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Cercle latin de la Nouvelle-France (ressources didactiques) Independent Study Syllabus w/ Links to all materials. Textkit | Greek and Latin Learning Tools. Ressources | Pour les enseignants. Tic & Nunc- Ressources pédagogiques latin. Grammaire latine (Helios) Approche raisonnée du fonctionnement de la langue latine.

Par une approche raisonnée du fonctionnement de la langue latine, nous voudrions mettre en place une sorte de démarche liminaire qui présidera aux stratégies d’analyse et aux mécanismes de compréhension à mettre en œuvre dans le cours de version latine. La première activité du module, à partir de la comparaison de trois courts textes latins d'époques différentes et de niveaux de difficulté différents mais rapportant la même anecdote, montrera comment on peut s'habituer à la difficulté en passant de l'un à l'autre, sans que l’on ne soit gêné par la compréhension de l'histoire racontée. La deuxième activité aura pour fonction de poser les priorités qui s’imposent à qui se confronte à un texte écrit en langue latine ; la finalité de tout travail, en latin comme en grec, est bien d’expliquer un texte, de le commenter, d’en extraire les différents enjeux, qu’ils soient historiques, philosophiques et/ou littéraires.

Mais cela suppose un travail en amont : savoir lire et savoir traduire. Learn Biblical Latin by reading the Vulgata. Latin Wikibooks. This is an elementary Latin course accompanied with a detailed grammar based upon Kennedy's Public School Latin Grammar designed to introduce one to the world of classical languages. A basic understanding of grammatical terminology would be helpful; however, it is not required.

Basic definitions of terms will be explained in Lessons 1 and 2, and later elaborated as needed. For detailed explanations and examples of English grammatical terms, please consult the English Grammar textbook. However, Latin grammar is quite different from English, and thus it requires different grammatical terms to explain the concepts. These will be taught as needed. Note[edit] Parts of this book may have been edited by people who do not speak English as their first language. This book will attempt to teach the reader Latin from the ground up.

Please read the Introduction carefully, as it introduces the concept of a stem. Edit this book responsibly: A Progressive Latin Grammar and Exercises[edit] Chapter 5: Review. Latin pour tout débutant --- Gérard Jeanneau --- La Possession --- Îles de La Réunion. GRATUM STUDIUM ... le site pour apprendre ou réviser son latin ou son français !!! Lutèce, le Latin sur Internet - Page d'accueil. Janualinguae. A.-M. BOXUS - Grammaire latine - Plan. Latin Teaching Materials at Saint Louis University: Teach & Learn the Latin Language. These materials present the essentials of beginning and intermediate Latin morphology. In addition, you can find a summary of the vocabulary for Wheelock's Latin (6th Edition), other vocabulary studies, and some Flash movies for elementary Latin acquisition.

LatinPraxis is a series of exercises correlated with the same text, using thousands and thousands of short phrases and sentences to help students achieve mastery of vocabulary and forms as well as an immediacy of understanding. For the theory of this phrase-based approach to second-language-acquisition, read "Upgrading Latin Pedagogy. " Verbal Brilliance in Latin is a set of ready-to-go handouts in pdf format. This series of explanation-pages and exercises can be used in conjunction with any text, or they can stand alone as a beginning workshop in the study of Latin. Read the preface for an insight into the pedagogical problems that this approach is designed to address.