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European Citizens Initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income » European Initiative for Basic Income. On January 14th 2013, the European Commission accepted our European Citizens’ Initiative hence triggering a one-year campaign involving all countries in the European Union. Before January 14, 2014, we have to reach 500 million citizens within the European Union and collect one million statements of support with minimum numbers reached for at least 7 member states. 20 member states are already participating in this initiative. If we collect one million statements of support for Basic Income from the 500 million inhabitants of the European Union, the European Commission will have to examine our initiative carefully and arrange for a public hearing in the European Parliament. This post is also available in: Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Estonian, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Luxemburgish, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish.

New Left Review - NLR 77, September-October 2012. Pirate Party UK. Social Europe Journal — debating progressive politics in Europe and beyond. Why cuts are the wrong cure. AJE. About us. UCL Institute for Security and Resilience Studies. Resilience is the enduring power of a body or bodies for transformation, renewal and recovery through the flux of interactions and flow of events.

Welcome to the Institute for Security & Resilience Studies (ISRS). In a globalised, highly networked world, the challenges of security and resilience are faced by us all - whether political leaders, public officials, academics, or developers and suppliers of products and services. The prospects are more exciting than ever. But the dangers are greater, too.

ISRS at UCL offers innovative approaches to such challenges. Please use these pages to explore our work and to get in touch. ‪theneweconomics's Channel‬‏ Thought maybe. TomDispatch. : The Noam Chomsky Website. All the Devils Are Here: The Hidden History of the Financial Crisis (9781591843634): Bethany McLean, Joe Nocera. This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly: Carmen M. Reinhart, Kenneth Rogoff. Occupy the London Stock Exchange. Paper Money Collapse: Detlev Schlichter navigating the monetary meltdown. ZeroHedge | On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero. Front Page. Scriptonite Daily.

Narrating the Aberration. Democracy is best defined, in my opinion, by Lincoln’s timeless phrase from his Gettysburg Address as ‘government of the people, by the people, for the people’. The key phrase in this definition is ‘the people’. It is a bit sparse but that eliminates any opening for sophistry or legalistic parsing or, heaven forfend, theological mental reservations. ‘The people’ means just that, ‘the people’. All of them. Not your tribe or cohort or clique. Participating in elections and winning them does not make you a democrat. Revolutions are brutal, ugly things that come wrapped in a shiny layer of hope and excitement.

In the chaos that obtains at a time like this, we should be grateful for the small mercies that mean we have not yet seen a ‘Terror’ or a famine. Agreed, the army’s intervention has done nothing to advance the cause of ‘selling’ democracy to Islamic fundamentalists. Democracy’s best hope is that fairness will beget fairness and we know well that extremism only begets extremism. The Corner House. Welcome - Marx & Philosophy Society. Marx & Philosophy Society The Marx and Philosophy Society aims to encourage scholarly engagement with, and creative development of, the philosophical and foundational aspects of Marx's work. The society welcomes contributions from any philosophical or political position Forthcoming events 11th Annual conference: Marx, reification and recognition Saturday 14th June 2014, 10.00am-6.00pmConway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL Main speakers:Douglas Moggach (Ottawa) 'Perfectionism and Recognition: Leibniz, Wolff, Marx'Heikki Ikäheimo (New South Wales) 'What is Marx's concept of recognition?

' New reviews Just published online in the Marx and Philosophy Review of Books Gary Roth on Katherine Connelly on Sylvia PankhurstSeferin James on The Anarchist Turn Hans Despain on Shenk on Maurice Dobb Tony Mckenna on Eagleton on The Event of Literature Guy Lancaster on Sagall on Human Nature, Capitalism and Genocide Christopher Allsobrook on the Comaroffs, Theory from the South. Craig Murray. The Big Picture. Paul Kedrosky's Infectious Greed. ThinkIR Blog | I Think Therefore IR. Naked capitalism. Home Page. Tariq Ali — Centre for Research on Globalization.

Journal of Foreign Relations | The World Around You. Financial Survival Radio Show – The Network You Need in the New Economy. The Automatic Earth. K-punk. New Left Project | Home. - Centre for Research on Globalization. John Perkins Official Web Site.