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536 Shit Synonyms - Other (Different) Words for Shit. Tagboard.


Pro-ana. Pro-ana refers to the promotion of awareness of the eating disorder anorexia nervosa.


It is often referred to simply as "ana" and is sometimes personified by anorexics as a girl named 'Ana'.[1] The lesser-used term pro-mia refers likewise to bulimia nervosa[2] and is sometimes used interchangeably with pro-ana. Pro-ana organisations differ widely in their stances. Most claim that they exist mainly as a non-judgemental environment for anorexics; a place to turn to, to discuss their illness, and to support those who choose to enter recovery. Others deny anorexia nervosa is a mental illness and claim instead that it is a "lifestyle choice" that should be respected by doctors and family.[1] The scientific community recognises anorexia nervosa as a serious illness.

Culture[edit] Online presence[edit] Members of such support groups may: Thinspiration[edit] A digitally altered example of thinspiration. The Front Page. February 6, 2014 11:35 PM By Robert Zullo / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette The war on drugs, Jack Cole said, has been "far worse" than a failure.

The Front Page

Speaking to about 75 students Thursday afternoon at Slippery Rock University, Mr. Cole, a retired New Jersey State Police narcotics detective and a co-founder of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, called it "a self-perpetuating and constantly expanding policy disaster. " Mr. Cole, who will be speaking in Pittsburgh at noon today at the Rotary Club of Pittsburgh's Northside, 701 N. "Once we start treating drug abuse as a health problem instead of a crime problem, we won't have to arrest and sacrifice on the altar of the drug war 1.7 million people a year who we arrest for nonviolent drug offenses, which is what we do today," said Mr. He added that the nation's drug policy has also helped to make the United States the world's leader in per capita incarceration, a phenomenon disproportionately affecting blacks. Vice Quebec: JOURNALISME D'INVESTIGATION - COCAÏNE LÉGALE.

Le mephedrone est une drogue qu'on peut se procurer sur Internet, à mi-chemin entre la coke et le MDMA.


Utilisée dans les clubs gais depuis pas mal de temps, elle se répand petit à petit chez les hétéros. Rien d'illégal là-dedans, et comme en plus ça ne coûte que 60 livres les six grammes (soit environ cent dollars), nous avons chargé l'un de nos pigistes de s'en procurer et de s'en mettre pas mal en arrière du toupette. L'entretien qui suit à été réalisé deux jours après sa première ligne et trois heures après l'arrêt de ses hallucinations et de ses crises de panique. Vice: Où est-ce que tu as acheté ça? Le gars qui en a pris: Sur un site Internet, C'est vraiment comme la coke? Ça t'attaque bien le nez. Ouain, donc, c'est comme de la coke. C'est pas exactement ça. Dans quel endroit as-tu décidé de consommer ça? Dans un endroit où on prend habituellement de la drogue: une soirée poche avec un open bar et tout plein de gens vraiment imbuvables.Cool.

Ouch. Mmmm. Horrible. The Front Page. Untitled. Rückblick Street Parade 2011 18.08.2011 | von Christian Kobel Die 20.


Street Parade ist bei traumhaftem Wetter über die Bühne gegangen und wir möchten uns an dieser Stelle ganz herzlich bei allen involvierten Veranstaltern, Organisatoren und Behörden für die gelungene Zusammenarbeit bedanken. An unseren beiden Standorten am Bürkliplatz und abends an der Lethargy nahmen mehrere hundert Personen unser Info- und Präventionsangebot in Anspruch. Die anwesenden Mitarbeiter/innen führten mit rund 140 Personen ein längeres Beratungsgespräch und im Labor wurden insgesamt 68 Substanzen analysiert.

Unter diesem Link kann man sich den Schweiz Aktuell Bericht über das Drug Checking an der Street Parade und im DIZ ansehen: Schweiz Aktuell Bericht Wir freuen uns auf die nächste Street Parade. Bei grosser Hitze Gefahr von Dehydration 12.08.2011 | von Christian Kobel Am Street Parade - Samstag werden 27 ° C erwartet. [Site du Dr Philippe ARVERS, addictologue] Lucid-State Forum.


PsychoWIKI, le wiki de Psychoactif - Le wiki de PsychoACTIF. Drug paraphernalia. Yeah the orange circles are where her lips for some reason met with the fab. softener sheets and she exhaled through them to conceal the smell of smoke...

Drug paraphernalia

Don't worry though, fabric softener is made largely of animal fats... and chemical perfumes, so why she had her mouth on those is beyond my understanding. Hopefully she used a paper towel tube or toilet paper tube (the cardboard part) to blow through them, like normal lol. Do you smoke weed ever? If so, or even if once in a great while, maybe roll one up and spring it on her, ask her if she wants to smoke and so on... You'd be the cool husband, instead of that whole "I think you have been lying to me and I wanna know what the hell is going on" stuff...

It'd probably be somewhat obvious if she was smoking oxy's. I dunno how anyone should handle this really... but Potter's advice is the most direct and forthright and whatnot. So yeah, somewhere between "you need to ask her" and break the toilet and stuff. [Techno+]