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Electronics. Maker Store from MAKE and CRAFT Magazines. Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits. - Hacked Gadgets - DIY Tech Blog. » Drag Bike Microcontroller Shift and NOS Control System - Hacked Gadgets - DIY Tech Blog. Race motorcycles are fast, mean machines. One way to make them faster is to use technology to help the bike shift and control a NOS system! That is what Chris P. of the Parallax forum did to his Kawasaki ZX10. Chris has published his code on the forum also so that you can see how he did it and build your own if you dare. “During the early spring of this year I discovered Parallax and the BS2 OEM board, at this point with a little analog circuitry understanding and little else.

However I knew enough to realize that this could make things far easier, less complex and more reliable. The end result was that now I’ve developed and succesfuly tested an SX18 based system that uses an SX18, 3 fets, and some minor support components that does all of this extremely reliably, and consistantly.