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The Oatmeal

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The Oatmeal. How to suck at your religion. I illustrated some photos from Facebook. I tried to watch Game of Thrones and this is what happened. I tried to watch Game of Thrones in New Zealand and this is what happened. Some thoughts and musings about making things for the web. Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived. Additional notes from the author: If you want to learn more about Tesla, I highly recommend reading Tesla: Man Out of Time Also, this Badass of the week by Ben Thompson is what originally inspired me to write a comic about Tesla.

Ben's also got a book out which is packed full of awesome. There's an old movie from the 80s on Netflix Instant Queue right now about Tesla: The Secret of Nikola Tesla. It's corny and full of bad acting, but it paints a fairly accurate depiction of his life. The drunk history of Tesla is quite awesome, too. has a great article about Edison and how his douchebaggery had a chokehold on American cinema. X-rays: just to clarify, Tesla did not discover x-rays, but he was one of the early pioneers in its research. 6 things I learned from riding in a Google Self-Driving Car.

Last week, a friend and I got a sneak peek at Google's new self-driving cars. In addition to spending an afternoon cheating on my Intergalactic SpaceBoat of Light and Wonder, I got to chat with the engineers about the project. 1. Human beings are terrible drivers. We drink. We doze. We text. In the US, 30,000 people die from automobile accidents every year. 2. The car we rode in did not strike me as dangerous. In the early versions they tested on closed courses, the vehicles were programmed to be highly aggressive. 3. Google's new fleet was intentionally designed to look adorable. By turning self-driving cars into an adorable Skynet Marshmallow Bumper Bots, Google hopes to spiritually disarm other drivers.

Google's next generation of self-driving cars are your Marshmallow Overlords. 4. Freaky. The cars use a mixture of 3D laser-mapping, GPS, and radar to analyze and interpret their surroundings, and the latest versions are fully electric with a range of about 100 miles. 5. I'm biased. 6. 15 Things Worth Knowing About Coffee. The Motherfucking Pterodactyl. Why the mantis shrimp is my new favorite animal.