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Street Art

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Reverse graffiti hits the streets of Riga. We declare the world as our canvas. Another Look: Hektor - The Graffiti Machine. 6679.flv (Obiekt video/x-flv) LED art. LED Based Sculpture in which LEDs are integrated within steel sculpture LED Art is form of light art constructed from light-emitting diodes.

LED art

Many artists that use LEDs are guerrilla artists, incorporating LEDs to produce temporary pieces in public places. LEDs are very inexpensive to purchase and have become a new way to make street art. LEDs are, among others, used in installation art, sculptural pieces and interactive artworks. Infamous LED Art[edit] In early 2007, there was a bomb scare in Boston, Massachusetts in the United States caused by a guerrilla marketing campaign. Artists incorporating LEDs[edit] LED throwies[edit] LED throwies An LED throwie is a small LED attached to a coin battery and a rare earth magnet (usually with conductive epoxy or electrical tape), used for the purpose of creating non-destructive graffiti and light displays.

Blinky[edit] Animations of various Blinkies. Uses[edit] Most often blinkies are used for amusement at raves, parties and night time events. Body[edit] Street Art. W otchłani iluzji — Sztukatułka. Cze 2 Kategorie: Architektura, Rysunek i malarstwo, Street art | Tagi: Dun Laoghaire, Edgar Mueller (2), Festiwal Kultur Świata, Irlandia, Jan Paweł II, Julian Beever, klasycyzm, Kurt Wenner, malarstwo iluzjonistyczne (7), Mantua, Niemcy (10), Prairie Arts, renesans, street painting (2), sztuka sakralna (5), Waterloo Station, Włochy (6) | 02 czerwca 2011 Post To nie wygenerowane komputerowo, tanie apokaliptyczne wizje, ale wykonane rzetelnie – z wielkim szacunkiem do perspektywy i dorobku sztuki renesansu - trójwymiarowe malowidła.

W otchłani iluzji — Sztukatułka

Tak dalece przekonujące, że przejście przez ulicę okraszoną przerażającą iluzją staje się wyzwaniem. "Wybuch lawy" autorstwa Edgara Muellera. Camperdownwall.jpg (JPEG Image, 630x642 pixels) OaKoAk. Street Art: Joshua Allen Harris' Inflatable Bag Monsters. Spending Time With Poster Boy. Clever Examples of Street Art. Urban environments offer a wealth of possibilities for art, and many of the most famous art and design academies are located downtown.

Clever Examples of Street Art

From graffiti to photography, urban exploring and street art, there is a lot of area for exciting things in urban environments. One of the most popular is street art, which is often done with chalk to create 3D scenes in various environments. There are also various objects that can be changed into something else with some clever art. Here are some examples of clever street art. 24293-e339c4bb21cb84d41d690526e38be8f7..jpg (Obrazek JPEG, 670x376 pikseli) Zawiera Zawartość. ''Zawiera Zawartość'' w krainie absurdu, czyli łódzki sposób na szarą rzeczywistość [ZDJĘCIA]

 Festiwal sztuki ulicy. KnittaPlease. Wooster Collective. 3fala polskiego grafitti / graffiti - sztuka ulicy: szablony, wlepki, plakaty, lustra. Twozywo. Radykalna Akcja Twórcza. PETER FUSS. Street Art Tools. Banksy. Graffiti posters stickers trains street art urban stencils. Vlep[v]net akcje miejskie.