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StreamingNature. The Top 10 Psychology Studies of 2010. The end of 2010 fast approaches, and I'm thrilled to have been asked by the editors of Psychology Today to write about the Top 10 psychology studies of the year. I've focused on studies that I personally feel stand out, not only as examples of great science, but even more importantly, as examples of how the science of psychology can improve our lives. Each study has a clear "take home" message, offering the reader an insight or a simple strategy they can use to reach their goals , strengthen their relationships, make better decisions, or become happier.

If you extract the wisdom from these ten studies and apply them in your own life, 2011 just might be a very good year. Love. Why it is Impossible to be “A Good Person” - The Socjournal. Choices, choices, choices Morality – Has it ever occurred to you how difficult it is to be a good person?

Why it is Impossible to be “A Good Person” - The Socjournal

In fact it seems that even the best people amongst us, cannot be good all the time – how many times have we not heard of priests, ministers, politicians or soccer moms, whom everyone around them, saw as the best people of their community; giving, loyal, honest, selfless and hardworking – who turned out to be sexual predators, tax evaders or drug abusers? Who were leading their perfect life, with perfect marks, perfect children, degrees, gardens and characters and in secret living a shady life of porn, abuse or addiction? EyeWitness to History - history through the eyes of those who lived it. Fake Science: For when the facts are too confusing. 30 Questions Guaranteed to Make You Think. Instead of giving you information that you want, I’m going to teach you something today by being indirect.

30 Questions Guaranteed to Make You Think

Here’s the lesson: everything you need, every revelation I’ve had, and everything that I could possibly write about on this blog, ca n be found inside yourself. As in – with the proper thinking and questioning, you too can come to the conclusions that I’ve come to. You can help yourself instead of depending on me for help. “But Brett,” you ask, “Won’t that render you obsolete?

Life's Instructions. Thinkers, Movers and Shakers. General Awesome. Index of free personality tests and intelligence tests. Interests. 120 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power. Here are 120 things you can do starting today to help you think faster, improve memory, comprehend information better and unleash your brain’s full potential.

120 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power

Solve puzzles and brainteasers.Cultivate ambidexterity. Use your non-dominant hand to brush your teeth, comb your hair or use the mouse. Write with both hands simultaneously. Switch hands for knife and fork.Embrace ambiguity. Learn to enjoy things like paradoxes and optical illusions.Learn mind mapping.Block one or more senses. Readers’ Contributions Dance! Contribute your own tip! Interesting Information. Interesting facts. Interesting Stuff.

Relationship Rules. Human beings crave intimacy, need to love and be loved.

Relationship Rules

Yet people have much trouble doing so. It's clear from the many letters I get that lots of folks have no idea what a healthy relationship even looks like. Because I care about these things, and care about the environments children grow in, I'm using this space as an attempt to remedy the problem—again. From many sources and many experts, I have culled some basic rules of relationships.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. Choose a partner wisely and well. Think Like a Shrink. Yes, you too can see through the defenses people hide behind. To guide you, just consult the handy primer below. Put together by psychiatrist Emanuel H. Rosen, it distills years of Freudian analytical training into a few simple principles that make sense of our psyches.

I have always thought it horribly unfortunate that there is such a tremendous gap between psychiatry and popular culture. Psychiatrists are regularly vilified in entertainment, media, and common thought, and our patients are regularly stigmatized. To some degree, we've gotten just what we deserve. Most patients come to psychiatrists because they recognize that, to some degree, their perceptions contain some distortions. In my practice, I've engaged in a kind of educational psychotherapy, explaining simply to patients what they are doing and why they are doing it. Ideas and principles can be introduced directly without the jargon psychiatrists normally hide behind in professional discussions.

15 Truly Bizarre Mental Delusions. Here are 15 of the most bizarre syndromes to be documented since that time. . . 1.

15 Truly Bizarre Mental Delusions

Capgras Delusion In the heat of an argument it’s normal to want to disown your parents or kids, but for the sufferer of Capgras delusions that feeling never goes away. It’s commonly caused when the “wire” that connects the visual section of the brain to the emotional section is damaged. As a result, the sufferer sees their loved ones but no emotional response is triggered; they truly believe that the person in front of them is nothing more than an imposter. 2. True story: A woman, suspicious of one ingredient in her chewing gum, took to the search engines to find answers. 3. Since the 1998 release of the movie “The Truman Show”, smatterings of cases involving that movie’s plot have been occurring. Inspirational. Inspiration. Motivation. Facts and Chicks. Quite Interesting.