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Download. Biología social. Sociología y Antropología. Peligros de la autogestión: Los abusos del asambleismo - por Boris Ivan Miranda :: El Inconformista Digital :: Periódico independiente desde el subsuelo - Periodismo independiente en la red. La asamblea funciona como una práctica deliberativa y resolutiva; directa, natural y propia de la humanidad y fundamentalmente de las clases subalternas. Esta misma instancia debería estar, por lógica teoría, posicionada frente a la sociedad como la autoridad legítima para expresar el sentir y desear de las mayorías.

Y para nuestra suerte, lo que la teoría no quiere aceptar la práctica lo desnuda. Creo que con los sucesos de octubre en toda Bolivia ya sabemos que las prácticas autogestivas y el asambleismo sobrevivirán a cualquier tipo de asfixiamiento. Y pienso que es en aquellos verdaderos momentos de necesidad que reaparecen.

La asamblea es el espacio ideal para que puedan, no encausarse, más bien desplegarse y multiplicarse todas las producciones de subjetividad rebelde en momentos de crisis. Pero siento la urgencia de remarcar algo; los espacios de participación política directa y masiva aparecen en esos momentos de verdadera necesidad. Boris Ivan Miranda. RSA Animate - Smile or Die. RSA Animate - The Empathic Civilisation.

Three Tips for Innovators: Move Nimbly, Open Wisely and Fail Gracefully | Input/Output. What's the Big Idea? And yet, Vaitheeswaran is an optimist. Yes, it is true that our current disruptive age is more dangerous and riskier, Vaitheeswaran argues you can find "enormous opportunities for profit--you must move nimbly, open wisely and fail gracefully. " This is not just advice for big players. Vaitheeswaran's formula is designed for the little guys, the upstarts, to compete. So what does he mean by "Move Nimbly, Open Wisely and Fail Gracefully" Watch the video here: Vaitheeswaran's formula for upstarts like you is as follows: Move Nimbly Due to a confluence of trends, such as "frugal engineering models in emerging markets, lower barriers to entry, and new technologies converging," Vaitheeswaran argues it is much easier for "upstarts like you" to take on the giants, who are being forced to compete with China.

Be Open "You need to connect with the smartest people in the world," Vaitheeswaran says. What's the Significance? So what lessons can be learned from reverse-innovation. Kathryn Schulz: On being wrong. Gandhi full movie (1982) 480p. Matt Ridley: When ideas have sex. Ashraf Ghani on rebuilding broken states. Here Comes the Future of War. Over at Andrew Sullivan's always-interesting blog, there's a discussion concerning how ever-smaller, ever-cheaper drones will affect the evolution of war.

I've written a bit about this before , but I don't think I've ever publicly stated my suspicions about what's really going on behind the scenes among the war-planners. Sullivan's discussion reminded me that I may as well make my predictions publicly so I can be even more annoying to my friends and family when I not only say, "I told you so," but have a dated blog post to prove it! So here goes. Ever since the Reagan administration, the most expensive, most secretive item in the defense budget has been the so-called Star Wars missile defense system. Tens of billions of dollars have been shoveled into this program, with pitiful results. A recent analysis reports that, Plagued by developmental obstacles and test failures, seven out of fifteen tests of the GMD system have failed since 1999.

Here's where my theory kicks in.


Why Corporations Are Psychotic. Senator Bernie Sanders echoed the sentiments of many last week when he called for a constitutional amendment to repeal the notion of corporate personhood. This issue jumped into public consciousness last year after the Supreme Court, in its decision, effectively allowed unrestrained corporate influence in American politics , based partially on the idea that corporations are legally "persons" with constitutional rights. Sanders, in calling for the constitutional amendment, declared: "This is an enormously important issue, and how it is resolved will determine, to a significant degree, the future of American democracy. " What is it about corporate personhood that so concerns Sanders and many others? That question could be answered many ways, but perhaps this is most concise: Corporations are psychotic.

If corporations are indeed "persons," their mental condition can accurately be described as pathological. Well, not really. Actually, no. The Tea Party and Corporate Power. Warren Buffet versus Ayn Rand. The bitter, unresolved partisan struggle over our national debt, culminating in a near-default and an historic credit downgrade by the ratings agency Standard & Poors, is above all a struggle over competing visions of fairness - and ultimately a battle for the soul of this country. In the rancorous, down-to-the-wire "negotiations" [sic] between the Republicans and the Democrats, the two sides advanced radically different visions of what would be a fair outcome.

President Obama called for "shared sacrifice" - everyone doing a part to deal with our anemic economy and our deepening national debt problem, including some "revenue enhancements. " The Republicans claimed that any increase in taxes would hurt the "creative class" and undercut job creation. ("What job creation? " one might ask.) More important, though more muted, was the moral claim on the right that taxing the rich - especially to support the unemployed and the poor - is unfair. Warren Buffet disagrees. Sujeto, individuo y persona | blog de Mario Conde. El Sujeto es aquél ente que se escinde de lo demás a través de su Razón crítica.

Es llegar a la consideración de que somos autónomos gracias a nuestra capacidad de discernir, de pensar de forma crítica. Ello tiene consecuencias en lo que refiere a Dios como Origen y con respecto a lo que nos rodea. Aquél que se considera Sujeto entiende que el Mundo pasa por su Entendimiento hasta el punto de que si no lo hace, ese Mundo no existe. O en otras palabras, las condiciones de posibilidad del Mundo pasan por mi Razón. Yo soy la Clave. No está mal… ¿verdad? Su expresión filosófica es el cartesianismo y todo el racionalismo europeo de los siglos XVII y XVIII. El Individuo es el Sujeto que asume su centralidad en el Mundo.

Tal y como lo veo, la ética del Individuo es el Utilitarismo y no se expresa como necesidad – - sino como deseo – -. La Persona, por el contrario, es algo mucho más cálido. La noción de Persona necesita de la Comunidad para ser completa. La segunda sería salir del si-mismo. CIENCIAS SOCIALES HOY – Weblog. Overseas Development Institute (ODI) - The UK's leading independent think tank on international development and humanitarian issues.

Ética : The Noam Chomsky Website. Economía. Latin America - History / Political Economy. RSA Animate - The Divided Brain. Matthieu Ricard - The Art of Meditation. Política. Estudio de 50 años afirma que personas de izquierda son más inteligentes que las de derecha. Un controversial estudio canadiense que comprende datos recopilados a lo largo de 50 años, afirma que las personas con visiones políticas de derecha tienden a ser menos inteligentes que los de izquierda. Al mismo tiempo, advierte que los niños de menor inteligencia, tienden a desarrollar pensamientos racistas y homofóbicos en su adultez. La investigación fue llevada a cabo por académicos de la Universidad Brock en Ontario, y para realizarlo cruzaron la información de más de 15 mil personas, comparando su nivel de inteligencia detectado en la niñez con sus pensamientos políticos ya de adultos.

Entre los datos analizados se encuentran dos estudios realizados en el Reino Unido en 1958 y 1970. En ellos se midió la inteligencia de niños y niñas con edades entre los 10 y 11 años. “Las habilidades cognitivas son críticas al formarse impresiones de otras personas y ser abierto de mente. Sin embargo no se trata de la única conclusión polémica a la que llegaron los académicos. Should Everyone Be Creative? It goes without saying that creativity is a good thing, and that everyone should be creative. Or does it? Sure, our capacity for self-expression, for finding practical solutions to problems of survival, and coming up with aesthetically pleasing objects that delight the senses, all stem from the creative power of the human mind.

But there are drawbacks to creativity. First, creative people tend to be more emotionally unstable and prone to affective disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder . They have a higher incidence of schizotypal leanings than other segments of the population. They are also more prone to abuse drugs and alcohol, and to commit suicide . Moreover, creative people often feel disconnected from others because they tend to defy the crowd and spend time alone working on creative projects.

Perhaps most importantly, in a group of interacting individuals, only a fraction of them need be creative for the benefits of creativity to be felt throughout the group.

Política Mundial

Do Smart People Rule The World? Norman Augustine , former chairman and CEO of Lockheed Martin , pointed out in his classic book Augustine's Laws , that "the top 1 percent produce nearly twenty times the per capita output of the bottom half in many measurable undertakings. " This is another way of saying that you get a lot more productivity from the very best people. But Augustine was talking about an organization's productivity.

Does this law also generalize to a nation's productivity? Reihan Salam -author of The Agenda -recently sent me an interesting article by the economist Garett Jones of George Mason University on " National IQ and National Productivity ," which essentially shows that a nation's intelligence level is associated with a number of important economic outcomes. So the overall IQ level of a nation appears to matter. Dr. Consider that in international results on the PISA America lags behind other nations, including China (see my article on this here ) . © 2011 by Jonathan Wai.

