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Andrew Hyde. The Minimalist Guide. From the moment I picked up your book until I laid it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it. - Groucho Marx There can be few pleasures in life as minimal as reading a good book. I enjoy finding a quiet corner in a cafe in town and settling down to read, in between sips of Yerba maté tea that is! Maybe though you are, as I was, finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate? To switch off your brain and focus only on that one task? In these times of e-book readers and internet access in your pocket, distractions surround us. Think about it, I bet the last time you used your computer to do some “serious work” you were also listening to music and had a couple of web pages open in the background?

Sometimes multi tasking is important and even productive for people, but for me the negatives outweigh the positives. Reading is every bit as much about the process as any activity, so let’s break it down : Selecting what to read. iErgo, le bloc-notes | IHM, Ergonomie & expérience utilisateur. The Simple Llama — Simplify your life today. Quantified Self | Self Knowledge Through Numbers. » Archives.

Miss minimalist. RowdyKittens — social change through simple living. Minimalissimo | The world's leading blog on minimalism | Design, art, architecture, music and fashion. Garr's posterous - between a tweet & the presentation zen website. The Everyday Minimalist | Living with less, but only the best.

Via Frank. Minimal. One Thing Well. Minimal Mac.