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Tips, Tips, and More Tips. 1M+1.If you have ever had to give eye drops to a small child, you know how hard it can be.

Tips, Tips, and More Tips

Ask you child to lay down and close his/her eyes. Place a small drop on the inside corner of the eye. The drop will slip onto the eye ball as soon as the child opens their eyes. Treat Sunburns With Tea (and Other Tips) Sipping tea just for its antioxidant punch is so last millennium.

Treat Sunburns With Tea (and Other Tips)

Here are some of the best, most unusual, and generally awesome uses for tea that don’t involve sipping. Tea Time — Your Action Plan Green tea has plenty of skin-protecting benefits — hence its use as a common ingredient in skin creams — but black tea could be the answer to curing a nasty sunburn . Gently applying chilled black tea to the affected area will help soothe the skin, and the tea’s tannins can help speed the body down its road to recovery. Cooled chamomile tea also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat skin affected by sunburns and irritants like poison ivy . Got a pesky mouth sore? For those who just can’t get enough tea by sipping, adding a few cups of brewed black tea to a marinade will help tenderize beef before cooking (thanks again those tannins!). (Also Check Out: 54 Unexpected Ways to Hack Your Health) Google alert claims users' Internet may shut down July 9.

If you have been browsing the Web lately and have used Google's search services, you may find the search results page show a warning at the top that states "Your computer appears to be infected" along with a small description about systems not being able to connect to the Internet in the future.

Google alert claims users' Internet may shut down July 9

The message also includes a link to an information page that generally describes what malware is and how to detect it. Learn How Other People Hear Your Voice with Two Folders. 30 Minutes a Day. How to Calibrate Your Home Button. Write Less, Say More: The Power of Brevity. Appease your inner Indiana Jones and delve into The Lost Secrets of Maya Technology. 40 Modern Nonfiction Books Everyone Should Read. 34 Rules Every Man (and Woman) Should Live By. How to Read Body Language to Reveal the Underlying Truth in Almost Any Situation. Personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology. Feng Zhu Design.

Rhetological Fallacies. 35 Pest and Disease Remedies. Before you begin...

35 Pest and Disease Remedies

My friend and garden assistant, Peggy, tells me that of all the yards she helps tend, mine is the healthiest (although it is not necessarily the tidiest). I credit that health to myriad factors. Every speck of my growing areas (even potted plants) is covered with rich organic matter like aged compost, worm castings, or shredded leaves.

I grow a diverse array of plants—bulbs, annuals, perennials, shrubs, and trees—to create a well-integrated yet multifaceted garden that attracts scores of beneficial inhabitants such as insects, lizards, toads, frogs, snakes, and birds. Before adding any plant to my garden, I make sure that it is healthy and thriving and is planted in an area that suits its needs. On the occasion that I need to treat a plant for a pest or disease problem, I follow these simple guidelines: • Test homemade sprays on a small portion of the plant before applying it to the entire surface. How to Develop a Photographic Memory.

100 Websites You Should Know and Use. Entertainment Meet David Peterson, who developed Dothraki for Game of Thrones There are seven different words in Dothraki for striking another person with a sword.

100 Websites You Should Know and Use

Dokkōdō. The "Dokkōdō" [ (Japanese: 独行道?)


; "The Path of Aloneness", "The Way to Go Forth Alone", or "The Way of Walking Alone"] is a short work written by Miyamoto Musashi (宮本 武蔵) a week before he died in 1645. It consists of either nineteen or twenty-one precepts; precepts 4 and 20 are omitted from the former version. "Dokkodo" was largely composed on the occasion of Musashi giving away his possessions in preparation for death, and was dedicated to his favorite disciple, Terao Magonojō (to whom the earlier Go rin no sho [The Book of Five Rings] had also been dedicated), who took them to heart. "Dokkōdō" expresses a stringent, honest, and ascetic view of life. Precepts[edit] References[edit] 25 Everyday Things You Never Knew Had Names. How do you buy organs on the black market?

Those were brilliant stories.

How do you buy organs on the black market?

One interesting wrinkle was that as more and more organs were demanded, the death sentence become pervasive even for lesser crimes. Run three red lights: Death sentence carried out in a hospital. Haruka Nishimatsu, World’s Most Austere CEO (5 pics. SOPA Emergency IP list: So if these bastards in DC decide to ruin the internet, here’s how to access your favorite sites in the event of a DNS takedown # News

SOPA Emergency IP list:


6 Ways to Increase Your Chances of an IRS Tax Audit. The deadline for filing your income tax return is rapidly approaching.

6 Ways to Increase Your Chances of an IRS Tax Audit

The Business Chef: Gordon Ramsay. Flags of Every Country.