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Techniques Armes

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Le blog du tireur de précision. Berdan to Boxer Conversion Method in Handloading Forum. Nice Idea, have seen it before under different Guises (several years ago in a British Journal).. Good photographic explanation (Pix worth 10,000 words), but I have one problem....I have 500,000 Berdan primers in stock ( all .217) , and so the method is a bit superfluous. And I contest the assertion that "hydraulic is too slow!! " What rot, with my set up, I can do 200 cases an hour (light crimp or no crimp,) and down to 100 an hour for the very heavily crimped Australian 7,62 Nato berdan brass(1970s and 80s dates) For example, the other night I did over 500 AMA .30 cal cases in just on two hours.

The secret is in preparation: Tin (A10) of soapy water, pour clean cases into water, shake, and make sure the cases are filled. Waterproof work apron on, 4-pound bricklayers masher at left hand, drop case into tube, add ram, whack, place ram in holder, take taper picker, extract case, drain, throw into drying rack, pick up new case, and so on... ( I am a southpaw). La cartouche de 30-284. ITS Tactical.