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Using Google Analytics for Conversion Optimization Webinar Recap. Everything Everywhere trialing more 4G sites in the UK | Android Central. The future of 4G in the UK gets slightly closer with Everything Everywhere detailing a further trial of the new technology in Cumbria has now gone live. I realize that in many parts of the world having LTE is not a new thing but in good old Blighty we are somewhat lagging behind. Everything Everywhere have already conducted one successful trial of 4G in Cornwall where they not only achieved some impressive speeds but also provided a rural community with mobile broadband in an area which barely had any kind of broadband at all.

A faster network can only help improve the Android market share. Now we just have to wait for the government to give Everything Everywhere the go-ahead to roll out the service nationwide and have the LTE chips built into future handsets. I had a meeting with the company last month where they explained that they are already installing the necessary hardware into current cell sites throughout the UK, ready for the 'big switch on' whenever that may be.

3 User-Generated Campaigns That Got it Right. Carolyn Baumgarten, is the community manager for Socialogic, a social media marketing agency. No stranger to the social media landscape, Carolyn brings to SociaLogic work experience in multiple industries including the arts, environment, and entertainment. Follow her @cbaumgarten. In an age where constant ad bombardment has become as common as paying $5 for a latte, companies are looking for new ways to break through the marketing clutter. One particular form that has grown in popularity is building a campaign around user-generated content (UGC). The advent of technology and social platforms has made it easier than ever for people to post their own content online, whether it comes in the form of reviews, videos, photos, or blog posts. Companies have wisely started tapping into these online resources, making user-generated content an important new ingredient in the marketing mix.

SEE ALSO: 3 Mobile Platforms Your Brand Should Leverage 1. 2. 3. Image courtesy of iStockphoto, dem10. How to use Pinterest for link building and blogger outreach. Pinterest is the current darling of social media, and for good reason. According to Experian Hitwise, it is the third most popular social network in the US in terms of total visits (21.5m visits in one week in January 2012, 30 fold increase vs. July 2011). Pinterest is primarily considered part of an overall social media strategy, but whilst doing some SEO planning for a Client the other day I realised how well it could also fit within the SEO framework.

This blog gives my approach to using Pinterest to identify potential domains for link building and find relevant bloggers/influencers to build relationships with. It’s deliberately simple because simple ideas are quicker to implement. Step 1. These will come from the standard planning you do for any SEO project with a hit list of keyword queries that you want to go after. Why do you need targets? Because heading into Pinterest with no clear goal and then trying to find the most useful content would be like finding a needle in a haystack. 5 Powerful Wordpress Plugins To Increase Sharing Of Your Articles. Is your business keeping up with the ever evolving blogging industry? And most importantly, are you taking any steps to make it dead easy for your readers to share your articles?

All recent research I found points towards the fact that blogging is gaining importance month over month. In 2011 alone, 14 million new blogs were added to the blogosphere. A lot of emphasis is placed on producing the best content for your blog to drive leads to your site. And rightly so. 1. Digg Digg is a sharing plugin, that has gotten a big overhaul recently. Of course you can also decide to put buttons at the top or bottom of your articles if you prefer not to show the sliding bar. How does it increase sharing of your posts? There was recently some stunning research put out by BrightEdge. A growing number of consumers trust blogs are as likely to have the same amount of sharing as traditional online news articles. 2. Have you ever read an article on the New York Times?

3. 4. 5. Over to you now. Why employees should use Social media at work. I have seen several cases recently debating that social media should or should not be used in the workplace and each debate raises interesting points for and against. I have my own opinion on this, which I obviously believe to be right for us because of the industry we operate in. This will not be right for every company in every industry, but I think can be decided on by factoring in two things. IndustryJob Role Obviously if you are in a social industry as we are in (Digital Marketing), or are a social media agency it makes sense to encourage social media use at work as it is mutually beneficial for the company and employees. The employees help grow the brand and the brand in-turn helps to build the employees personal brand.

However, this won’t necessarily translate to all businesses or industries. Arguments for allowing the use of social media at work: Arguments against using social media at work: Why it makes sense to me to allow it Employers fears Brand evangelists What platforms?? Ownership. SEO / How to use Google more effectively to find what you're after. How to apologise on Twitter | What I learned today. This morning Jimmy Carr said sorry for avoiding some of his tax bill. This is a text book apology done over Twitter. Nice and simple. Gives the facts. Takes responsibility. Sounds human. Makes an apology and describes an outcome. I’ll point out again that I’m not an especial fan of Jimmy Carr but it’s worth noting this is a Twitter apology done well. Hopefully the debate will now move on to discuss the institutional structures that support and condone tax avoidance and move away from scapegoating individuals.

Like this: Like Loading... What Makes a Brand in the Eyes of a Search Engine? A recent Econsultancy post about search engine ranking factors in the UK suggested that “Top brands have a ranking advantage”. Although we have been aware that bigger brands have often dominated the SERPs in many industries, it’s becoming clear that they really do have the ability to perform well in rankings for generic keywords (not just brand terms) above others in the same industry whose brands may not be as established.

The Econsultancy post suggests that standard on-page ranking factors such as keywords within headings, content and titles don’t have as much of an influence if you’re an established brand. In other words, if you are a big brand, Google won’t take into account the standard rankings factors that the rest of us have to play to! The implications: I can understand the logic behind this concept to some extent. I interpret this as another example of how the web is experiencing what I like to a call a ‘reversal’.

What factors indicate a brand in the eyes of a search engine? The cult of TED. 20 June 2012Last updated at 20:20 ET By Jon Kelly BBC News Magazine Once a select forum of the great and good, the Technology Entertainment and Design (TED) conference now has millions of avid online fans. How did an elite ideas-sharing gathering go mainstream? Falling animals, misbehaving toddlers and footage of Justin Bieber may populate the bulk of any YouTube most-viewed list. But amid the viral clips and pop music promos is a series of videos that seems to go against all received wisdom about what online audiences like to consume.

Their tone is sunnily optimistic, go-getting, Californian, with titles like Information Is Food, Crowdsource Your Health and Inventing Is the Easy Part. They feature luminaries such as Stephen Hawking, JK Rowling and Bono delivering 18-minute lectures about big ideas - technology, culture, the environment, science, social trends. Bill Gates unleashed mosquitoes on a TED audience in 2009 The talks have a habit of catching on. "It has a cultish feel to it. SEO WordPress Plugins. SEO WordPress Plugin’s All in One SEO Pack – One of the most popular plugins ever for WordPress, this plugin does a bit of everything for you from helping choose the best post title and keywords, to helping you avoid duplicate content and more. Automatic SEO Links – Automatic SEO Links allows you to choose a word or phrase for automatic linking, both internal and external, set anchor text, choose if it should be “nofollow” or not, and more.

One of the best features of this plugin is that it will only do this for the first occurrence of a word in a post so you don’t have to worry about spamming your post with numerous links to the same thing. Google XML Sitemaps – An essential tool in any blogger’s armory of SEO tools. While the name only mentions “Google,” this plugin creates an XML-sitemap that can be read by Ask, MSN and Yahoo also. Meta Robots WordPress plugin – An easy solution for adding robot metadata to any page you choose on your blog.

Other Plugins: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. iBegin Share. Travel sites failing to optimise images and video for search. As we pointed out in a blog post yesterday, the travel industry is highly sophisticated in its use of digital marketing, and SEO in particular. A report from Epiphany and Searchmetrics found that TripAdvisor dominates organic search rankings, but other travel sites are achieving high visibility in SERPs by targeting niche keywords and building high quality backlinks. Another section of the report shows that a majority of sites are failing to make the most of videos and images to maximise their search visibility.

It has a big impact on traffic, as page one visibility in SERPs can often be achieved more quickly through good universal search rankings. And good visual content is integral for the travel sector, with people keen to see pictures and video guides of places, tourist attractions and hotels. So why is it so important, and which sites are getting it right? Video optimisation Image optimisation Which travel sites are getting it right? According to the report: 37 Reasons Your Online Marketing Strategy is Failing. Without even realising it, some businesses are plotting their own online downfall. Using outmoded techniques and following misguided advice, they’re stumbling towards digital oblivion. However, it doesn’t need to be this way. There are solutions to almost every problem, as long as you are prepared to implement them. WARNING: This post/dissertation/book is possibly the longest you’ll stumble across today.

Make yourself a cup of tea and select your biscuit of choice before diving in. You may be advised to return at a later date if necessary. I wholeheartedly apologise. Sometimes we all need a hefty dose of realism to slap us firmly in the face. Perhaps you were basking in the glories of dedicating an unfathomably sizable percentage of your resources into buying anchor text links – right up until the Penguin update sent you slipping down the pecking order.

Online marketing isn’t as black and white as you might imagine. So, here we go…. 1. 2. Facebook is huge. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Facebook Pages Get Administrator Roles and Scheduled Posts. Facebook is continuing to beef up its offerings to Facebook Page administrators, adding features that were previously only available in third party apps, with the latest allowing them to assign administrator roles and schedule posts. Page administrators will no doubt appreciate the ability to assign specific roles to other admins. There are five different categories now available on Facebook. In descending order of the most permissions, they are Manager, Content Creator, Moderator, Advertiser and Insight Analyst. The Manager has the most permissions, including sending messages, creating posts, ads and viewing insights.

The Manager is the only admin who can access admin roles. The ‘Insight Analyst’ has the least permissions, able only to view insights. With larger brands employing an entire social media team to manage their online presence, the ability to restrict permissions will probably come in handy, allowing for a more control, and hopefully less Facebook social media fails. SoundCloud “Unmutes” Twitter - Player Now Expands Inside Tweets.

Google AdWords: The Small Business Guide. A Look Inside the Google London Offices (With Electric Chair!) Have you ever wondered what it is like inside the new Google offices in London? Well some people may have even been there, or maybe you got a job there. Others have no idea what they look like however. Well stop wondering, we have seen pictures before and no below you can find pictures from what is said to be (unconfirmed, but it sure looks like it) the new London offices. They are probably closed today, most like many offices in London because of the Queens’ Jubilee, but here’s your chance to look inside. Are you jealous? And did you find that one awkward one, an electric chair..? It is a nice hallway, very British!

Round round, baby go round… Haven’t the Flinstones invented these lamps..? Is that grass..? Looks like a Spa Love that screen!! Yes, this really is a gym Wait… is that… an… electric chair…? Looks like this chair is floating… Let’s play hide and seek! Table tennis. Via “Fresher” Bas van den Beld Bas van den Beld is a speaker, trainer and online marketing strategist. Local Search Ranking Factors | Local SEO Best Practices for Ranking in Google +Local. Local Pack/Finder Ranking Factors Google My Business Signals (Proximity, categories, keyword in business title, etc.) 25.12%Link Signals (Inbound anchor text, linking domain authority, linking domain quantity, etc.) 16.53%Review Signals (Review quantity, review velocity, review diversity, etc.) 15.44%On-Page Signals (Presence of NAP, keywords in titles, domain authority, etc.) 13.82%Citation Signals (IYP/aggregator NAP consistency, citation volume, etc.) 10.82%Behavioral Signals (Click-through rate, mobile clicks to call, check-ins, etc.) 9.56%Personalization 5.88%Social Signals (Google engagement, Facebook engagement, Twitter engagement, etc.) 2.82% Localized Organic Ranking Factors Introduction Another year, and another Local Search Ranking Factors survey is here.

My apologies for being late with it again. I developed our own survey tool and, as with any software project, it always takes longer than you expect. Definitions GMB Listing Google My Business Listing. GMB Landing Page Local Pack. A Guide To Making Shareable Content For Google+ In the first of a four part series (every Thursday) through a series of expert guest bloggers we hope to unravel and help you understand Google+. Here’s part 1: Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you’ve no doubt heard of Google Plus. You may have even already created a page for your business on this ever-expanding social network. Well, whether you created your business page out of curiosity, to protect your brand, or just out of fear of not being on it, one thing is for certain, you need to do more than just create a business page to get any benefit from Google Plus. Whilst this sounds really obvious, the kind of content that you share on your Google Plus business page, and the way you share it, can really determine whether your brand is successful on this social network.

Why should you care if your content is sharable? In this post, you will discover how to make your updates and the content you post as ‘sharable’ as possible. Is your content relevant? Viral Content Original Content. Pinerly. The Increasing Complexity of the Organic SEO Task List for 2012 & 2013. Search Engine News - SEO Optimization Strategies from Planet Ocean · Updates · Quick service is key for digital fashion brands. 12 Ways to Improve Quality Score in AdWords. Business - Richard Ting - Why Mobile Will Dominate the Future of Media and Advertising. Business News & Strategy For Entrepreneurs | The 10 Commandments of Using Pinterest for Business (Infographic)

Making Sense Of Key Pinterest Metrics And Analytics Tools. Designing a Website For Mobiles. When Will Google Let Webmasters Block Unwanted Links In Webmaster Tools? The Marketer’s Guide to Reddit. How SEO Killed Online Reviews. Twitter Just Went Through A Giant Reorg. Why A Diverse Link Profile Is More Critical Than Ever. Link Building Means Earning "Hard Links" Not "Easy Links" Youtube Video Views Decrease as the Focus Turns to Engagement. How to Design a Website for SEO. Home | Google Product Search To Become Google Shopping, Use Pay-To-Play Model. Has SEO Really Changed That Much? Web Design in Hampshire – Innovative Web and Graphic Design Agency.

Are Facebook Pages Getting Less Traffic From Google & Bing? Google Penguin Recovery Information & Penguin Checklist « beu blog. Google+ Local Launched.