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I tried to watch Game of Thrones and this is what happened

I tried to watch Game of Thrones and this is what happened

RGB Murals Use Colored Light Filters To Create Beautiful Optical Illusions Carnovsky is a creative duo comprised of two Milan based artists, Francesco Rugi and Silvia Quintanilla. Their latest project RGB looks at image creation through a new lens. Each of the RGB images are made up of three layers represented by primary colors. This starting image is discombobulating and difficult to read. Lines blend together into a rainbow swirl and it’s hard to grasp exactly what you are meant to be seeing. But by applying different primary colored filters to the room, using either filtered lightbulbs or transparent material, a different color in the mural will “pop” and rise to the surface, distinguishing a unique layer from the others.

Epic Glass Floor Held Up By 180,000 Plastic There are a million ways you could make your home just a little bit more epic. Some people make it look like a Star Trek inspired apartment while others take a more subtle approach and just switch out the living room carpet. If you are looking to impress people, you should really put your back into it. 6 things I learned from riding in a Google Self-Driving Car Last week, a friend and I got a sneak peek at Google's new self-driving cars. In addition to spending an afternoon cheating on my Intergalactic SpaceBoat of Light and Wonder, I got to chat with the engineers about the project. 1. Human beings are terrible drivers. We drink. We doze. How to be a jerk. Sapiosexual (n) Nutella Lite and Dark Chocolate. Some stories stay with us forever. Scientific test #1876.5

Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived Additional notes from the author: If you want to learn more about Tesla, I highly recommend reading Tesla: Man Out of Time Also, this Badass of the week by Ben Thompson is what originally inspired me to write a comic about Tesla. Ben's also got a book out which is packed full of awesome. There's an old movie from the 80s on Netflix Instant Queue right now about Tesla: The Secret of Nikola Tesla. It's corny and full of bad acting, but it paints a fairly accurate depiction of his life. The drunk history of Tesla is quite awesome, too.

Popsicles! Not to sound full of myself, but I’m pretty sure this is the be all, end all of popsicle roundups. There’s a little something for everyone: the foodies, the purists, the ones who prefer frozen yogurt, the ones who prefer a little alcohol, everyone. Tweny-five options to be exact. The post I did last summer on the cold guys was one of DC’s most viewed ever, so I thought you’d all be up for another round – was I right? Click on the photo to be taken to the recipe. All photos and recipes copyright of their respective source unless otherwise noted.

Book-A-Minute Classics Got another book report to do? English teachers have the inconsiderate habit of assigning mammoth-sized works of literature to read and then actually expecting you to do it. This wouldn't be so bad except that invariably the requisite reading is as boring as fly fishing in an empty lake. Half of those books don't even have discernible plots. And let's face it -- the Cliff's Notes are pretty time-consuming too. Worry no more.

Your Daily Life in GIFs When you get caught making fun of someone behind their back: When a hot girl walks by a group of guys: When your hair just won't do what you want: 20 Funny Video Timeline Charts So, it started on with this first image, and then that second pic showed up, and then the remixes started pouring in. Click through to check out similar charts for topics such as Watching Twilight, Doing Homework and Playing Call of Duty. You may also like:

The Best Street Art Works of 2011 (49 pics Dec 24/11 The Best Street Art Works of 2011 (49 pics) Let’s take a look at some of the best street art masterpieces of 2011. These photos include drawings, hand-made art, sculptures and other creative works. Glass door with a surprise Posted on November 23, 2010 in Bizarre Rate this Post (1 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5) Loading ... So... The 6 Creepiest Places on Earth It doesn't matter whether or not you believe in ghosts, there are some places in which none of us would want to spend a night. These places have well earned their reputations as being so creepy, tragic or mysterious (or all three) that they definitely qualify as "haunted." Places like... Aokigahara is a woodland at the base of Mount Fuji in Japan that makes The Blair Witch Project forest look like Winnie the Pooh's Hundred Acre Wood. It probably has something to do with all the dead bodies scattered around.

How To Treat Others: 5 Lessons From an Unknown Author Five Lessons About How To Treat People -- Author Unknown 1. First Important Lesson - "Know The Cleaning Lady" During my second month of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions, until I read the last one: "What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?"
