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Good Web Fonts: Lively, subtle, perfectly legible fonts for the web. Handpicked free fonts for graphic designers with commercial-use licenses. | Font Squirrel. Beautiful web type — the best typefaces from the Google web fonts directory. Lucius Annaeus Seneca60 AD Among the numerous faults of those who pass their lives recklessly and without due reflexion, my good friend Liberalis, I should say that there is hardly any one so hurtful to society as this, that we neither know how to bestow or how to receive a benefit.

It follows from this that benefits are badly invested, and become bad debts: in these cases it is too late to complain of their not being returned, for they were thrown away when we bestowed them. Nor need we wonder that while the greatest vices are common, none is more common than ingratitude: for this I see is brought about by various causes. The first of these is, that we do not choose worthy persons upon whom to bestow our bounty, but although when we are about to lend money we first make a careful enquiry into the means and habits of life of our debtor, and avoid sowing seed in a worn-out or unfruitful soil, yet without any discrimination we scatter our benefits at random rather than bestow them.

The FontFeed | Fonts, Typography, Lettering, Design. Codex journal of typography / journal of letterforms. Aspects of Typography The 3 Main Goals of Typography Legibility: Each character is clear & distinctReadability: The body of text as a whole is easy to readAppearance: The end result is aesthetically pleasing Where is Typography Used? Anywhere you see words that have been printed or typed, principles of typography have been used to make sure the content looks good and is easy to read. Here are just a few examples: Logo DesignRésumésWeb DesignBooksComic BooksBoard Games The Power of Typography In Depth Typography is the art of arranging and presenting printed or typed words. Its history can be traced all the way to the invention of the printing press in the 15th century.

Aside from choosing a font, there are other aspects of design that typographers have to worry about. Proper leading is important as it helps improve the readability of text, and it prevents certain letters from clashing with one another. Next is "kerning," which refers to the space between a pair of characters. Great Lettering & Typography Designs. Typographica. Type Reviews, Books, Commentary. 13,554 free fonts for Windows and Mac.

Zola et la Typographie | le lettrage comme acteur militant - des. Via la Société Emile Zola, voici une série d'affiches des œuvres théâtrales, littéraires et cinématographiques issues de l'œuvre d'Emile Zola. Tout le monde se souvient bien entendu de son célèbre J'Accuse parue dans le Figaro du 13 janvier 1898. Mais si vous voulez revivre cette affaire Dreyfus, rien de tel que de vous replonger dans le timeline édité par la Emile Zola Society. Je me suis plus particulièrement attaché à vous montrer ces quelques affiches de l'époque qui témoignent de plusieurs choses. Typographie Foisonnante: Chacune des affiches laisse paraître l'utilisation de nombreux caractères sauf peut-être celle de NANA ci-dessous mais il s'agit là certainement d'un teasing et non d'une affiche complète. Regardez Gervaise ou Le Rêve ou encore Pot-Bouille, ce sont de véritables catalogues de caractères de l'époque.

Expressivité graphique: Chaque ligne, chaque mot typographié par le peintre en lettre devait hurler un message, un sens. Biographie Centres d'intérêt Hermann Zapf. Inspirations typographiques ! | Graphistes-World | Le Blog. The Ministry of Type.