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Regular expressions for efficient web development. Validate an URL Is a particular url valid? The following regexp will let you know. /^(https? :\/\/)? ([\da-z\.-]+)\. ([a-z\.]{2,6})([\/\w \? Source: Validate US phone number This regexp will verify that a US phone number is valid. /^(\+\d)*\s*(\(\d{3}\)\s*)*\d{3}(-{0,1}|\s{0,1})\d{2}(-{0,1}|\s{0,1})\d{2}$/ Source: Test if a password is strong Weak passwords are one of the quickest ways to get hacked. Passwords will contain at least (1) upper case letterPasswords will contain at least (1) lower case letterPasswords will contain at least (1) number or special characterPasswords will contain at least (8) characters in lengthPassword maximum length should not be arbitrarily limited (?

Source: Get code within <? If for some reason you need to grab all the code contained within the <? <\? Source: Match tel: urls \s(? 22 Websites that are Beautiful and Useful. Here at WDL, we like to keep you inspired by showing you beautifully designed websites every week with our web design inspirational lists. Today we decided to go a different route, and instead of picking a single “theme” of examples, we gathered examples of websites that are inspiring and useful for web designers. We gathered different tools and skill sharing websites to show you so you can be inspired and also discover a nice tool/service. From free lessons to learn how to code to monthly memberships to help you to learn more about design, in this post you will find here 22 examples of inspiring and useful websites. Make sure to visit all of them, enjoy! Responsify Responsify is a browser based tool, which allows you to create your own responsive template. iconmonstr Free simple icons for your next project.

Lore Instructors, extend your classroom online with discussions, gradebook, and more. Codeacademy Codecademy is the easiest way to learn how to code. Skillshare Pokki Work & Turn Symbolset. The Toolbox: a directory of useful single-page sites and apps. A Simple Guide to Cryptography. Cryptography is an ancient mathematical science that was originally used for military communications, and designed to conceal the contents of a message should it fall into the hands of the enemy. Recent developments in cryptography have added additional uses, including mechanisms for authenticating users on a network, ensuring the integrity of transmitted information and preventing users from repudiating (i.e. rejecting ownership of) their transmitted messages.

In today's world of electronic commerce on the Internet, the need for secure communications is obviously crucial. Cryptographic technologies provide enterprises with the best mechanisms of protecting their information, without putting the business at risk by exposing it on the Net. What is Encryption? The safekeeping of keys, in other words their generation, storage and exchange, is of paramount importance to ensure the security of the data. Symmetric Cryptography – Secret Keys Asymmetric Cryptography – Public/Private Keys.

[Guide] Installing BURG and Super Boot Manager in Ubuntu (inc 12.04 LTS) Quote: BURG stands for Brand-new Universal loadeR from GRUB. It's based on GRUB, and add features like new object format and configurable menu system. I found a lot of guides showing this but there was only one way to get this thing going for me! I could install but never actually have it work properly afterwards. Installing BURG and Super Boot Manager edit those two super boot manager sources to look like that. ) which makes the bootloader a little tidier and you can also remove the recovery images from the boot screens as well. Changing the default OS to load I also had a problem getting it to change the default OS to load. Code: sudo gedit /etc/default/burg Look for this line around line 15: and uncommented it by removing the # GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=true You need to run this into a terminal: grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg and make note of the Windows line.

Menuentry "Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1)" --class windows --class os { GRUB_DEFAULT="Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1)" Sources: Pictures from a developer's life. Yesterday I stumbled upon this collection on a Spanish blog and almost cried with laughter... So I translated it and posted here. Do you find yourself in any of these situations? :) EDIT: As I later found out, the pictures are originally from blogs The coding love (en) and Les joies du code (fr). When I show the boss that I have finally fixed this bug When the project manager enters the office When I'm deploying code to production When I try to fix a bug at 3 in the morning When my regex returned exactly what I expected When a friend of mine asks me to fix his website built with Joomla When I'm told that the module on which I have worked all the week will never be used When the code that I have not tested on dev works perfectly in production When the sales people announce they have sold our product to the customer When I apply a new CSS for the first time When sysadmin finally gives us the root access When I launch my script for the first time after several hours of development.

Nice and Free CSS Templates - StumbleUpon. Network Tools by 0. Introductions and Expectations. Minecraft Script Pictures. Wherein you can see nifty pictures, and read some text too. It's minecraft! Yay! The Code Go to this page if you're interested in the code, so you too can modify your Minecraft save files. Intro So, I realized that there is no combined page for the scripts I've been writing for Minecraft. The Story Beginnings Like many of you, I learned about Minecraft through a link from a blog (I think it was Three Panel Soul).

The first script I wrote was a simple interface to edit .mclevel files. Next, I started on a script to convert Dwarf Fortress levels to Minecraft levels. Castles Castles! Over the course of a few weeks, I gradually upgraded the code to allow multiple levels, an offset keep, doors, gatehouses, and towers along the walls. Merging Maps During this whole process, I was becoming familiar with the Minecraft forums and the mapping community. Trees While developing the code for making castles, another thought had been growing in my mind. This is by far my most popular script. City Groundwork. Handy programs to carry on a USB stick. - Featured software selections at SnapFiles.

Txt2re: headache relief for programmers :: regular expression generator. Icon Search Engine. Nibbler - take a taste of your website. BitLet - the BitTorrent Applet. In the summer of 2007, shortly after launching Novlet, Daniele and I still had time to spare and were looking for something new to build.

Sure enough, within a short period, Daniele came up with the idea that would soon become BitLet: a BitTorrent client that could run in a browser without requiring users to install anything on their computer. Back then, browsers had very limited capabilities: AJAX had been recently introduced (in 2005), web applications were moving from static pages to dynamic client UIs but no browser could do things like opening sockets and writing files locally, central requirements for a peer to peer file sharing application.

We found a solution in an unlikely piece of technology: Java applets. Despite Java’s success as a programming language, applets had never been that popular among casual users. One of the main reasons is that Java applets didn’t look that great. The interface we had in mind was very simple, centered around a streamlined download window. Check Browser Compatibility, Cross Platform Browser Test - Browsershots. WiFi Stumbler. The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)

By Joel Spolsky Wednesday, October 08, 2003 Ever wonder about that mysterious Content-Type tag? You know, the one you're supposed to put in HTML and you never quite know what it should be? Did you ever get an email from your friends in Bulgaria with the subject line "???? ?????? I've been dismayed to discover just how many software developers aren't really completely up to speed on the mysterious world of character sets, encodings, Unicode, all that stuff. But it won't. So I have an announcement to make: if you are a programmer working in 2003 and you don't know the basics of characters, character sets, encodings, and Unicode, and I catch you, I'm going to punish you by making you peel onions for 6 months in a submarine.

And one more thing: In this article I'll fill you in on exactly what every working programmer should know. A Historical Perspective The easiest way to understand this stuff is to go chronologically. And all was good, assuming you were an English speaker. Unicode Hello Encodings. 10 Technical Papers Every Programmer Should Read (At Least Twice) 10 Technical Papers Every Programmer Should Read (At Least Twice) this is the second entry in a series on programmer enrichment Inspired by a fabulous post by Michael Feathers along a similar vein, I’ve composed this post as a sequel to the original.

That is, while I agree almost wholly with Mr. Feather’s1 choices, I tend to think that his choices are design-oriented2 and/or philosophical. All papers are freely available online (i.e. not pay-walled)They are technical (at times highly so)They cover a wide-range of topicsThe form the basis of knowledge that every great programmer should know, and may already Because of these constraints I will have missed some great papers, but for the most part I think this list is solid. A Visionary Flood of Alcohol Fundamental Concepts in Programming Languages (link to paper) by Christopher Strachey Quite possibly the most influential set of lecture notes in the history of computer science. Why Functional Programming Matters (link to paper) by John Hughes. HackQuest :: Learn about Hacking, Cracking, JavaScript, PHP, Cryptology and Password security. On Line Index of Artificial Intelligence Journals. Sublime Text: The text editor you'll fall in love with - StumbleUpon.

Vi tips and tricks: Ten cool commands sure to impress your friends. When coming to grips with the vi editor—either for the first time or as a regular user—most people tend to have a grasp of the core command set that allows them to perform those functions they use most regularly: navigating or saving a file; inserting, updating, deleting, or searching for data; or quitting without saving changes. However, the vi editor is extremely powerful and rich in features and functionality. Even after many years of use, you can still uncover new commands that you didn't realize existed.

The commands covered in this article are amongst those less well known, but they can help you to work smarter by short-cutting existing methods you may use or allowing you to do something that you never realized you could do with vi. Before we start just a recap on the two modes of vi: command and insert. Command mode allows the user to execute commands to modify text, navigate around the file or control your vi session in some way. Turn line numbering on and off Listing 1. . #!

#! #! 4!! Crack/Keygen Sites That Are Safe To Use. Blindly searching the web for cracks & keygens is about as smart as using Limewire to search for antivirus software - something not well-advised. Undoubtedly and unfortunately, the number of crack sites with overtones of a malicious agenda heavily outweigh sites that just want to serve up the honest goods. Having said that, there actually are quite a few creditable ‘crack’ sites that won’t try to bombard you with full-screen popup ads, or commandeer your computer into a spam-loving Kraken or Srizbi Botnet army.

We’ve done the hard work for you, and present a list of “clean” crack sites for all the latest warez. Be aware that the site reviews herein only include information about each site, not the contents of the ‘cracks’ themselves. Always use a reputable antivirus and antispyware program on cracks & keygens before using them. Recommended (Clean) Crack Sites While these websites are deemed adware/malware free, always be sceptical of their “affiliate links” to other crack sites. Sound Types. FindSounds Search the Web for Sounds What types of sounds can be found on the Web using FindSounds? Below is a partial list. Click on any link below to perform a search, or enter one or more words in the search box above and then click on the Search button.

Animal Sounds alligator, baboon, bat, bear, bobcat, buffalo, bullfrog, camel, cat, cheetah, chimpanzee, chinchilla, chipmunk, cougar, cow, coyote, crocodile, deer, dinosaur, dog, dolphin, donkey, elephant, elk, ferret, fox, frog, gibbon, goat, gorilla, grizzly bear, guinea pig, hippo, horse, hyena, jaguar, kitten, lamb, lemur, leopard, lion, llama, marmot, monkey, moose, mouse, orca, panda, panther, pig, polar bear, prairie dog, puppy, rabbit, raccoon, rat, rattlesnake, rhinoceros, rodent, sea lion, seal, sheep, snake, squirrel, sugar glider, tiger, toad, whale, wolf, zebra Insect Sounds bee, cicada, cricket, insects, katydid, mosquito, wasp. Google's Android Reborn as Network-Hacking Kit.

The Pwn Pad Photo: Pwnie Express The folks at security tools company Pwnie Express have built a tablet that can bash the heck out of corporate networks. Called the Pwn Pad, it’s a full-fledged hacking toolkit built atop Google’s Android operating system. Pwnie Express will be selling the cool-looking hack machines — based on Google’s Nexus 7 tablets — for $795. They’ll be introduced at the RSA security conference in San Francisco next week, but Pwnie Express is also releasing the Pwn Pad source code, meaning that hackers can download the software and get it up and running on other types of Android phones and tablets. Some important hacking tools have already been ported to Android, but Pwnie Express says that they’ve added some new ones.

Most importantly, this is the first time that they’ve been able to get popular wireless hacking tools like Aircrack-ng and Kismet to work on an Android device. A year ago, we introduced you to the Pwn Plug, another Pwnie Express product. Apple said “no.” YouTube Playlists for Learning Programming. YouTube has been very good platform for learning any thing. Earlier you have seen 400+ courses on YouTube and 130+ NPTEL courses.

There are few more courses especially about computer programming. These are contributed by various individuals. These videos are of short time around 10 to 12 min each, created keeping basic learners in the mind. These videos covers from basics like installing IDE to writing complex programs covering every topic. thenewboston: thenewboston is a great youtube channel, has more than 2o playlists covering topics Python, C, Java, iPhone development and web programming like HTML, CSS, PHP. Xoax has more than 200 videos but mainly focuses on C++. PHPacademy As the name suggests, it focuses mainly on PHP and some on MySql. There are more videos on small projects like writing your own search engine for your database, pagination, creating a rating system etc… Related posts: Get more stuff like this. Hackety Hack! Category:Programming Tasks.

Programming tasks are problems that may be solved through programming. When such a task is defined, Rosetta Code users are encouraged to solve them using as many different languages as they know. The end goal is to demonstrate how the same task is accomplished in different languages. These are the Programming Tasks that have been defined and solved. Feel free to add solutions in languages not already included. The Category:Simple is a small subset with only "really simple" tasks, like "Hello World", and demonstrations of basic language-features.

The Category:Draft Programming Tasks is a list of tasks, some of which are just awaiting more implementations before they can be promoted to tasks. Others may well have problems, (check their discussion and history pages). Read the guidelines on creating new tasks. The following 871 pages are in this category, out of 871 total.

The Tao Of Programming. Bruce Eckel's MindView, Inc: Thinking in C++ 2nd Edition by Bruce Eckel. Learn Python The Hard Way. Training. Welcome to the Game Programming Wiki! Game From Scratch C++ and SFML Edition! Build a Killer Customized Arch Linux Installation (and Learn All About Linux in the Process)