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Stephen Hawkings The Meaning of Life (John Conway's Game of Life segment) Sergey Brin: ¿Por qué Google Glass? 2045 Initiative. Así es 'Avatar Project',la iniciativa de un multimillonario ruso para construir el primer ciborg de la historia en 2045 – Investigación – Noticias, última hora, vídeos y fotos de Investigación en lainformacion. Hay muchas maneras de gastar el dinero, y más si te sobra claro.

Así es 'Avatar Project',la iniciativa de un multimillonario ruso para construir el primer ciborg de la historia en 2045 – Investigación – Noticias, última hora, vídeos y fotos de Investigación en lainformacion

Si eres multimillonario puedes comprarte casas en cualquier parte del mundo, coches de lujo, yates, aviones o crear una línea de investigación que se acerque a la ciencia ficción. Es lo que está haciendo Dmitry Itskov con su '2045 Initiative', que pretende desarrollar el primer ciborg de la historia. Va en serio. Desde hace dos años, Itskov está agrupando a científicos que estén dispuestos a trabajar en su proyecto. "Creemos que es posible y necesario eliminar el envejecimiento o incluso la muerte, […] superar los límites establecidos actualmente por las restricciones del cuerpo físico", dice la web del proyecto.

El multimillonario ruso ha establecido cuatro fases para resumir los avances de la investigación. Growing new brains with infrared light [exclusive] Illustration of the “neuronal beacon” for guiding axon growth direction (credit: B.

Growing new brains with infrared light [exclusive]

Black et al. /Optics Letters) Scientists sequence genome of ‘sacred lotus,’ may hold anti-aging secrets. Nelumbo nucifera from China, more commonly known as the “sacred lotus” (credit: Jane Shen-Miller/UCLA) A team of 70 scientists from the U.S., China, Australia and Japan reports having sequenced and annotated more than 86 percent of the genome of the “sacred lotus,” which is believed to have a powerful genetic system that repairs genetic defects, and may hold secrets about aging successfully.

Scientists sequence genome of ‘sacred lotus,’ may hold anti-aging secrets

The Nelumbo nucifera plant is revered in China and elsewhere as a symbol of spiritual purity and longevity. Thought experiment: build a supercomputer replica of the human brain. Neocortical column in Henry Markram’s Blue Brain project (Credit: Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) Henry Markram’s Human Brain Project (HBP), backed by 1 billion euros ($1.3 billion) funding Jan. 2013 from the European Commission, plans to integrate findings from the Allen Brain Atlas, the National Institutes of Health-funded Human Connectome Project, and the Brain (“Brain Activity Map”) project, Wired reports.

Thought experiment: build a supercomputer replica of the human brain

Amazon is developing smartphone with 3D screen. IBM Watson: Milestones in Healthcare Deep QA. Bill Gates y Paul Allen se hacen la misma foto 32 años después. Ay, el tiempo, esa magnitud que siempre pasa más rápido de lo que queremos.

Bill Gates y Paul Allen se hacen la misma foto 32 años después

Researchers produce first complete computer model of an organism. July 19, 2012 A mammoth effort has produced a complete computational model of the bacterium Mycoplasma genitalium, opening the door for biological computer-aided design. By Max McClure The Covert Lab incorporated more than 1,900 experimentally observed parameters into their model of the tiny parasite Mycoplasma genitalium. (Illustration: Erik Jacobsen / Covert Lab) In a breakthrough effort for computational biology, the world's first complete computer model of an organism has been completed, Stanford researchers reported last week in the journal Cell. Research / Projects / First Self-Replicating Synthetic Bacterial Cell / Overview. Genomic science has greatly enhanced our understanding of the biological world.

Research / Projects / First Self-Replicating Synthetic Bacterial Cell / Overview

It is enabling researchers to "read" the genetic code of organisms from all branches of life by sequencing the four letters that make up DNA. Sequencing genomes has now become routine, giving rise to thousands of genomes in the public databases. Graphene antennas would enable terabit wireless downloads. Nano-device hardware architecture (credit: Georgia Tech) Researchers at Georgia Tech have drawn up blueprints for a wireless antenna made from atom-thin sheets of carbon, or graphene, that could allow terabit-per-second transfer speeds at a range of about one meter, MIT Technology Review reports This would make it possible to obtain 10 high-definition movies by waving your phone past another device for one second.

Graphene antennas would enable terabit wireless downloads

At even shorter ranges, such as a few centimeters, data rates of up to 100 terabits per second are theoretically possible. Publicación de resultados y productos de las tareas realizadas. A giant leap for BCIs: Paraplegic woman uses mind-controlled robotic arm to feed herself. First direct brain-to-brain interface between two animals. Researchers have electronically linked the brains of pairs of rats for the first time, enabling them to communicate directly to solve simple behavioral puzzles (credit: Duke University) Researchers have electronically linked the brains of pairs of rats for the first time, enabling them to communicate directly to solve simple behavioral puzzles.

First direct brain-to-brain interface between two animals

DNA and amino-acid precursor molecules discovered in interstellar space. The Green Bank Telescope and some of the molecules it has discovered (credit: Bill Saxton, NRAO/AUI/NSF)

DNA and amino-acid precursor molecules discovered in interstellar space

The brain-computer interface goes wireless. Neural interface implanted in a monkey (credit: David A Borton et al.

The brain-computer interface goes wireless

/J. Neural Eng.) What is the Brain Activity Map? A Q&A with George Church. George Church (credit: Steve Jurvetson/Wikimedia Commons) Last summer, six scientists proposed a project they compared in scope and ambition to the Human Genome Project: to map the activity of the human brain. In February, news media reported that the Obama administration plans to move forward with that effort, known as the Brain Activity Map. One of those six scientists was George Church, professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School and a core faculty member of the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering. Brain-machine implant gives rats a 'sixth sense': the ability to detect infrared light. Scientists at the Duke Center for Neuroengineering have successfully given lab rats a sixth sense: the ability to detect infrared light, a part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is normally invisible to them. The rats were wired with a brain-machine interface that included an infrared detector — but the scientists implanted it in the part of the brain that typically processes the sense of touch.

Initial training of the rats involved rewarding them with water when they successfully poked their nose into a port attached to a visible LED light. Then, over the course of a month, the researchers gradually replaced the LED lights with infrared lighting; those lights were picked up by sensors attached to the rats' foreheads that connect to the implant in the rat's brain.

EL ÚLTIMO VIAJE DEL BUQUE FANTASMA DE GABRIEL GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ. Fotos de Nació Rex, el robot casi humano. A history of the personal computer: the people and the technology (PDF) SC09_TheCatIsOutofTheBag.pdf (application/pdf Objeto) SyNAPSE: a cognitive computing project from IBM Research - United States. Curiosity. Daniel Wolpert: The real reason for brains. Joshua Foer: Feats of memory anyone can do. Scan Reveals Brain’s Structure To Be Much Simpler Than We Thought. Peering into the brain with a scanner of unprecedented resolution, scientists discovered that the basic structure of neuronal networks was a simple, three-dimensional grid. More than any other part of the brain, the cerebral cortex makes us human. Through the electrical activity of the neuronal networks packed into the brain’s undulating outer surface we sense our environment, use and understand language, and separate good and evil.

So, then, the biologist’s mantra, “form follows function,” means that when we learn about brain structure, we learn about our very nature. No More Skipping Your Medicine – FDA Approves First Digital Pill. Approved by the FDA, a sand-sized chip sends a signal via cell phone to doctors to let them know when and if medication was taken. The Food and Drug Administration has just approved a device that is integrated into pills and let’s doctors know when patients take their medicine – and when they don’t.

Adherence to prescriptions is a serious problem, as about half of all patients don’t take medications the way they’re supposed to. But with patients doctors now becoming big brother, that statistic could change drastically. The device, made by Proteus Digital Health, is a silicon chip about the size of a sand particle. With no battery and no sensor, it is powered by the body itself. The Life Cycle of a Technology (by Donald Norman) Donald A. Norman © 1998 Donald A. Norman, All rights reserved. As I wrote " The Invisible Computer ," I was struck by a paradox.

On the one hand, there is very substantial agreement that ease of use and understandability are important. Similarly, good industrial design, simple, short documentation, and convenient, pleasing products are superior. wondered why, if ease of use and understandability seems to important, On the other hand, much of the computer technology today violates all these things, yet the companies prosper. Discover Projects.

Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) per capita - Comparación de Países. Transhumanist religion 2.0. Noticias - Muere la hermana mayor de internet. Are We Ready For the Coming 'Age of Abundance?' - Dr. Michio Kaku (Full) WorldFuture 2012 Conference Highlights. This conference is concluded. Download the WorldFuture 2012 Final Program. Escusado muy INTELIGENTE!!! CARETAS HOME PAGE. Por JAIME BEDOYA Todo es Japonés 1. El Excusado Inteligente. Panasonic: excusado electronico. Lumen: el inodoro inteligente. Roca Sanitario presenta este año un nuevo concepto de inodoro que facilita la higiene más íntima con soluciones tecnológicas avanzadas y revolucionarias. Tables same size. Alan Kay shares a powerful idea about ideas.


Socialmedia. Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy. Masai man holding phone with his photograph - 42-28596953. Nanosolar. Poder computacional. The iPad Will Rule the World. Alan Kay. He is the president of the Viewpoints Research Institute, and an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Los Angeles. He is also on the advisory board of TTI/Vanguard. Until mid-2005, he was a Senior Fellow at HP Labs, a Visiting Professor at Kyoto University, and an Adjunct Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).[3] After 10 years at Xerox PARC, Kay became Atari's chief scientist for three years.

Kay is also a former professional jazz guitarist, composer, and theatrical designer, and an amateur classical pipe organist. Early life and work[edit] Alan Kay Quotes. Bill Gates' 11 Rules of Life. 7 Reasons Google Will Rule the World. Once again Google surprised the street with much higher than expected earnings. The stock price has jumped $20 today to more than $210 per share and the market cap is almost $58 billion. Project Glass: Google+ Google Glasses First Look: Would You Wear These Augmented Reality Specs? Map of all Google data center locations. Posted in Tech blog on April 11th, 2008 by Pingdom Data Center Knowledge recently published a “Google Data Center FAQ”.