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Who Says Girls Can't Find Music? We Talked to the A&R Who Signed Grimes. When Will Awful, Downbeat Covers of Songs Stop Outperforming the Originals? Robyn’s “Dancing On My Own” is iconic.

When Will Awful, Downbeat Covers of Songs Stop Outperforming the Originals?

A righteous declaration of empowerment in the face of romantic rejection, it opens with head-throbbing synths that only let up once in the entire four minutes. The Frontwomen. Southern California-bred duo Best Coast and New York-based trio Sunflower Bean are rock bands with devout followings.

The Frontwomen

While they hail from opposite coasts, and their music spans the rock spectrum—Best Coast embraces surf inspired sounds and Sunflower Bean leans toward the psychedelic—they each boast badass female vocalists: Bethany Cosentino and Julia Cumming, respectively. Cumming joined Sunflower Bean after the band formed in August 2013, and has been listening to Best Coast for quite some time (they released their first tracks in 2009).

The two have since become friends and last week, while Cumming was in Sunflower Bean's van making her way to Toledo, Ohio, she caught up over the phone with Cosentino. They stress the importance of having a plethora of underwear on tour as well as discuss other realities of the road, Joni Mitchell, and being feminists (but not being defined by their gender). How to Survive Being the Only Dude in a Band. When I read Mariel Loveland’s piece “How to Survive Being the Only Girl in a Band,” I knew I had to respond in some way.

How to Survive Being the Only Dude in a Band

Well, "respond" maybe isn’t the right word. I don’t actually disagree with anything she said. In fact, it’s all solid advice. Useful, too, given the recent proliferation of bands featuring one woman among three or four men. How to Survive Being the Only Girl in a Band. I will preface this article by saying that I am a feminist and one that can easily be stereotyped.

How to Survive Being the Only Girl in a Band

I’m a radically vocal, Kathleen Hanna-idolizing, punk rock lover with frequently questionable underarm hair. I spend a great deal of my time writing meaningful, well-researched, and politically correct articles about how women in the music industry are often shafted and the obnoxious (and even dangerous) double standards that exist. I have a degree from a liberal arts college. However, one of the qualities I pride myself in the most is my sense of humor, which is probably what has allowed me to cope with the heinous experiences I’ve lived through as a female on the road. AWARE : Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions.

Grimes Reveals That Numerous Male Producers Have Demanded Sex From Her. Plenty of celebrities — and non–celebrities too — have recently come forward to show and voice their support for Kesha.

Grimes Reveals That Numerous Male Producers Have Demanded Sex From Her

The singer is currently in a legal battle trying to get out of her recording contract with Dr. Luke, the producer she has accused of raping, drugging, and emotionally abusing her for years. So it’s no surprise that Grimes, who, as a completely autonomous artist — Claire Boucher writes, records, produces, mixes, and masters everything that she attaches the “Grimes” label to — has routinely criticized both the music industry and the media at large for misrepresenting her as simply a muse, a singer that attaches her voice to other people’s (note: male’s) productions, would eventually have to speak on the subject. Trina Shoemaker Explains the Art of Producing. The troubling message of the Jian Ghomeshi trial.

“This Is What Rape Culture Looks Like”: Toronto Artists React To The Jian Ghomeshi Verdict. Miranda: The Ghomeshi verdict is distressing to me because it appeared as though it was the victims who were put on trial, not Jian.

“This Is What Rape Culture Looks Like”: Toronto Artists React To The Jian Ghomeshi Verdict

It left me with so many questions, as well: Why didn't Jian take the stand? Why did the prosecution not bring in a psychologist? Why were the victims not prepared for cross-examination? Was the prosecution high? From the beginning, I believe women. Girl Likes Music. CHICAGO – Shocking, unconfirmed reports are coming out of Chicago’s underground music scene tonight that Stephanie Cales, a girl, does in fact like music.

Girl Likes Music

According to multiple members of the local scene, Cales, a human woman, genuinely enjoys both the recorded and live-performance varieties of music — and sometimes even creates it herself. New Order’s Gillian Gilbert On Putting Motherhood Ahead of Music. 9 All-Female DJ Collectives You Need To Know Right Now. In the past year, conversations regarding female representation in dance music have been more passionate than ever.

9 All-Female DJ Collectives You Need To Know Right Now

It's about time. But importantly, this new wave of discourse is bringing with it a new wave of projects designed to highlight the women behind the decks. One such initiative is international collective female:pressure, who pool together statistics on female artists in electronic music, as well as photos of women in the studio, spotlighting their involvement in the technical side of music-making.

Who Represents Us?: On Pop Culture and Social Justice. This was never the face of our movement.

Who Represents Us?: On Pop Culture and Social Justice

Bare-knuckle : Fight Clubs clandestins au Royaume-Uni. POUR ACTIVER LES SOUS-TITRES, CLIQUEZ SUR L'ICÔNEOUSOUS LA VIDÉO.

Bare-knuckle : Fight Clubs clandestins au Royaume-Uni

Longtemps considérée comme une discipline extrêmement violente qui n’existe que dans les films de Guy Ritchie et les camps de gitans, le Bare-knuckle redevient de plus en plus populaire au Royaume-Uni. À l’occasion du premier combat opposant les États-Unis au ... Les Ondes #4 : Girls in early electronics* by Astral_Vibes. Mix exclu : dans Bog Bog - The Electronic Ladyland Mixtape, Arandel condense 5 décennies d'invention électronique féminine. 45 minutes, 55 morceaux, 50 femmes artistes et la musique électronique en seule et unique ligne de mire : voilà, dans les grandes lignes, le programme que s'est fixé Arandel pour cette nouvelle mixtape thématique logiquement titrée The Electronic Ladyland Mixtape.

Résultats d'années d'explorations dans les bas-fonds d'Internet et les bacs early electronic music des conventions de disque, ce mix maniaque et généreux engage dans une conversation magique tout ce que les années 50, 60, 70, 80 et 90 ont compté de pionnières de l'oscillateur et de la reverb à ressort. Toutefois, ne parlez pas à l'âme derrière Arandel d'un acte militant ou de discrimination positive : le genre choisi ici comme un fil rouge n'est qu'un point d'entrée vers le continent de la musique électronique de recherche, continent qui reste trop peu écouté en dépit des documentaires, des hommages sans cesse rendus par les jeunes générations techno et des anthologies qu'on édite à tour de bras. Meghan Murphy : Une longue liste de musiciens masculins super qui n’étaient pas des gens super.

Un membre de Led Zeppelin avec trois « bébés groupies », dont Lori Mattix (à droite), au début des années 70. par Meghan Murphy, initialement publié sur Feminist Current. Nous avons la chance, en tant qu’espèce, de pouvoir avoir en tête plus d’une idée en même temps. Nous pouvons aimer des films qui ne correspondent peut-être pas à nos valeurs politiques, danser sur de la musique faite par des couillons, et aimer de l’art créé par des demeurés.

Music Publicist Accused Of Sexual Harassment By Dirty Projectors Member Amber CoffmanBrooklyn Magazine. Last night on Twitter Amber Coffman, one of the members of Brooklyn-based band Dirty Projectors, began tweeting about her experience with music publicist Heathcliff Berru of Life or Death PR and Management. Coffman recalled an incident where the publicist rubbed her ass and bit her hair, in front of several of her male friends. After Coffman shared her experience, another LA-based music publicist, Beth Martinez, replied that she had a similar experience: It’s only rock’n’roll…or is it? The Times, Tuesday 6 November 2012 ‘Lips like cherries and the brow of a queen… said you dug me since you were 13′. In the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal, it is time we reappraised the music of our rock’n'roll heroes, asks Joan Smith When the Rolling Stones play the O2 arena this month, it will be a milestone in the history of rock.

The band has been together for 50 years and die-hard fans will pay between £300 and £400 a ticket to hear some of their best-known songs. Rosa Vertov – Making Waves Zine. Post Punk Classics & Feminist Fanzines - Making Waves Talk. She Shreds Magazine. Security Check Required. Riot Grrrl Compilations. My Anaconda Don't: Nicki Minaj's Ass And Feminism. Nicki Minaj’s Feminism Isn’t About Your Comfort Zone: On “Anaconda” and Respectability Politics.

Why must we accept the casual racism in pop videos? Nicki Minaj's Unapologetic Sexuality is Not a Crisis. What We Can All Learn From Nicki Minaj Schooling Miley Cyrus on Tone Policing. Chansons féministes - Liste de 36 morceaux. L' évolution du feminisme à travers la chanson. G R I M E S. Snake Charmer - Viola Smith Drums with Frances Carroll & Her Coquettes. Ursula Holliday of Skinny Girl Diet - Tom Tom Magazine. A Month-by-Month Break Down of Music Industry Misogyny in 2015. Women in Electronic Music. The Unbearable Whiteness of Indie. A Bechdel Test for Music. Compos(h)er. Acrata Bibliothèque Anarchiste - Bruxelles - Bruxelles. Olivia Records, Inc. Riot Grrrl Ink and the Activist History of LGBTQ Record Labels. The Invisible Woman: A Conversation With Björk. Björk en a assez qu'on attribue son talent aux hommes qui l'entourent, et elle n'est pas la seule. The pioneering women of electronic music – an interactive timeline – The Vinyl Factory.

I'm Charlotte Church. And This Is How Women Are Routinely Demoralized by the Music Industry...