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Facebook Twitter Les dashboards, c'est bien, mais parfois on en a trop.

Le meilleur du "Mind Maping" sur iOS et OS X. - Forgot that connection string? Get it here! Logiciel de base de données. Affinity Photo dans le Mac App Store. 6 Free Tools for Creating Your Own Icon Font.

By Adrienne Erin Although there are many icon font sets (such as Font Awesome and Iconic) that you can readily use in your UI designs, there are times when you might want to generate your own custom icon font.

6 Free Tools for Creating Your Own Icon Font

For instance, you might have icons that you have designed that you would like to convert into an icon font set, or perhaps you would like to combine icons from various icon font sets. Fortunately, creating icon fonts is fairly simple. Here are some free icon font generators that allow you to create your own icon fonts. 1. Fontello offers a simple platform you can use to generate your own icon font. 2.

The IcoMoon App allows you to import your own icons as well as include icons from the IcoMoon icon set and other free icon sets. 3. To generate your own icon font with Icon Vault, you first have to download their template package. PixiClip. HotShots. Official OpenCPN Homepage. A Chartplotter and GPS Navigation Software.

Official OpenCPN Homepage

OpenCPN is a free software (GPLv2) project to create a concise chart plotter and navigation software, for use underway or as a planning tool. OpenCPN is developed by a team of active sailors using real world conditions for program testing and refinement. The most recent stable version, OpenCPN 4.4.0, was published on 13 June 2016 and can be downloaded from is new in 4.4.0?

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Découvrez quels sites web vous traquent quotidiennement !

Il ne vous viendrait ainsi pas à l’idée de vous balader dans les rues sans le moindre vêtement ? Et pourtant, lorsque vous êtes sur internet, vous vous promenez dans l’équivalent numérique de la tenue d’Adam ou Eve. Inspiration Software, Inc. - The Leader in Visual Thinking and Learning. MockUPhone - One Click to Wrap App Screenshots in Device Mockup! Code Line. Beautifully Elegant, Intensely Powerful, Professional ScreenShots for Mac Why settle for just another screen capture program when you can have the best?

Code Line

Now with Clipt, you can capture areas, entire screens, even multiple objects with just a few simple clicks. Then print, copy, annotate, drag, organize and share. Select multiple windows, menus and the cursor in the same captureCapture to Clipt, the Clipboard, or to whatever application you chooseInclude shadows or just a 1 pixel rim with your object capturesAdd annotations such as Arrow, Text, Line, Oval, Rectangle, Showcase and more to mark-up your screenshotsObfuscate private information from your screenshots with tools like Blur and PixelateCopy, Print, Export and Drag your images for sharing and importing into other appsStore and organize your screenshots and add keywords for easy retrievalSelect resizable areas and entire screens before capturing and more…

SyncBack Alternatives for Mac OS X - Download mirrors for FreeFileSync portable and local installation. FreeFileSync strives to provide high-quality software with zero open bugs.

Download mirrors for FreeFileSync portable and local installation

This is achieved by fast release cycles and free 24/7 support for everyone. If you find FreeFileSync useful, please consider to support the project by donating. Your donation will support the development of new features and help to keep up a continuous program maintenance. This ensures that FreeFileSync quickly adapts and always provides for the best performance in a constantly changing hard- and software landscape.

Donate via PayPal: Donate without PayPal account To donate via credit card or debit note without creating a PayPal account, execute the following steps: Open the PayPal donation page and enter an amount. Precursor—fast prototyping web app, makes collaboration easy. Projects. Showterm. 10 UX & UI Tools To Increase Your Productivity. Mawww/kakoune. Beardspice. Ngrok - secure introspectable tunnels to localhost. Simplifiez vos prises de rendez-vous avec Calendly. Aujourd'hui, je vous propose de decouvrir un service web qui vous premettra de grandement simplifier les prises de rendez-vous avec vos clients ou prospects : Calendly Simplifiez les prises de rendez-vous avec Calendly Calendly est un service web très simple qui vous propose de créer différents types d'événements caractérisés par vos disponibilités et leur durée, et d'envoyer par la suite un formulaire aux contacts que vous souhaitez inviter à ces réunions pour qu'ils choisissent un créneau dans vos disponibilités.

Simplifiez vos prises de rendez-vous avec Calendly

L'inscription sur le site est un simple connect with google, et nous permet d'accéder immédiatement à un dashboard vous proposant de créer vos types d'événements, ou de modifier les événements présents. Créez vos événements, activez-les, puis envoyez leurs liens à vos clients pour qu'ils puissent choisir leurs créneaux et répondre à quelques questions. Une fois le créneau accepte, il apparaîtra dans votre dashboard et sur votre calendrier Google, si vous l'avez lié. Mon avis. Streamtools. HandBrake. Download Mirrors Please take note that is the only official place where HandBrake can be downloaded from.


Docker - Build, Ship, and Run Any App, Anywhere. View topic - Is there a way to split window like emacs and vim? VeraCrypt - Home. Welcome to the Mnemosyne Project. Composer. Terminal 101: A better shell with Zsh. Every Monday, we'll show you how to do something new and simple with Apple's built-in command line application.

Terminal 101: A better shell with Zsh

You don't need any fancy software, or a knowledge of coding to do any of these. All you need is a keyboard to type 'em out! A shell is the software interface to the operating system and the various services it provides. When using the default Terminal interface on an install of OS X, you are using the Bash shell. While Bash is a great shell, there are better alternatives out there, and today, we’ll show you one such alternative: Zsh. Why Zsh? Zsh is a better shell than the typical Bash shell that comes with OS X. An example is when trying to use the “killall” command in the terminal. With the tab completion, you can begin to type in a command, then hit tab to automatically complete the command. Configurer Aptana Studio 3 et un hébergement cPanel (FTP/Permission)

Filemaker go -appstore. Logiciel base de données. Shrink O'Matic. Nokogiri. Because Nokogiri needs to be compiled and dynamically linked against both libxml2 and libxslt, it has gained a reputation for being complicated to install.


As of Nokogiri 1.6, libxml2 and libxslt source code is bundled with Nokogiri, and compiled at gem-install-time. The instructions in this document should work for all versions 1.6.4 and later. (If you need support for installing earlier versions of Nokogiri, you may want to take a look at the git history for this document.) Let’s tackle each platform and scenario in ascending order of difficulty … Ubuntu / Debian Installation should Just Work™ on Ubuntu and Debian using Nokogiri’s vendored libxml2 and libxslt: Troubleshooting Ubuntu / Debian Installation If you have issues, first make sure you have all the tooling necessary to compile C extensions: Logiciels Open Source. Vege Tables – L’application mobile pour plus de végétal à nos tables. Téléchargement. The Free Photoshop Alternative. Draw Freely.