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Berkeley author George Lakoff says, 'Don't underestimate Trump' — Berkeleyside. George Lakoff, retired UC Berkeley professor and author of Don’t Think of an Elephant, is one of a very few people in Berkeley who does not underestimate Donald Trump.

Berkeley author George Lakoff says, 'Don't underestimate Trump' — Berkeleyside

“Trump is not stupid,” he tells anyone who will listen. “He is a super salesman, and he knows how to change your brain and use it to his advantage.” In fact, Lakoff predicted a year ago that Trump would win with 47% of the vote. (The actual total was 46%.) Lakoff even told Hillary Clinton’s campaign and PAC staffers how to counteract Trump’s message. As far back as 2006, Lakoff saw the writing on the wall. Lakoff’s message is simple, but it is couched in the language of cognitive linguistics and neuroscience. But a worldview is exactly what Lakoff is talking about. This theory explains why even college-educated Trump voters could ignore so many facts about their candidate.

Our thoughts are chemical in nature, and occur within the confines of a physical body: we are not 100 percent rational beings. If Your Talk Doesn’t Do These Three Things, Don’t Give It. Whether you’re giving a toast at a wedding or a big keynote address at a trade show, you know you need to get your act together.

If Your Talk Doesn’t Do These Three Things, Don’t Give It

What you may not know is how. After all, there’s separate advice out there for giving impromptu speeches like toasts and for delivering more formal talks before large audiences. But no matter how those experiences differ, they all need to accomplish three key things. Lead With a Story Resources. Resources For free downloadable resources, click on the links below:

Lead With a Story Resources

The secret to spreading ideas: Bernadette Jiwa at TEDxPerth. What makes a good social media strategist? MIT Training Delivery Guide. What makes a training program excellent?

MIT Training Delivery Guide

How might the optimal delivery method be chosen? How are we, as diverse participants, engaged and inspired to learn at our best? With advancing technologies and an increasing focus on work-place learning, more and more decisions need to be made about training design and delivery, and it is helpful to consider these and other questions before designing and delivering a training.

This guide is designed for those involved in the development of these programs, including content owners, course developers, sponsors and others. It is not a decision-tree, but rather a practical resource to assist in making training decisions. We would like to add that nothing can replace the wonderful human elements that truly allow for authentic learning. Here’s A Google Perk Any Company Can Imitate: Employee-To-Employee Learning. Adam Green sprinkles his lecture on data visualization with class participation.

Here’s A Google Perk Any Company Can Imitate: Employee-To-Employee Learning

“Does anyone read sheet music?” He asks before showing a video that re-imagines music notation in a more visual way. “Anyone ever in the military?” Six Things Focus Groups Won't Tell You. About. Want to let people share and use your photographs, but not allow companies to sell them?


Looking for access to course materials from the world’s top universities? Want to encourage readers to re-publish your blog posts, as long as they give you credit? Looking for songs that you can use and remix, royalty-free? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then you should learn more about Creative Commons. Www2.paradigmlearning. Teaching with 5 Infographics to Teach You How to Easily Create Infographics in PowerPoint [+ TEMPLATES]

Despite the spattering of headlines that have popped up over the past couple years proclaiming "infographics are dead," infographics are, in fact, alive and well.

5 Infographics to Teach You How to Easily Create Infographics in PowerPoint [+ TEMPLATES]

We just checked -- they're totally healthy. I mean, there are a lot of them, but when marketers spend the time aligning the topic, content, and style of their infographics with the needs and preferences of their target audiences, they're still finding success. (And by "success" I mean driving traffic -- and potential leads -- to their websites and generating social buzz through people sharing and commenting.)

12 Insights with Infographics. Brainstorming, You’re Holding It Wrong. — Career Pathing. We don’t teach people to be creative.

Brainstorming, You’re Holding It Wrong. — Career Pathing

We teach art. We teach creative writing. We even teach business leaders how to “cultivate innovation”. The Digital Tool Landscape. The iPad Toolkit for Learning? It is interesting to reflect how this simplification of iPad key tools has changed in a relatively short space of time. iWork suite aside, you could purchase the above apps for less than the cost of a textbook and have a model that could enhance learning with the right application.

The iPad Toolkit for Learning?

For those educators who are using iPads in the classroom, the suggestions above will be nothing new. The hope is that other educators will not feel overwhelmed by the diagram and actually view a number of core apps as manageable for their own learning curve. It must be said that there are a number of applications that I could happily add to the diagram that would be useful for the toolkit.

For example, Showbie (a way of collecting, assessing and handing back student work) would certainly meet the requirements of many iPad learning environments. iPad in Education. How To Start Using iTunes U In The Classroom. Previously I wrote an article about the incredible potential of iTunes U for both student and staff learning.

How To Start Using iTunes U In The Classroom

I posed the question: Why Aren’t We Talking More About iTunes U? I was blown away by the many positive remarks in response to this article from others that have also experienced the benefits of iTunes U. 2013 Edtech Digest Awards. EdTech Digest Awards Program 2013 | Raising the Roof Results are in for the third annual EdTech Digest Awards Recognition Program honoring tools, trendsetters and leaders in the education and technology sector. The distinguished awards program recognizes outstanding solutions—and the best and brightest minds—in education and technology. This year there was no shortage of either, as entries hit an all-time high. From dozens to hundreds of startups; from blips to billions in venture capital; and from millionaire kindergarten teachers sharing lesson plans to YouTube tutors on the cover of Forbes — the edtech world continues to raise the roof in terms of sheer numbers and activity.

Past winners of the EdTech Digest Awards Program have included, among others: Pearson, Epson and McGraw-Hill, as well as emerging solutions providers Panarea Digital, StudySync and StudyBlue. . · New Product or Service · Academic Gaming Solution · Emerging Technology Solution · Professional Development Solution. Computer Training Assessments - Office 2010 - New Horizons Southern California.

Assess Skills to Realize the True Value of Training By assessing needs at the beginning of the learning lifecycle, students and corporate decision-makers are able to identify and select the right solutions to maximize their training investment. Assessments establish learning goals and measure the effectiveness of a training program, thereby demonstrating the value of training.

A pre-assessment of skill-levels identifies knowledge gaps so that training needs can be mapped to objectives. A post-assessment verifies that the required skill-level has been attained. New Horizons Southern California assessments can be accessed through Learning Port, our powerful Web-based tool that provides organizations and individuals with the resources to assess, reinforce and validate skills. How to Read Your LinkedIn Network · Phil Willburn – Networked Leadership. Recently I have been getting tons of requests about how to map and make sense of online networks – in addition to my work on how to map and analyze as offline line networks. So I thought I would create a series of blog posts on How to Read my (linkedin, facebook, twitter, gmail, fill in the blank) network. I’ve done quite a bit of work with people’s LinkedIn network so I thought I would start here and share what I have learned. Before I begin, regardless of what network you are looking at it’s important to keep in mind the 3 key principles to effective networks.

First to get your linked in network go to Caution, if you have a big network, say bigger than 2000 people it will take a long time, and it might not render at all – it takes a lot of math to produce a visualization of your network (think about it, it has to not only look at your 2000 people, but the networks of each of those 2000 people to see if there ‎are any common links). Crisp fifty minute series. Dilbert. How can I get noticed by Robert Scoble? 5 Things Marketers Can Learn From Taylor Swift. Value Creation And Stories To Believe In. In Three Minutes, We Can Teach You How to Create Your Very Own Flipboard Magazine. If you’re just getting started with Flipboard magazines — or just thinking about getting ready to maybe possibly create your very own Flipboard magazine someday — this walkthrough video is a great way to get oriented.

The video is just three minutes long, but it demonstrates everything you need to know to become a Flipboard MagMaker: Later on, when your magazine is up and running, you may also want to read our guide to the Five Things You Absolutely, Positively Need to Know About Your Flipboard Magazines. No pressure, though. Just take it one step at a time. Whenever you’re ready.

In the meantime, we’re excited to see the magazines you create! Peanuts: How to show relationships between concepts. Mini Innovation Bootcamp - HR & Innovation Congress. The Story Behind Your Metrics.