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YouTube. Index of /exam-papers/IB/Spanish/Spanish-B/Standard. Index of /exam-papers/IB/Spanish/Spanish-B/Higher. Verbs of transformation (Verbos de cambio) – Maria Ortega Garcia. Spanish has many verbs that are used for specific types of change or transformation, and if the change is sudden or involuntary. Many of those verbs mean “to become” in English but in Spanish they are not interchangeable because they have very specific meanings for particular situations. The next four verbs can be translated with “to become, to get”: Hacerse, Volverse, Quedarse and Ponerse but they are used in very different situations to express different things. Hacerse: Change of age, changes in the ideology, profession and other “external” aspects.

It can be used with professions, ideologies and a change of degree in personal attributes (ie. rich – poor, strong – weak, young – old…). They express a voluntary change caused by an effort or a gradual process. – Mi madre se está haciendo vieja.– My mum is getting older. – La niña se está haciendo mayor.– The girl is growing up. – Pepe se ha hecho profesor.– Pepe has become a teacher. – Ana se ha puesto enferma.– Ana has become ill.

Downloads | Standardisierte Reife- und Diplomprüfung. Conjuguemos Tube: Beginner-Intermediate Spanish Listening Videos and Graded Activities.

Ciencia y ética

Literatur Español B nivel superior. IDENTIDADES. RECURSOS ELE NIVEL C1-C2- Symbaloo Gallery. RECURSOS ELE NIVEL B1-B2- Symbaloo Gallery. INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL y novedades tecnológicas. Medio ambiente. Emigracion. SALUD. Nuevas tecnologías.

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Diversidad cultural.