educators practice their craft as they apply innovative ideas to help students learn, while meeting the rigorous demands of their standards and curriculum. MindShift has a unique audience of educators, tinkerers, policy makers and life-long learners who engage in meaningful dialogue with one another on our sites. Tampa Bay Online, The Tampa Tribune and The Tampa Times - breaking news and weather.

Articles for kids, middle school, teens from Smithsonian. Nonfiction Literacy and Current Events. Silk from Worm Spit. Do Nothing for 2 Minutes. Sky News - First For Breaking News From The UK And Around The World. CNN Student News. PDB Camp David Edition March 8, 2015.